Skin, Head, Neck, Lymph Assessment Flashcards
Flat in less than 1 cm in diameter
Flat greater than 1 cm in diameter
Raise and less than 1 cm in diameter and not fluid filled
Raised and greater than 1 cm in diameter and not fluid filled
Raised and less than 1 cm in diameter and filled with fluid
Eg: varicella
Raised, greater than 1 cm in diameter, filled with fluid, example blister
In general less than 1 cm in diameter, filled with pus or keratin, example impetigo
A loss of some or all of the epidermis, surface is denuded
Larger and deeper than a papule you about 1 to 2 cm, they invade the dermis or subcutaneous fat, firm to palpation
Closed sac beneath the outer layer of the epidermis that contains a liquid, semi solid gel, or gaseous substance
Eg sebaceoous cyst
Not firm
Raised and generally probable area with varying configuration and location, erythematous or pale, rounded or flat top, comes and goes, result of circumscribed dermal edema
Purpuric lesions 1 to 3 mm, result of blood outside of vessels, do not Blanche, suggestive of microemboli or vasculitis
Annular lesion shape
Ring like with central clearing sometimes called target lesions
Nummular lesion shape
Queen like with no central clearing, example eczema
ABCDE of lesions
Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolution
Moon shape at the base of the finger nail
Thick, brittle nails indicative of fungal infection
Splinter hemorrhages in nails
Linear, petechial discolorations seen sometimes in endocarditis, SLE, scleroderma
Headache warning signs
Change in pattern from past headaches, progressively frequent or severe over a three-month period, sudden onset, new onset after age 50, precipitated by Valsalva for exertion, associated symptoms of fever night sweats or weight loss, recent head trauma, associated with abnormal exam findings of papilledema neck stiffness or focal neurodeficits, diagnosis of immunosuppression
Neck lymph nodes
Preauricular, post auricular, occipital, tonsilar, submandibular, submental, superficial cervical, posterior cervical, deep cervical chain, supraclavicular
Normal head documentation
Normocephalic, no bony abnormality, nontender to palpation. Hair texture is normal, some blading noted at the vertex, scalp is without lesions or next
Normal neck documentation
Trachea midline, neck supple, thyroid isthmus is midline and palpable, lobes are palpable, Normal in size, without nodularity or masses
Normal lymph documentation
Bilateral shoddy submandibular notes, nontender to palpation. There is no lymphadenopathy (axillary & inguinal exam deferred)