Skull Osteology Flashcards
Contents of internal acoustic meatus?
Facial Vll
Vestibuloochlear Vlll
Contents of superior orbital fissure?
Oculomoter lll
Trochlear IV
Opthalmic V1
Abducens VI
Contents of jugular foramen?
- petrous part of temporal bone
- Glosopharyngeal IX
- Vagus X
- Spinal accessory Xl
Contents & cranial bone of crista gali? (make sure to check)
Olfactory l
Contents & cranial bone of foramen spinosum?
meningeal br. of manidbular n. (V/3)
middle meningeal a.
Contents & cranial bone of hypoglossal canal?
Hypoglossal Xll
Contents & cranial bone of condylar canal?
- emissary vein that passes from sigmoid sinus to vertebral veins in neck
- ascending pharyngeal a.
Contents & cranial bone of mastoid foramina?
-mastoid emissary vein from sigmoid sinus and miningeal branch of occipital a.
Contents & cranial bone of foramen magnum?
medulla and meninges
vertebral a.
spinal accessory Xl
Contents & cranial bone of groove or hiatus of greater petrosal nerve?
greater petrosal nerve and petrosal branch of middle meningeal a.
Contents & cranial bone of incisive foramen?
- nasopalatine n.
- spenopalatine a.
Contents & cranial bone of mandibular foramen?
inferior alveolar n. (branch of mandibular/V3)
Muscle attachments of superior nuchal line?
Splenius capitis
Muscle attachments of inferior nuchal line?
Semispinalis capitis insertion
Contents & cranial bone of external acoustic meatus?
on tympanic part of temporal bone
Facial Vll
Vestibulocochlear Vlll