Slavery 1 Flashcards
This State commenced the Emancipation of the slaves via Abolition Gradualism policies. It ended Human Chattelism slavery in 1780.
What four Colonial States institutionalized Racial Slavery AFTER 1700?
Rhode Island (1703 )
New Hampshire ( 1714 )
North Carolina ( 1715 )
Georgia ( 1749 )
Which American Colony became the 1st Colonial State to legalize and institutionalize racial slavery ?
Massachusetts ( 1641 )
Which 2 States freed the slaves in 1783 ?
Massachusetts & New Hampshire
Virginia in the wake of John Punch case began the legalization of Slavery. In what year did this happen?
Sojourner Truth , a Feminist Abolitionist , was an American slave in New York. This State was one of the 13 original American colonies. When did New York legalize and institutionalize Racial Slavery ?
Delaware and Pennsylvania were part of the Original 13 American Colonies. When did these colonial States enact and institutionalize racial slavery ?
When did Massachusetts abolish racial slavery ?
In what year did Rhode Island and Connecticut abolish racial slavery ?
The Preliminary Emancipation became a formal annunciation and declaration of intent “…to free the slaves in the Rebel States on 01 January 1863 and to offer financial assistance to loyal slaves state…” This aligned with the President’s proposed Gradual compensation plan . Its preliminary measure was signed on this Date.
22 September 1862
Rhode Island is one of the 2 States to abolish racial slavery in 1784 under the Gradual Abolition plan. This other State ironically in 1848 approved the law to free the “ remaining “ slaves . Identify the other State.
A slave who sought refuge with or was impressed by the Union forces. General Benjamin Butler at Fort Monroe coined this wartime term.His rationale stated that in wartime the Union had a right to free or enroll the property of its enemies.
The Spanish Crown’s grant of the Legal rights to Native labourers to the Racist Spanish Conquistadors The outcome was exploitation of both Native Indian and Africans..
Spain’s reputation as Blood Thirsty Conquistadors.
Black Legend
The European Movement of plants , animals , human chattels , and European Pathogenic diseases across the Atlantic ocean to Africa and the New Worlds.
Columbian Exchange
The Transformative Conversion of tangible objects such the indigenes’ numinous, ritual, and liturgical objects into profitable mercantile commodities . Such conversion increased the monetary value.
The Protectionist Economic Principles emphasizing for the Nation to control the commercial trade with their colonies . This ideology ensures an auspicious Balance of Trade.
The Brewing conflict between the Indian natives and the European settlers( colonists) . Indians staged numerous raids and wars in Eastern North America. The Indian held settlers as hostages and used them to replace their deceased kin lost to European disease: smallpox and other pathogenic diseases.
Mourning Wars
A disease that European brought to the New World . It caused the augmentation of the Mortality rate among Indian natives AND African enslaved genres. They had NO Immunity to the European diseases.
One of the primary crops of the Americas requiring. Complex Labor intensive production.
Sugar Cane