Skull surface features Flashcards
Lateral side of skull, filled by temporalis muscle
Temporal fossa
Connects zygomatic bone (anterior) to temporal bone (posterior)
Zygomatic arch
On crown of head between frontal bone and parietals
Coronal suture
Between occipital bone and parietals, shaped like the capital Greek letter lambda
Lambdoid suture
On crown of head between parietals, on mid-sagittal line
Sagittal suture
Between parietal and temporal bones, on lateral aspect of skull
Squamous all suture
Inferior temporal bone, posterior and lateral to external auditory meatus
Mastoid process
Occipital bone, superior to foramen magnum
External occipital protuberance
Right and left, articulate with superior articular facets of atlas
Occipital condyle
Temporal bone, for articulation with mandibular condyle
Mandibular fossa
Temporal bone, inferior and medial to external auditory meatus
Styloid process
Lateral temporal bone, opening to ear
External auditory meatus
Occipital bone, opening for spinal cord
Foramen magnum
Anterior openings into nasal cavity
External naris (pl. nares)
Posterior opening between nasal cavity and nasopharynx, bounded by palatine and vomer
Internal naris (pl. nares)
Bony part is vomer and perpendicular plate of ethmoid, hyaline cartilage anteriorly
Nasal septum
Cavity of eyeball, main borders formed by frontal (superior), zygomatic (lateral), and maxillary (inferior and medial)
Frontal bone, superior to the orbit, the “brow ridge”
Supraorbital ridge
Opening for optic nerve (II) in orbit
Optic foramen
In frontal bone, above orbit’ opening for supra orbital artery, vein, and nerve (branch of frontal nerve, ultimately from ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, V1)
Supraorbital foramen
In maxillary bone, below orbit; opening for infraorbital artery, vein, and nerve (branch of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve, V2)
Infraorbital foramen
Ascending part of the lower jaw
Posterior process on superior ramus which articulates with mandibular fossa of temporal bone
Anterior process on superior ramus
Coronoid process
Posterior corner of the jaw, where ramus meets alveolar portion (containing teeth)
Midsagittal line of fusion between left and right halves of the mandible, at the chin
In anterior mandible (exterior), lateral to the chin’ transmits mental artery, vein, and nerve (branch of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve, V3)
Mental foramen
In medial surface of ramus, for mandibular artery and vein, and mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (V3)
mandibular foramen
Holds frontal lobe of cerebrum
anterior fossa
Holds temporal lobe of cerebrum
middle fossa
Holds cerebellum
posterior fossa
Many small mesh-like foramina in the ethmoid bone
where olfactory bulb (I) lies and the olfactory nerves proper penetrate into the superior nasal cavity
cribriform plate
Mid-sagittal superior process of the ethmoid bone
(rooster’s comb)
crista galli
Transmits optic nerve (II), distal to the optic chiasma, through the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and into the orbit
optic foramen
Transmits nerves III, IV, and VI, and the ophthalmic division of trigeminal V through the sphenoid bone (at the juncture of the lesser and greater wings) and into the orbit
superior orbital fissure
Transmits the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (V2) through the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
foramen rotundum
Transmits the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) through the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
foramen ovale
Transmits the internal carotid artery into the cranium, through the temporal bone anterior to the jugular foramen
carotid canal
Depression in the sphenoid bone that supports the pituitary gland (saddle)
sella turcica
Transmits nerves VII (facial) and VIII (vestibulocochlear) through the temporal bone
internal auditory meatus
Transmits the venous sinuses which become the internal jugular vein, as well as cranial nerves IX, X, and XI
splits the border of the temporal and occipital bones
posterior to the carotid canal
jugular foramen
Opening for spinal cord in the occipital bone
foramen magnum
Transmits nerve XII through the anterolateral margin of the foramen magnum
hypoglossal canal

Temporal fossa

Zygomatic arch

Coronal suture

Lambdoid suture

Sagittal suture

Squamosal suture

Mastoid process

External occipital protuberance

Occipital condyle

Mandibular fossa

Styloid process

External auditory meatus

Foramen magnum


Supraorbital ridge

Optic foramen

Supraorbital foramen

Infraorbital foramen



Coronoid process



Mental foramen

Mandibular foramen

Anterior fossa

Middle fossa

Posterior fossa

Cribriform plate

Crista galli

Superior orbital fissure

Foramen rotundum

Foramen ovale

Carotid canal

Sella turcica

Internal auditory meatus

Jugular foramen

Foramen magnum

Hypoglossal canal

Inferior orbital fissure

C3-C6 vertebrae

Atlas (C1)

Axis (C2)

Hyoid bone
