Slang Flashcards
Apa kabar?
How are you?
Lagi ngapain?
What are you doing?
Santai aja
Just relax
Biasa aja
Just normal
Keren banget!
So cool!
Gimana sih?
What’s up with that?
Gila, keren!
Wow, that’s cool!
Udah dulu ya
That’s all for now
Ntar aja
Gue lapar
I’m hungry
Males banget
So lazy
Jadi nggak?
Are we still on?
Ngerti nggak?
Do you understand?
Yaudah deh
Alright then
Gue pulang duluan
I’m heading home
Kasihan banget
That’s so sad
Nggak mungkin
No way
Emang bener?
Is that true?
Gue setuju
I agree
Masa sih?
Serius lo?
Are you serious?
Kayak gitu
Like that
Nggak usah repot
No need to bother
Maklum deh
Just understand
Sama aja
It’s the same
Gue sibuk
I’m busy
Asyik nih!
This is fun!
Beneran nggak?
Really not?
Gue nggak percaya
I don’t believe it
Udah gitu aja
That’s it
Lihat aja nanti
Let’s see later
Gue nggak peduli
I don’t care
Bener banget
Exactly right
Woles aja
Just chill
Kapan-kapan deh
Some other time
Ngapain sih?
What’s that for?
Tenang aja
Calm down
Jangan lebay
Don’t exaggerate
Gue bercanda
I’m joking
Sekali-kali dong
Once in a while
Gue nggak ngerti
I don’t understand
Apa-apaan nih?
What’s going on?
Jadi gimana?
So what’s the decision?
Lo becanda?
Are you kidding?
Gue kesel
I’m annoyed
Santuy banget
So chill
Wow (teasing)
Kepoan deh
So curious
Pusing gue
I’m confused
Nggak apa-apa
It’s okay
Santai bro
Relax bro