SKT Flashcards
Direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective.
Unity of command
To ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander for every objective
To seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offense action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined objective and is the means by which a military force seizes and holds the initiative while maintaining freedom of actions and achieving decisive results.
To concentrate the effects of combat power at the place and time to achieve decisive results.
To move the enemy I’m a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.
Enemy of force
To allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts.
To never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage
To strike the enemy at a time or place in a manner for which it is unprepared
To prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to ensure thorough understanding.
Aggressive defense
Achieved by employment of firepower and patrolling. Getting to near nuclear resources/inflict casualties on the enemy.
Defense in depth
Defensive fighting positions positioned to absorb and progressively weaken and attack. Should extend outward by patrols or observation post (op) to else the attacks. Gives commander room to maneuver forces
Kill zones
When the defense extends too much and weakens close and critical resources
Key terrain
Any area that gives a marked advantage to the force it controls. Forces can dominate from key terrain. Include in defensive plan
All ground defense
Organized to defend against an attack from a specific direction.
Integrated defense
Application of active and passive defense measures, employed across legally-defined ground dimension of the operational environment to mitigate potential risks and fled fear adversary threats to AF ops.
Base defense forces
Positioned laterally and in depth to provide mutual support
Gaps in defense
Must be mutually supported and controlled by surveillance devices, obstacles, planned direct and indirect fire, and defense forces such as patrol and observation patrols/listening posts (op/lap).
ID battle space
Encompasses flightlines, PL resources, personnel, cantoent areas, base facilities, accommodation areas, extends beyond pusillanimous perimeter to include area from which base may be vulnerable from standoff weapons (mortars, rockets, and manportable air defense systems MANPADS). Divided into distinct areas, bade boundary and base security zone
Base boundary
Defines the base as a line that delineates the surface area of a vase for the purpose of facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formations, or areas. Not necessary base perimeter, based upon the factors mission.
Base security zone
Area outside of base perimeter from which base may be vulnerable from standoff threats. Installation commander identifies BSZ via operational chain of command with local, state, federal agencies (CONUS) or host nation (HN) or area commander (OCONUS) for BSZ to be identified as the Base Boundary
ID effects
Anticipate, deter, detect,assess, warn, defeat, delay, defend, and recover
ID efforts
Focus on criminal activity and pre-occupational terrorist planning that may affect our people, resources, and readiness
Effects-based approach to operations (EBAO)
Actions take. Against enemy systems designed to achieve specific effects to contribute directly to desire military and political outcomes
Capability based integrated defense
Based on risk management principles, to achieve the commander desired effect
ID risk authority
Installation/site commander assumes identified risk for assigned, attached, or transient Air Forces personnel assets
Integrated defense enterprise lead
Security forces is the Air Force enterprise leader for ID operations
Integrated base defense includes all airman-total force
Unusual incident affecting PL resources 1-3. Give to installation CP in OPREP 3 format (Operational Reporting). Cancelled by installation commander
BENT Spear
To identify and report a nuclear weapon significant incident involving a nuclear weapon or warhead, nuclear components, or nuclear vehicle when nuclear loaded
Used to identify an accident involving a nuclear weapon or warhead or nuclear component
Evacuation and assignment made by senior military person present. Correct assignments of precedence cannot be overemphasized, over classification remain a continuing problem. Patients will be picked up ASAP consistent with available resources and pending missions. 2 types of evacs
Categories of precedence for MEDEVAC
Urgent: 2 hours/save life and limb
Urgent-surg: surgical intervention
Priority: sick and wounded
Routine: sick and wounded not to deteriorate significantly. Evac in 24
Convenience: evac by vehicle is a matter of medical convenience
Line 6 Evac
Changed to number and type of wound, injury, or illness. If serious bleeding get blood type
Line 9 evac
Changed to description of terrain. Include relationship of landing area to prime isn’t terrain features. Need to call in 5 lines before helicopter gets off the ground
9 line IED
Improvised explosive device report in 9 line SALT REPORT
Casualty evacuation
Used by non medical units to refer the movement of casualties aboard non medical vehicles or aircraft
Initial response
Is crisis in US territory natural or handmade or deliberate attack, IS joint forces will conduct civil support and home land defense operations
Limited in range and size of op and are conducted to achieve a specific goal
Political aspects
Objective avoids actions that may have adverse effects, commanders should remain aware of changes not only in operational situations but also political objectives
Non-combatant evac ops
NEOs may include citizens from HN as well as citizens from other countries
Peace operations
To support diplomatic efforts to reach a long term political settlement and are categorized as peace keeping operations
Foreign humanitarian assistance
Conducted to relieve or reduce the results of natural, or man made disasters or other endemic conditions.
Recovery operations
Locate, identify, rescue, and return personnel or human remains, sensitive equipment, or items to national security
Consequence management
Planning actions and preparations taken to identify, organize, equip, and train emergency response forces, implement plans in response to radiological accidents or weapons of mass destruction, actions taken following such an accident to mitigate and recover from effects of the accident
Homeland defense and civil support
Had is to protect against and mitigate the impact of incursions or attacks on sovereign territory , domestic population, critical defense structures. CS includes armed forces and DOD personnel, contractors, and assets for domestic emergencies and law enforcement.
Human intelligence
HUMINT can supplement other forms of intelligence and information collection to produce the most accurate intelligence products
Force protection
Wide range of non conventional threats such as terrorism, exotic disease, criminal enterprises, environmental hazards, and hackers
Education and training
To ensure that individuals and units have the necessary skills given operation and the staffs can plan, control, and support the operation
Calculated use of violence to inculcate fear. Intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological
Lead agency concept
Established to decentralize command and control over terrorist incident investigations and activities
US coast guard
Responsible for AT planning in US ports and implementation of a foreign port assessment program to determine the vulnerability to terrorist attacks
Target often predictable, invariably, the terrorism claim responsibility
Most common due to being cheap and easy to produce. Difficult to detect and trace after event
Not robbery but way to get funds
Terrorist organizations
Involves criminal act, symbolic in nature, intended to influence an audience beyond immediate victims
Non state supported
Operates autonomously, receiving no significant support from any government
State supported
Operates independently of, but receives support from one or more governments
State directed
Operates as a ahem of the government receiving substantial intelligence, logistic, and operational support from sponsoring government
Structural period or terrorism
Hardcore leadership
Active cadre
Active supporter
Passive supporter
Emotionally disturbed people
Obtain some level of joy from terrorism. Used by terror groups
Domestic terrorism
May be cause by open political system letting people voice opinions
Eagle eyes
Defensive program creates to enhance the collection of threat information by educating members of the total force and off base citizens on nature of terrorist attack planning activities
General threat
Increased and more predictable threat
FPCON Charlie
Incident occurs or intelligence was received of incident
In the immediate area where an attack has occured
FPCON Normal
Warrants only routine security posture
Low (TTL)
No group is detected
Moderate (TTL)
Present but no indication of anti-US activity. Favors host nations
Significant (TTL)
Present and attack personnel as their method of operation or group uses large casualty producing attacks as method but has limited operational activity. Operating environment neutral
High (TTL)
Operational active and use large casualty producing attacks as method. Sos presence and operating environment favors terrorist
An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through use of subversion and armed conflict
Involves all political, economic, military, paramilitary, psychological, and civic actions that can be taken by a government to defeat insurgency
Success in counterinsurgency
Requires small unit leaders agile enough to transition among many types of missions and able to adapt to change
COIN operations
Relies heavily on broad range of joint forces capabilities and requires a different mod of offensive, defensive and stability operations from that expected in major combat operations
Intergovernmental organizations
Formed to protect and promote national interests shared by member states
English alphabet
Combatants command wide standard for spelling names
Helps keep your life in order and allows you to deploy with peace of mind that everything at hole is taken care of
US forces deployed to foreign nation are subject to law of that nation, international law, and UCMJ
Staff control tools
Assign responsibilities, coordinate fire and maneuver, provide updated information, and ensure safety
Charts and forms
Used by S Taff to keep DFC and FLs informed on vital integrated defense information using standard military symbology
Base sectorization overlay
Divides base into clear defined boundaries, defines groups, areas which integrated defense forces are responsible and allows a coordinated decentralized execution
Map overlays
- Defense fighting positions (DFP)
- Fire plan overlay
- Support weapons placement overlay
- Integrated detection, obstacle and routine patrol overlay
- Service and support over lay
- Enemy activity overlay
Base defense reports
Provide key information to the DFC and S Staff I’m specific integrated defense activities in order to make decisions and develop and implement tactical plans and orders
Connecting cables and antennas
Use air compressor or electrical degreaser spray to clean
Tactical automated security system. Not certified for protection of priority resources. 3 functions (detection, annunciation and assessment) 2 support functions (communications and power). Provides integrated security system to collect, process, and display time critical info
Selection of position
Offers maximum visibility of the area while affording cover and concealment
Target indicators
Anything you, friendly forces, or the enemy does or fails to do that reveals a position
Tactical miniature sensors (TMS)
Corsair of sensors, repeaters and hand held display monitor. Small stand alone economical 9 volt battery. Has seismic magnet, active and passive infrared beam, or break wire sensors
Indentifyimg targets
Process of locating, making prioritizing and determining the range to combat targets
Improper camo
Reveals the majority of targets detected on battlefield
Range determination
Process of finding the distance between two points
Front sight post method
If human is 1/2 width on frame, target is approx 300 meters away
TMS sensors
Avenues of approach, dead spaces, and areas around crit resources. Detects seismic signals or vibrations generated by moving vehicles, personnel, and transmit the alarm. Put in 3 In deep hole
Magnetic TMS sensor
The placenta area for objects will disrupt magnetic field
TMS active infrared
If breaks infrared beam between transmitter and sector will go off
TMS Passive infrared
Change in heat level. Has settings of low, medium, and high
TMS break wire
Detects when wire is broke. Can connect again by melting it at the break with a match
SW 385 monostatic microwave sensor
Insensitive to rain, snow, vibration, and small wind blown objects. Zero range suppression circuit reduces nuisance alarms from rain, birds, and wind blown objects. 3 dimensional protection in outdoor environments. 100-400 ft range
Camo concept and objective
Permits you to approach unseen and remain hidden within striking range. Form on concealment
Complete concealment of an object
Arrangement of camp on, over, and around object so that it appears the be apart of the background
Stimulates an object or situation or disguised it so it appears to be something else. Meant to displease enemy
Camo construction
Use artificial and man made materials. Use paint opposite of contouring
Defensive fighting position
Leaders determine Check fields Assign sector of fire Place sector stakes (prevents Freud my fire) Emplacement aiming and limiting stakes Grazing fire logs Build overhead cover up or down Scoop out elbow holes
Early warning devices
Trip flares and booby traps to detect and illuminate intruders
M491A flare
Burns yellowish white 1 minute and has 50,000 candle power illumination. Consists of an illuminate assembly, cover loading assembly, and mounting bracket assembly. 2 method of assembly. Pull pin and trip trigger
Protection from enemy weapons fire
Protection from enemy observation. Avoid unnecessary movement. Remove anything that reflects light
Make movements in 3-5 second bursts
Hands and knees, high crawl, low crawl, and spider crawl. Method used depends on visibility, availability of cover and concealment, the speed needed, and terrain
Movement around corners
Observe area around a corner before you move
File formation
When wedge becomes impractical due to dense vegetation or limited visibility
Traveling over watch
Caution is justified but speed is desirable. Use when chance of hostile contact is possible
Leading and controlling team movement types
Traveling, traveling over watch, and bounding overwatch
Bounding overwatch
When enemy contact is expected. Most deliberate and cautious of movements
Near ambush
Defender will immediately return fire, take up covered positions and throw fragmentation, concussion, and smoke grenades
Far ambush
Defenders receiving fired immediately return fire, take up covered positions, and destroy and surpass enemy crew served weapons
Ambushing the enemy
Deployed to reduce the enemy’s overall effectiveness by destroying its personnel and equipment and harassing operations. Two types. Point and area
Point ambush
Patrol members deploy attack on a single kill zone
Area ambush
Patrol members deploy in two or more related point ambushes
Hasty ambush
Makes visual contact with enemy force and has time to establish and ambush without being detected
Retrograde operations
Withdrawal, delay, and retirement and special operations
Withdrawal under pressure
Disengages from the enemy by maneuvering to the rear
Use the converging routes within each sector to reconnoiter your an intermediate link up point where it collects and disseminated the information gathered to that point
Probabale like of deployment
A phase line the flight leader or commander designated as a location where they intend to completely deploy the unit into the assault formation before beginning the assault
Leaders reconnaissance of the objective
All patrol movement plans must include a leaders reconnaissance of the objective once the flight of squad establishes the ORP
Dismount/short halt
Used for slow traffic, market places, or brief resta
Land navigation
Perishable skill, requiring you to have the skills of map reading, direction finding, and terrain association
Topographical map
Graphic representation depicting a portion of the earths surface to include major masses features as well as nartural features through the use of symbols, lines, colors, and forms
Edition number
Found in bold print in the upper right area of the top margin and lower left area of the bottom margin
Count our interval note
Found in the center of the lower margin normally below scale bars
Special notes
Statement of general info that relates to the mapped are ex: red light readable. Found in lower right margin
Represents cultural and manmade features on earths surface
U or V count our lines. Closed ends always point towards upstream
Slipping line of high ground. If standing on center ridge you have low ground in 3 direction and high ground in 1
Short continuous sloping line of higher ground normally jutting our from the side of a ridge. Two parallel streamed cutting draws down the side of a ridge often form a spur
Supplementary terrain features
Manmade features resulting from from cutting of raised ground or the filling of a low area to creat level ground
Determine elevation on a map
Look at elevation guide, normally found in lower right margin. Miniature characterization of the terrain shown
A point on earths surface is the vertical distance above or below main sea level
The representation of shapes of hills, valleys, streams, or terrain on the earths surface.
Contour lines
Most common method of showing relief Or elevation in a standard topographic map
Using coordinate scale and protractor
Special tool that can further assist in plotting gird coordinated using the MGRS. most accurate way to determine the coordinates of a point on a map is to use a coordinate scale
Most common unit to measure with subdivisions of minutes and seconds
True north
Depict with a line from any point on the earths surface to the North Pole. All lines of longitude are true north lines
Grid north
Established by using the vertical grid lines on the map. May be symbolized by GN
Defined as a horizontal angle measures clockwise from a north base line
Declination degree
Angular difference between any two norths
Measuring distance in a straight line
Use ruler than compare with measure to bar scale
Measuring distance with curves
Mack tick at starting, align with road and make another tick, rotate paper to connect curve. Measure with ruler or bar
Lensatic compass
Most common and simplest instrument for measuring direction. Has floating dial.
Compass handling
Inspect it when first received
Planned magnetic deviation to the right or left of the azimuth to an obective
Location of an unknown point by successively occupying at least two pref 3 known positions on the ground and then map sighting on the unknown locations
Method of locating ones position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map
Map and compass method
Orient, identify 2-3 know locations, measure magnetic azimuth, concern magnetic azimuth to grid, convert grid az back to az, repeats 3-5. Intersection of lines is your location
Modified resection
Orient map using a compass or by terrain association
Mission, enemy, terrain, and weather. Movement is conducted whenever an element is moving toward the enemy but is not in contact with the enemy
Dead reckoning
2 methods
1Use a protractor and graphic scales.
2comoass and some means of measuring
Linear features like roads or highways, railroads, power transmission lines, ridge lines, or streams that run roughly parallel to your direction of travel
Recognizing the disadvantage of terrain association
Must be able to interpret map and analyze world around you
DAGR primary functions
Navigate through terrain using stored waypoint position information.
Reference used to navigate, define routes, or mark points of interest
Blue force tracker
Tactics, automated, digital, role based, battle command information system installed on tactical vehicles, aviation platforms, and in tactical operation centers
Situational awareness (SA)
Collection of position and movement data for geographical location. Process location of friendly forces, enemy’s, and civilians
No obstructions block line of signal, crypto keys used to protect from intentionally degraded satellite signals
Waypoint operations
Enter, copy, determine, calculate, clear, define
Range cards
Serves as an individuals guide to fire discipline, fire control, and effective engagement of enemy personnel and equipment
Who assigns range card sectors
Flight leadership
How are range cards prepared
To engage predetermined targets within a sector and are used as a record of firing data.
How many range cards are prepared for each position
Where does the first range card copy go
BDOC to be intergratef into the overall sector fire control plane
Where does the second range card copy go
Kept at fighting position
What weapons is a range card prepared for
M4 carbine, M203 grenade launcher, M240B Machine Gun, M2 Machine Gun, and MK 19 Grenade launched
Range card with a vehicle
Operator should develop a range card for each position he or she is assigned to occupy
What do range cards also record
Likely enemy avenues of approaches, sites for enemy crew served weapons, and probable enemy assault positions
What are the two types of range cards
- Final protection line (FPL)
- Principal Protection like (PPL)
Information on range cards
- primary and secondary sectors of fire
- FPL or PDF
- Data Section
- Prominent terrain features
- weapons symbols
- marginal data
- dead space
Range cards sectors of fire
Primary and secondary sectors of fire. Will only fire into secondary sector only if there’s no longer targets in primary or if ordered to do so. Weapons primary escort includes FPL and PDL. All range cards will show target reference points (TRP)
Final protective line
Where grazing fire is applied across your sector front. Your leader assigns an FPL to your weapon if the terrain supports grazing fire.
What if the terrain supports grazing fire?
FPL becomes primary sector limit (right or left) closest to friendly troops
Principal direction of fire
Directed toward an open area or likely avenue of approach, key terrain feature, or buildings. Always labeled 1. Weapon is sighted on this target unless engaged on other targets within your sector of fire
What if terrain doesn’t lend itself to FPL
Use Principal direction of fire
Target reference points
Natural manmade features with your sector used to locate targets quickly. Primarily to control direct-fire weapons, but may be used for indirect-fire weapons. Should be visible through all spectrums available to the unit. Must be easily identifiable in daylight
Range card preparation 16 Steps
1: orient card so primary and secondary can fit
2: Write in: position number, unit/squad/flight/, weapon type/call sign/date/, each circle=20, IDS #s go in margin if any (write in corresponding blocks
3:use lensatic compass to determine true north
4: draw rough sketch of the terrain to the front of your position (include prominent natural and manmade features affording cover and concealment from enemy)
5: draw your position at bottom of sketch
6: location of your gun position in relation to prom terrain features
7: of there is terrain featureuse compass to determine aziumutj in degree to the gun position
8: determine distance between gun and feature
9: connect the sketch of the position and terrain feature with barbed line from feature to gun
10: sketch limits of primary assigned by leader
11: sketch FPL off assigned by a thick dark line out to the grazing fire capping with arrow
12: determine dead space on FPL by having gunner walk FPL
13: sketch dead space by showing a break in FPL and write in range to the beginning and end of space
14: label targets in primary sector by priority
15 sketch symbol for your weapon oriented on the most dangerous target within your area
16: sketch your secondary sector of fire and label targets within it/ include range in meters from your weapon
Where was MP training camp established
Camp Ripley 1924 MN
Air base security battalions
Protect base from riots, parachute attacks and air raids. Equipped with small arms, machine guns, mortars, grenade launchers, rocket launchers
National security act 1947
July 26 1947 authorized creation of Air Force
September 26 1947
Army air corps transferred to USAG
September 1, 1950
Air police school established in Florida. Transferred to parks AFB in CA in 1952. Discontinued them went to lackland in 1956
1957 aAF shield
Was a bassard then turned into shield. Current shield adopted in 1966
Investigating crimes and incidents requiring more detailed or specialized analysis than most SF personnel are used to conducting while assigned to flight
Day to day operational ID matters, plans, movements, training, and communication
Build aggressive, lethal, highly maneuverable, airliners, capabilities-based, and combat defenders
S-4 logistics
Resource advisor, mobility and readiness, supply, combats arms, armory and vehicle sections
S-5 plans and programs
Pass and ID, reports and analysis, plans, installation security, physical security, resource protection, police services, corrections, crime prevention.
S-6 communications
Developed to improve day to day operations of the Air Force SF and meet the congressionally mandated defense incident base reporting DIBRS requirements
Safety distance for mwd
10 feet
Bloodborne pathogens
Microorganisms present in the blood and cause disease
Sources of military jurisdiction
Us constitution
Federal statutes
International laws
Article 2 UCMJ
Identifies who is subject to military jurisdiction or military law
Article 5 UCMJ
States UCMJ applies everywhere whether on an airplane, a ship, or overseas. Applies on or off base
Articles 77-134
UCMJ punitive articles. Must be a relationship between crime committed and the military service in order for the case to be tried by courts martial
Federal government has sole authority
Both state and federal have authority
US has the same rights as any property owner
Refers to the power all four branches of the DOD have to adjudicate a case through a court martial over all persons subject to the code
Qualified martial law
Civilian government continues to control its functions such as courts and public utilities
Absolute martial law
When military authority must totally replace civil authority
Article 92 (2)
Gives SF the authority to make lawful orders in the execution of your duties
Use of force
Decision to employ objectively reasonable force is based upon your perception of the subjects actions and totality of the circumstances
Wartime ROE
Permits US forces to pen fire upon all identified enemy targets regardless whether these targets represent an actual immediate threat
Standing ROE
Permits defenders to fire weapons in self-defense, national defense, or unit defense
Disposition of offenders in proprietary jurisdiction
Unless federal government find offense is related to national defense, detain civilian and wait for locals with 2708
Disposition of offenders in concurrent jurisdiction
DFC commanders will work with installation commanders and write up a memorandum with local agencies one SFs role
Disposition of offenders in exclusive jurisdiction
Gives federal government exclusive right to prosecute offenses therein
Dull sword
Nuclear weapon deficiency
Accident or unauthorized launching of a nuclear weapon would create the risk of war
Phases of response
Notification, response, response force action, withdrawal, and recovery
Types of area searches
Item to item, concentric circle (spiral), and zone or sector
Types of evidence
Direct, circumstantial, real, documentary, testimonial
Article 112a
Wrongful use, possession of a controlled substance
Force protection
Achieved through successful execution of integrated defense, emergency management, and critical infrastructure program
Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organization in respect to administration support
The transferable command authority exercises by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command
Command authority over assigned attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking and is limited to the detailed direction, control of movements, or maneuvers
Close boundary sentries
Posted to provide security surveillance over the boundary of restricted areas or individual resources
Close in sentries
Maintain surveillance over assigned areas of responsibility and alert the BDOC of any unusual situation
Allowed gap in restricted area
5 inches
3 metered
Grazing fire
Hand grenade kill zone
5 meters
Dead space
Where weapon can not reach enemy