Skin Hair And Nails Flashcards
Largest organ system (20ft2)
Guards body from environmental stresses and influences
- trauma pathogens dirt heat and cold
Layers of the skin: epidermis
Thin and stratified. Basal cell later creates new cells and contains keratin and melanin.
Horny cell layer is on top and contain dead keratin and is shed.
Layers of skin: dermis
Connective tissue and collagen. Also has elastic tissue.
Contains sensory receptors and blood vessels sweat glands and hair follicles
Layers of skin: subcutaneous
Adipose tissue. Isolation and energy. Gives skin mobility
Functions of the skin
Protection Prevent penetration: loss of water and invasion of microorganisms Perception Temperature regulation Identification Communication like facial expressions Wound repair Absorption and excretion or minerals sugars amino acids cholesterol uric acid and urea. Production of Vit. D from cholesterol
Skin in the aging adult
Lose elasticity- thinning epidermis
Loss of elastin and collagen- increase risk of shearing and tearing. Delayed healing.
Decrease sweat and sebaceous glands leaving skin dry = decrease thermoregulatory response and is in greater risk for heat stroke.
Vascularity diminishes and fragility increases.
- any trauma can cause senile purpura.
Sun exposure and smoking increase aging process.
Senile purpura
Dark red discolored area due to minor trauma
Causes coarse wrinkling skin, decrease elasticity, atrophy, speckled and uneven coloring and leathery skin
Sun exposure
More prominent in pale skin
Hair two types:
Vellum hair: peach fuzz
Terminal hair: dark thicker hair.
Hair growth is cyclical ( some hairs are growing while others are at rest )
Hair is composed of keratin and is made or shaft and bulb matrix (new cells form)
Follicle function: sebaceous glands produce sebum that lubricates hair. Stops water loss. Dry skin is due to loss of water not oil
Sweat glands:
Eccrine: open directly to skin (sweat)
- primary function thermoregulation
Apocrine: milky secretions that open into hair follicles
- axilla, genitals, nipples, navel
Hard plates of keratin.
- nail plate is clear with longitudinal ridges that become more prominent with age.
Get the pink color from the highly vascular epithelial cells