Slalom Consulting Slack Admin Exam Prep Flashcards
Understand Slack terms and concepts in prep for Admin Certification
Access logs
A security feature available to Owners and Admins of a workspace or org that lists account access details for all members. Individual members can view access logs for their own account.
All unreads
Browsing the All unreads view on your desktop lets you catch up on the messages you missed when you were away from Slack. While you’re at it, you can act on those messages too.
An overview of channel and member activity and usage, providing insight into how your team uses Slack.
Any internal or third-party software that integrates with Slack. Apps can be added to and used within a workspace.
App Directory
A collection of Slack-owned and third-party apps that can be added to your workspace.
When a channel is no longer needed, you can archive it to close the channel to new activity.
This refers to your status in Slack. From the grey dot next to your name, your teammates will know you’re away.
With Slack calls, you can make a voice or video call and connect with any member of your workspace.
Channels are spaces for all the people, tools, and files you need to get work done in Slack. You can create channels for different teams, topics, and projects to bring order and clarity to work.
Channel details
Channel details provide information about a channel, such as its topic, description, and a list of members who have joined it.
Channel list
The list of channels, direct messages, apps, and starred items that appear on the left side of the Slack desktop app.
Channel management
Administrators can choose who can create, archive, and remove members from channels.
Channel settings
A menu found in channels that allow you to invite new members, set notification preferences, and mute or leave the channel.
Channel suggestions
An occasional message from Slackbot that helps you discover other channels to join, leave, or star.
Conversation settings
A menu found in direct messages to view a member’s profile, view conversation details, and edit message retention (if applicable).
Custom emoji
Upload custom emoji to enhance messages and communication in Slack.
Custom status
Customize your status to let people know when you’re in a meeting, on your lunch break, or observing a holiday, for example.
Data exports
On any plan, Workspace Owners and Admins can export message and file data from any public channel. On the Business+ and Enterprise Grid plans, Workspace Owners and Org Owners can apply to export data from all channels and conversations, including private channels and direct messages.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
A software product that enables customers managing sensitive or regulated data to meet their obligations through routine exports and other management of protected data. Note: Third-party DLP solution
required. Enterprise Grid Only.
Default channel
Set default channels for new members to automatically join when they create an account on your workspace.
Deactivate account
When you’re ready to leave a workspace for good, deactivate your account. For every workspace you’ve joined, you’ll need to deactivate each account individually.
A description of the way a channel will be used.
Direct message (DM)
Direct messages are one-to-one conversations between you and another member.
Use the directory in Slack to find the right people and stay better connected.
Discovery API
The Discovery API supports eDiscovery and data loss prevention (DLP) solutions that enable customers managing sensitive or regulated data to meet their obligations through routine exports and other management of protected data.
Display name
A person’s first name, or nickname listed in their profile. This is what people would like to be referred to in Slack.
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Setting Do Not Disturb hours will automatically disable notifications while you’re not working, whereas manually pausing notifications allows you to disable them on the fly. When DND or snooze is in effect, Slack will not send you notifications (desktop, mobile, or email) for the messages or@mentionsyou receive.
Downtimeis based on two factors: the number of minutes Slack was unavailable, and the percentage of customers that were affected. If Slack is down, we use server monitoring software to measure the server side error rate, ping test results, web server tests, TCP port tests, and website tests.
A software product that enables customers managing sensitive or regulated data to meet their obligations through routine exports and other management of protected data.
Email notification
By default, you’ll get email notifications if you’re notactively using Slackand you’re mentioned or sent a direct message.
Emoji are a handy way to add additional depth and meaning to your messages. The emoji you see in Slack will reflect the device you’re using to access the app. In other words, Slack will display emoji inApple’s style on iOS and Mac devices,while Windows, Linux, and Android users will see Google’s style.
Emoji reaction
Quickly respond to any message on Slack with an emoji reaction. Reactions can be used for any purpose: voting, checking off to-do items, showing excitement — and just for fun.
Enterprise Grid plan
The main plan for enterprise customers, Enterprise Grid allows a customer to connect multiple workspaces under a single organization.
Enterprise Key Management (EKM)
Enterprise Key Management gives customers control of their encryption keys, which are used to encrypt and decrypt messages and files sent in Slack. This means that a customer has both visibility into and control over the messages and files it submits to the Service.
Fair Billing Policy
This is what we call our unique billing policy, which automatically stops charging for members that become inactive.
Free plan
You can use Slack with a limited number of features for free, but if you need more features and functionality, we offer three paid plans: Pro (Standard), Business+ (Plus), and Enterprise Grid.
Follow thread
Follow a thread to be notified about new replies. See Thread.
Forced password reset
A setting where administrators canforce a reset of all passwords for all members in a workspace. Each member will receive a message from Slackbot telling them that a reset has been triggered, and will then receive a password reset link via email.
Full name
A person’s entire name listed in their profile. This could mean “first and last”, although it can also mean many other things in many different cultures and countries.
There are two types of guest roles available in Slack, each with their own set of permissions: Single-Channel Guests and Multi-Channel Guests.Guests have different permissions and access than Workspace Members, Admins, and Owners.
Group direct message (Group DM)
Group direct messages are smaller discussions, outside of channels, between you and up to eight other members.
Slack’sdesktop and mobile appsallow you to stay signed in to multiple workspacesif you’re a member of more than one. To help you keep track, icons for each workspaceappear in theWorkspace Switcheron the left.
A commercial document between Slack and a customer that outlines the terms of sale, and provides information on how to make payment.
Join and leave messages
Join and leave messages let other members know who’s coming and going in a channel. By default, all join and leave messages are visible in channels. Smaller groups working together in Slack may find these messages helpful, but large groups might prefer to hide them.
Keywords alert you to conversations in channels you’ve joined about topics that interest you. Anytime someone uses one of your keywords in a message,you’ll receive a notificationand see the keyword highlighted in yellow.
Magic link
When signing in to Slack, opt to receive an email with a special sign-in link that expires after 24 hours — a convenient alternative to typing out your password.
Member is a type of role in Slack. Member is the default role for new people invited to a workspace.
Mention (@mention)
When you send a message and include an @mention, the person you mention will be notified. Type the @ sign followed by a member’s full name or display name.
Mentions & reactions
When people react to your messages or mention you or your keywords, you’ll see it listed in theMentions & reactionsview at the top of your left sidebar.
Message field
The message field is where you type and send messages in channels and direct messages.
Message retention & deletion
By default, Slack keeps all your messages for the lifetime of your workspace. If you’d like, you can have them deleted after a set amount of time. You can alsoconfigure this for specific channels.
More actions
Hover over any message and the more actions menu will appear on the right. From there, follow or copy a link to the message, mark it unread, set a reminder, pin it to the channel, and more!
Multi-Channel Guest
Multi-Channel Guest is a type of role in Slack that gives someone access to one or more channels in your workspace. This type of guest role is only available on paid plans.
Slack notifications keep you informed about things that need your attention.
Notification preferences
You can customize your notification preferences for desktop, mobile, and specific channels from any device.
Org is an abbreviation of organization as it relates to a company’s Enterprise Grid organization that powers the design, usage, and administration of multiple interconnected Slack workspaces.
With Enterprise Grid, an organization powers the design, usage, and administration of multiple interconnected Slack workspaces.
Organization Admin
Org Admin is a type of role in Slack, specifically on the Enterprise Grid plan. They can manage organization policies, security and access, and administrative settings for an org.
Organization Owner
Org Owner is a type of role in Slack, specifically on the Enterprise Grid plan. They can manage organization policies, security and access, and administrative settings for an org.
Organization URL
If your company is on the Enterprise Grid plan, yourorganization URLis the web address your members will use to access Slack.
Paid plans
For more features and functionality, we offer three paid plans: Pro (Standard), Business+ (Plus), and Enterprise Grid.
Paper clip icon
Thepaper clip icon on the right side of the message field is used to add a post, snippet, or file to a channel or direct message (DM).
Pin important items to a channel or direct message so you and other members can conveniently access them.
Posts let you share long-form, formatted content — like project plans or documentation — directly in Slack.
Your profile helps teammates learn more about who you are. Bydefault, everyonecan add the following to their profile: aname, job description or title, phone number, and time zone.
Quick Switcher
The Quick Switcher is an easy way to move in Slack without leaving your keyboard. With two keystrokes, jump between direct messages (DMs), channels, and even multiple workspaces.
Nickname for Emoji reaction.
Reacji Channeler
With Reacji Channeler, an app built by Slack, you can instantly copy a message from one public channel to another using specific emoji reactionsor “reacji”. This comes in handy when something posted to a channel could be useful to conversations happening elsewhere across your workspace.
Send yourself or other members a reminder for anything: important meetings, to-do items, and even motivational messages.
Use thesave icon to add important messages and files to yourSaved itemsview and come back to them anytime.
Screen sharing
During a call, present your screen or allow others to draw on it.
Using search in Slack, it’s easy to come back to the right messages and files when you need to. Use the search field to find a message or file and narrow results using filters and modifiers.
Search field
The search field is where you go to find information in your workspace.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Our Service Level Agreement (SLA) for customers on the Business+ plan and above guarantees a 99.99% monthly uptime.
Session duration
A setting that makes it so once logged in, members will remain signed in until they explicitly sign out. This setting allows you to force users to log in after a certain amount of time has elapsed since their last login.
Single-Channel Guest
Single-Channel Guest is a type of role in Slack that gives someone access to one channel in your workspace. This type of guest role is only available on paid plans.
Single sign-on (SSO)
SSO is a process that permits someone to enter their name and password from one system (like Google or Okta) to access their account in a Slack workspace, without needing credentials for Slack.
Slackbot is a built-in bot in Slack.
Slackbot responses
Add customized automatic responses via Slackbot whenever someone in your workspace uses one of the unique word or phrase triggers.
Slack API
Slack API documentation helps developers build internal tools, brilliant bots, useful apps, and simplified workflows for their teams, or to share with Slack’s customers on the App Directory.
Slack Connect
Slack Connect transforms the way you work alongside your partners, vendors, or customers by moving conversations out of siloed email threads and into the same place.
Slash command
Slash commands act as shortcuts that trigger messages or actions from Slack, an app, or an integration.
Snippets are a quick, easy way to share bits of code or plain text in your workspace.
Stars are a way to mark an item in Slack as important. You can star messages, files, channels, and direct messages.
System roles
System roles give organizations more flexibility around permissions that can be granted to members.
A preference to change your message theme to Clean (clear, friendly, and focused) or Compact (the most messages you can fit on screen at once).
A conversation consisting of an initial Slack message and its replies.
An area of the Slack app where all your threads can be viewed.
The timestamp shows you the exact date and time a message in Slack was sent or shared.
The channel topic is a quick way to let people know what the channel is for. The topic appears in the channel header, and anyone in the channel can modify it.
Transfer ownership
A Primary Owner has the highest level of permissions in Slack — you become one by creating a new Slack workspace or Enterprise Grid organization. If needed, primary ownership can be transferred to another member.
Two-factor authentication (2FA, multi-factor authentication)
A preference that requires you to use two-factor authentication for signing in to your account.
You can unarchive a channel that has been archived.
Monthly Uptimeis the percentage of total possible minutes Slack was available.
User groups
A user group is an easy way to get the attention of many members at once. When you mention a group’s unique display name — like @managers, for example — everyone in that group will be notified.
Video calls
Talk or video conference in Slack.
Voice calls
Talk with your teammates in Slack.
Slack is a channel-based messaging platform. In a Slack workspace, people can work together more effectively, connect all their software tools and services, and find the information they need to do their best work.
Workspace URL
YourworkspaceURLis the web address your members will use to access Slack.
Workspace Administrator
Workspace Administrator is a role in Slack. Workspace Admins can manage members, channels, and other administrative functions in your workspace.
Workspace Owner
Workspace Owner is a type of role in Slack. They can do everything Workspace Admins can do, but they also control the highest-level security and administrative settings: payments, authentication methods, security policies, etc.
Workspace Primary Owner
Workspace Primary Owner is a type of role in Slack. They can do everything Workspace Owners can do, but they also have the ability to delete the workspace.
Workspace Settings
Administrators can adjust workspace-wide settings and preferences that apply to all members of the workspace.
Workspace-wide two-factor authentication
A setting that requires everyone in the workspace to configure and use two-factor authentication for signing in.
This refers to your status in Slack. From the green dot next to your name, your teammates will know you’re active.
The red circular shape with a number next to a channel, member’s name, or the Slack app icon when you receive a notification.
Billing contacts
Billing-related emails will be sent to billing contacts. This list of billing contacts includes all Workspace Owners, but you can add other members of the workspace and external contacts if needed.
Billing statement
The billing statement acts as a proof of payment and is emailed to Workspace Owners and billing contacts each time payment is charged.
Binding email
A binding email allows a member to sign up for a Slack workspace when single sign-on is enabled. This helps Slack confirm we’re giving access to people with access to receive email at the email address that the binding email is sent to.
File storage per plan
1 Standard 10GB per user
2 Plus 20GB per user
3 Enterprise 1,000 GB per user (1TB)
Multi-workspace channels
Connects multiple internal workspaces together. Multi-workspace channels allow members to maintain focused workspaces, by providing a dedicated space for cross-functional work, knowledge exchange, or shared interests. Only available in Enterprise Grid Plan
Admin APIs
A set of APIs that help automate org, workspace and app management. The APIs allow you to build tools to help
automate tasks such as inviting users to a workspace, creating a new workspace, setting a user as a workspace admin, and approving or rejecting app requests, for example. Enterprise Grid only.
IDP Groups
Sync groups from your SCIM-enabled identity provider to Slack in order to auto-assign those groups of users to specific workspaces in your Grid org. (Only in Enterprise)
Domain claiming
Claim all of your domains to prevent people from creating unsanctioned workspaces outside of your org.
Whitelisting workspaces
Use an SSL proxy to prevent anyone on your network from signing in to a non-whitelisted workspace. (Enterprise Grid only)
Enterprise mobility management (EMM)
Control how company data is used and accessed on mobile devices. Prevent non-managed devices from accessing your Slack org and choose to restrict download, copy, and paste.
Grid workspace discovery
Determine how users discover and/or join Slack workspaces via invite-only, by request or hidden
from discovery.
Pull messages and files from Slack and store the information in third-party data warehouses for archiving, discovery and compliance. Note: Third-party ediscovery solution required (Enterprise grid only)
Custom Terms of Service (ToS)
Personalize the corporate rules to join
and use Slack via a custom terms of
service (TOS) users must accept prior
to login. (Enterprise grid only)
List all nine Slack roles.
- Invited Members
- Guests
- Members
- Workspace Admins
- Workspace Owner
- Workspace Primary Owners
- Org Admin
- Org Owners
- Org Primary Owner (most powerful administrative role in Slack)
Three Responsibilities of Org Admin
1 Maintain a secure Grid organization
2 Encourage collaboration
3 Foster community
Four settings for workspace visibility
1 Open Anyone in your organization can view and join the workspace.
2 By Request - Any org member can request to join the workspace
3 Invite Only - Any org member can beinvited to join(by a Workspace Owner/Admin) oradded to the workspace(by an Org Owner/Admin).
4 Hidden Members cannot view the workspace and must beinvited to join(by a Workspace Owner/Admin) oradded(by an Org Owner/Admin)
Why do Domain Claiming?
- Make your org’s connected workspaces easier to find.
- Prevent people from creating unsanctioned workspaces outside of your org.
- Allow people with email addresses in specific domains to join your org.
4 Grid Design Concepts
- Model & structure
- Roles & responsibilities
- Policies & settings
- Architecture & security
5 user benefits of a well designed Enterprise grid
Frictionless onboarding Increased collaboration Reduction in irrelevant noise Easy access to services Apps management
6 admin benefits of a well designed Enterprise grid
Appropriate controls Members assigned to the right place Stakeholder alignment promotes user adoption Proper security settings Clear and flexible structure that scales Clear metrics
5 Workspace Best Practices
- Create workspaces based on how information is shared
- Create the minimum number of workspaces to meet your users’ needs
- Target 80%+ time in a “primary” workspace
- Provide an overarching, easy-to follow structure to your grid
- Use multi-workspace channels (vs. a new workspace)
List features of Slack’s import and export tools
move member, message and channel data by exporting it from one workspace and importing it to another.
List Seven Grid Migration Steps
1 Establish the destination workspace
2 Add users to the destination workspace.
3 Deprovision any guests accounts from the originating workspace
4 Move channels from the original to the destination workspace.
5 Add guest accounts to the destination
6 Reconfigure apps and integrations in the destination
7 Copy workspace level configurations (Slackbot responses, reminders, etc.) to the destination
List 6 types of Slack Channels
- Public channels
- Private channels
3 Channels shared with external orgs (previously known as shared channels) - Multi-workspace channels (Enterprise Grid only)
- Announcement-only channels
- Default channels
True or False: Once you’ve converted a channel to private, you cannot make it public again.
True or False: All members (by default) can add apps to your Slack workspace
True of False: The #general channel cannot be converted to a private channel.
True or False: If you convert a channel from Public to Private, files within the channel will now become private.
What is the max # of external organizations to a single channel?
19, (more coming soon!)
List key features of the admin dashboard related to Connected orgs / Slack Connect
- A list of all external organizations that you are connected with
- An account of any connections with outside organizations, including channels and direct messages
- The ability to stop sharing all channels with a particular external organization (including private channels and DMs)
True or False: org users of an org connected by Slack Connect cannot use your workspace’s slash commands
True or False: For EKM customers who set up a Slack Connect channel with an external org, messages and files sent are not currently encryptable using your own keys.
True, but only messages and files sent by members of your organization will be encrypted using your keys. Messages and files sent by people from other companies may be encrypted with their keys if they’re also EKM customers.
When using Connect, describe the difference between a shared channel and a guest user.
A guest is someone who feels like a member of your organization but needs limited access to Slack, such as single contractor or intern.
A shared channel is for an external organization, like clients, vendors and partners. Both organizations need to be on a paid Slack plan.
4 steps to start Slack Connect
- Create the channel
- Send the invite
- Wait for your partner to accept
- Get admin approval
@here notifies only the currently active members of a channel. Good for a lunch get together.
@channel notifies all members of a channel, active or not
@everyone notifies every person in your workspace-wide channel, which starts out as #general. Include @everyone in your message to trigger a desktop and mobile notification for all members of the channel.
3 default channel naming conventions
Slack offers three default channel prefixes — #help, #proj, and #team
List a few reserved words for Channel names
English: archive, archived, archives, all, channel, channels, create, delete, deleted-channel, edit, everyone, group, groups, here, me, ms, slack, slackbot, today, you
True or False: Channels are private by default
List benefits of using Public over Private channels
- Public channels build your archive of searchable information.
- Public channels allow you to come and go. • Public channels help get new hires up to speed.
- Check on related projects • Gain better visibility as admins
List good examples of Private channels
Certain teams like HR, Recruiting, Legal, Finance and Management/Executives will likely do a lot of their work in private channels.
List uses of Announcement only channels
- Company-wide announcement channels to share important updates
- Function-oriented channels, such as a benefits announcements channel
- Location-based channels, such as a NYC-office announcements channel
- Channels where apps post information such as tweets, or automated reports
Name 2 Channel Management Best Practices
Have a Channel Purpose filled out
Have a Channel Topic should point members to a pinned post or message listing who manages the channel, how to format requests and other relevant links
4 steps to clean up channels
- Review existing rooms/channels
- Settle on a channel naming convention
- Rename/archive channels as needed
- Add a purpose and topic for business critical channels
True of False: Plus plans have the new org-level dashboard
False, org-level dashboard is only available in Enterprise Grid plans
True or False: In an Enterprise Grid org, user groups are unique to the org level and can be accessed from any workspace.
False - In an Enterprise Grid org, user groups are unique to each workspace and can’t be accessed across all workspaces in the org.
What is “Slack stored credentials”?
Default for organizations on the Standard and Plus plans. Users authenticate with credentials (email and password) stored in Slack’s built-in user database
What are two ways to activate users with SSO enabled?
Option 1: “Just-in-time” (JIT) provisioning
Option 2: SCIM provisioning (pre-provisioning)
Two ways to deactivate users
Deactivate manually
Deactivate automatically via SCIM deprovision
What are two ways to activate users without SSO?
Option 1: Admin invitations
Option 2: Allow email signup
What are “Preserved Apps” from Slack and why are they important?
Preserved apps built by Slack are not deactivated if the app owner is disabled.
TRUE OR FALSE: If you reactivate a member’s account, they won’t have access to any messages they sent prior to their account being deactivated.
TRUE OR FALSE: On Enterprise Grid, account deactivation happens at the org level.
TRUE OR FALSE: You can still access your direct message (DM) history with a member who has been deactivated.
TRUE OR FALSE: An Owner or Admin has the ability to deactivate a members’ account on desktop and mobile app.
False - desktop only
TRUE OR FALSE: People won’t be notified when their accounts are deactivated nor will their messages or files be deleted. But they will be signed out of your workspace(s) on all devices and unable to sign back in.
TRUE OR FALSE: To prevent losing access to critical apps, you should ask the member in the “app creator” role to transfer it to you.
False - transfer the creator role for critical apps to a service Slack account with a shared login so that you never lose access
Single-Channel Guests
are free (workspaces get 5 per paying member).
only have access to the information in the channel in which they’re granted and the ability to direct message users in that channel.
Multi-Channel Guests
are billed the cost of a full license.
can be members of as many channels within a single workspace as you wish to invite them to, including multi-workspace channels (connected to that single workspace).
have access to the information in the channels in which they’re members of and only have the ability to direct message users in those channels.
Describe billing for guests
- Multi-Channel Guests have access to only the channels you specify. They’re billed as regular members and can be added to an unlimited number of channels.
- Single-Channel Guests are free and can only access one channel. For every paid active member in your workspace, you can add up to 5 guests. For example, if you have 10 members, you can invite up to 50 Single-Channel Guests!
Best practices for Guest access
Guest approval process & ask the member to provide core information on the guest (name, email address and company or org), the date access should expire, business justification and channel(s).
What sequence should you use App vs workflow vs Custom
Consider first how you can make your existing tools work better with and in Slack. Then, use workflows or custom apps to facilitate cross-functional processes to link these together.
the ability of different systems, devices, applications or products to connect and communicate in a coordinated way, without effort from the end user
Most basic Slack integrations
email, calendar, calls and files.
List three reccomneded HR Channels
#new-hires-june - Bring together new hires and need-to-know information. #help-benefits-usa - Field questions from new and tenured employees. #onboarding-eng - Help departments and teams standardize onboarding for respective new hires.
How many companies use Slack?
Approximately 142,000 and counting (June 2021)
How many Apps offer pre-built integration to Slack?
about 2400 and counting (June 2021). Slack apps use a range of APIs to access much deeper levels of customization.
What is the primary difference between an App and a Bot
Bots are interacted with via messages, have a name and post messages.
What is the definition of a Workflow
Workflows provide a no-code solution to automate routine tasks, using predefined triggers and steps
List 5 App Interactivity concepts
Incoming webhooks Bot users Slash commands Workflow Builder Shortcuts
List 3 Slack Platform features
Block Kit
Events API
Define Incoming webhooks
provide the easiest way to send a message or notification. And you can make them interactive too. Perfect for process management tools.
Define Bot users
Botusersare special kinds of users that observe & respond to conversational interactions in channels and direct messages. Make work human again.
Define Slash commands
Slash commandsare triggered by users from within Slack. They’re ideal for filing bug reports or building ways to check in on your systems.
What is Workflow Builder?
Workflow Builderis a visual tool for making custom apps that automate business processes in Slack—no coding required.
What are Shortcuts?
Shortcutsgive Slack users the ability to take quick app actions. Apps can create their own shortcuts and use them as a trigger for interactive workflows
What is Block Kit?
Block Kitis the UI framework for building Slack apps. It features composable elements like buttons, check boxes, and images.
What are Modals?
Modalsareflexible, standalone canvases for displaying and collecting data
Define Events API
TheEvents APIpowers all the interactive features on the platform.
Scope naming convention
Object: Action Class: Perspective
Chat: Write: User
(Perspective is optional)
Where are App Permissions listed?
For a list of a specific app’s scopes and permissions, click on the App Permissions tab in the App Directory
Three special App Scopes
Admin, Incoming Webhook, Bot, Commands
True of False: By default, any member of a Slack workspace can install an app to connect a third-party service to Slack without approval from a Workspace Owner.
List 4 Workspace Owner app control features
- Enable app approvalto pre-approve or restrict certain apps
- Allow members torequest appsthat have not been pre-approved
- Grant members permissionto manage app requests
- Decide whether members cansign in to other serviceswith their Slack accounts
Define Workflow Trigger
How your workflow will start. You can choose ashortcuts menutrigger to launch your workflow from the menu in a channel, or another trigger to start your workflow automatically when a certain action is taken.
Define Workflow Step
How people interact with your workflow. You can add steps that send messages or custom forms, or usesteps from Slack appsto link your workflow to other tools.
Define Workflow Variable
Information submitted to your workflow that can be referenced in steps. More variables will be available to choose from as you add steps to your workflow.
Define Workflow Collaborator
A member of your workspace with permission to manage your workflow. Any collaborator can change or remove steps, manage other collaborators, and unpublish or delete a workflow.
list 6 steps to create a workflow
- Set up a workflow in Slack
- Add steps to a workflow
- Manage workflow collaborators
- Publish a workflow
- Manage workflows
- Create more advanced workflows using webhooks
What is a workflow collaborator?
When an owner or admin becomes a collaborator on a workflow, they can edit it, unpublish it, or remove it from Slack entirely.
List 8 points of Slack Security
1 Encryption at rest and in transit 2 Network security and server hardening 3 Administrative access control 4 System monitoring, logging and alerting 5 Endpoint security 6 Data retention and disposal 7 Disaster recovery and business continuity plan 8 External validation
List 5 tactics for strong Identity and Access
1. Single sign-on (SSO) 2 Custom session duration 3 Two-factor authentication 4 User and group provisioning (Plus and Grid) 5 Domain claiming(Enterprise Grid)
List 5 non EMM Security features
- Secondary authentication
- Session management
- Block message copying and file downloads
- Default browser control
- Block jailbroken or rooted devices
True or False: By default Slack encrypts data at rest and in transit as part of our foundational security controls
What is Enterprise Key Management (EKM)?
Bring your own keys to encrypt messages and files in Slack to keep control over your data. Available in Enterprise Grid only.
What is Data Loss Prevention?
Ensure that only approved information is shared in Slack by scanning content within messages and files that break predefined policies using leading cloud access security broker (CASB) solutions. A third-party DLP solution is required here (supported by Slack’s Discovery API)
Available in Enterprise Grid only.
What Are Audit logs ?
Provide a record of changes across your organization that offers visibility and protects against malicious usage. Monitor what’s happening in your Enterprise Grid organization usingSlack’s Audit Logs API.The Audit Logs API can be used by security information and event management (SIEM) tools to provide analysis of how your Slack organization is being accessed. You can also use this API to write your own applications to see how members of your organization are using Slack. Available in Enterprise Grid only.
What is Grid workspace discovery?
Determine how users discover and/or join Slack workspaces. Available in Enterprise Grid only.
What is App and integration management?
Administer how apps or integrations including file management are approved and installed for users.
What are Two Uses of Discovery APIs?
eDiscovery eDiscovery appspull messages and files from Slack, and store the information in third-party data warehouses. From the data warehouses, messages and files can be searched, archived, or retrieved.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) DLPapps ensure confidential information (like credit card and social security numbers) isn’t shared outside of Slack by scanning for content within messages and files that break predefined policies.
Features of eDiscovery
They typically have read-only access to Slack message and file data
Data can’t be quarantined, removed, or tagged within Slack
Data is captured and archived within a data warehouse
Features of DLP
Have read and write access in Slack
Ensure confidential information (like social security numbers) isn’t shared within your Slack workspaces
Allow authorized personnel to manage workspace activity and enforce predefined policies on messages and files shared in Slack
Allow quarantined messages and files to be reviewed or removed
What are uses for Audit Log API?
Audit Log API is used by security information and event management (SIEM) tools to provide analysis of how your Slack organization is being accessed. You can also use this API to write your own applications to see how members of your organization are accessing and using Slack.
What are Global retention policies?
Define and set global, workspace or channel message and file retention policies. Define policies to capture the edits and deletions of messages.
What are Data exports?
Export public channel content from workspaces with Standard exports or export content from public and private channels and direct messages with Corporate exports. (JSON format)
What are custom Terms of Service(TOS)
Outline the corporate rules to join and use Slack via a custom terms of service that users must accept prior to login
4 Features for Information Govenrnance
Global retention policies
Data exports
eDiscovery (Enterprise Grid only)
Custom terms of service (Enterprise Grid only)
Message retention options
Keepall messages, but don’t track revisions
Delete messages and their revisions after…
Three Message Export options
Standard Export (Standard/Plus/Grid plans) Corporate Export (Plus plan) Discovery API export mechanism (Enterprise Grid only)
List common adoption metrics
% active humans who are writers within the last month
% messages written in public channels within the last month
% messages read in public channels within the last month
Median # of messages per human within the last month
% active users using mobile within the last month
% active users who searched within the last month
% active users who reacted within the last month
Operating Team Members
Executive Sponsor Product Owner(s) Slack Org Owners and Admins Project manager(s) Learning and training professionals
Features in Slack Support
Quick onboarding guide Slack 101 training program Tips and tricks On-demand and live webinars Curated content for admins
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