Skull - Facial Bones (14) Flashcards
Nasal Bone (2)
Paired bone
Bridge of nose
-paired, irregular shaped bone
-left and right maxilla unite to form upper jaw
-pockets for teeth
-maxillary air sinus on each side
-Forms part of floor of orbit and anterior part of hard palate
Zygomatic Bone (2)
-paired, irregular shaped bone
-“cheek bone”
-temporal process contributes to zygomatic arch
Infraorbital foramen
Landmark of Maxilla (2)
“Lower Jaw”
Mental protuberance forms point of chin
1. Angle
2. Mental foramen
Mental Foramen
Transmits mental nerve, artery, and vein
Lacrimal Bone (2)
Orbit (anterior & lateral)
Nasal cavity (lateral wall)
Smallest most delicate bone of skull
Palatine (2)
Plates fused medially
1. posterior portion of hard palate,
2. small part of the nasal cavity
4. part of the orbit
Inferior Nasal concha(2)
Small, curved, bony plates found on lateral walls of each nasal cavity
Warms, filters, humidifies inhaled air
Improved airflow through nasal cavity
Posterior & inferior of nasal septum
Angles of mandible
Two corners found along posterinferior aspects of both the right and left rami of the mandible