Skin/Soft Tissue Flashcards
When to consider BRAF testing in melanoma
stage III at high risk for recurrence
1 microscopically positive SLN in melanoma
MSLT II trial
No ALND necessary. Decreased local recurrence but no survival benefit.
Surveillance q6mo US of LN basins at risk
Present case at tumor board
Strongly consider full body staging including CT C/A/P + MR brain OR full body PET
Additionally lab testing for melanoma
BRAF + melanoma
Dabrafenib + tarafenib
At least 1 year
Extremity sarcoma - staging
CT chest + MRI of affected extremity
Indications for pre op RT for extremity sarcoma
Intermediate or high grade, most recommend pre op RT
How to make tissue dx for sarcoma
Incisional or core biopsy
Any time when chemo recommended adjuvantly for sarcoma
If mets (unlikely, poorly responsive) or margin + and resection causes a lot of morbidity
Metastatic sarcoma to lung - adjuvant therapy?
Maybe chemo, immunotherapy regimen
Borders of deep inguinal lymphadenectomy
Inguinal ligament
Adductor magnus
RP sarcoma - XRT?
Not typically. Neither is chemo
RP sarcoma - preoperative testing
Consider split function scans to assess if other kidney is functional incase removal is necessary
Inguinal lymphadenectomy - OR
Curvilinear incision from ASIS down medially
ID inguinal ligament and trace down to vessels and identify vessels (NAVL) and come right along artery/vein and lift mass up
Take saphenous v. at femoral origin and ligate
Take down to Hunters canal and take saphenous again there
Take out Cloquet’s node - if positive, consider going further up and split inguinal ligament and at least up to bifurcation of iliac
Sartorious muscle transposition
Margins for melanoma in situ
0.5 cm
Indications for SLNB in melanoma
> 1 mm thickness or 0.8 mm + ulceration
SLN for melanoma - OR
Inject isosulfan blue and radiotracer around lesion 1-2 hours prior
After excision of primary, use gamma probe to ID node
Make incision that takes possibility of future complete LND into account
Excise all nodes with blue dye or radioactivity