Skull Foramina Flashcards
Foremen rotundum
Structures passing between middle cranial fossa and pterygopalatine fossa.
Maxillary branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve (CNV)
Foremen ovale
Structures passing between middle cranial fossa and infratemporal fossa:
1) Mandibular branch (V3) of trigeminal nerve (CNV)
2) accessory meningeal artery
3) Lesser petrosal nerve
4) emissary vein
Carotid canal
Structures passing between middle cranial fossa and the neck.
Internal carotid artery
Foremen spinosum
Structures passing between middle cranial fossa and infratemporal fossa
Middle meningeal artery
Jugular foramen
Structures passing between posterior cranial fossa and neck
1) Internal jugular vein
2) Glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX)
3) Vagus nerve (CNX)
4) Accessory nerve (CNXI)
5) sigmoid sinus
6) inferior petrosal sinus
Foramen magnum
Structures passing between posterior cranial fossa and neck.
• end of brain stem and beginning of spinal cord
• Vertebral arteries
• spinal roots of accessory nerve [CNX] pass from upper region of spinal cord through the foramen magnum into the cranial cavity and then leave the cranial cavity through the jugular foramen
Cribriform plate
Connects Anterior cranial fossa and nasal cavity
Foramina in the cribriform plate allow the passage of the olfactory nerve (CNI)
Optic canal
Connects middle cranial fossa and orbit
Optic nerve (CNII)
Ophthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure
1) Oculomotor nerve (CNIII)
2) Trochlear nerve (CNIV)
3) Opthalmic branch (V1) of trigeminal nerve
4) Abducens nerve (CNVI)
5) superior opthalmic vein
Foramen lacerum
Fills with cartilage in life
Internal acoustic meatus
Connects posterior cranial fossa and ear & neck
1) Facial nerve (CNVII)
2) Vestibulocochlear nerve (CNVIII)
3) labyrinthine artery and vein
Hypoglossal canal
Connects posterior cranial fossa and neck
Hypoglossal nerve (CNXII)
Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Stylomastoid Foramen
Facial nerve (CNVII)
Foramen cecum
Emissary veins to nasal cavity
Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve