Skin, Endocrine, Multiple Body System Flashcards
Essentially the armpit, but including also the nerves, vessels, lymph nodes, and tissue structures therein
Axilla (ae)
A large vesicle usually 2 cm. Or larger, containing fluid
Bulla (ae)
A chronic, generalized eruption of bullae over the skin, resembling but distinguished from pemphigus; usually seen in elderly adults, but rarely seen in children
Bullous pemphigoid
Pertaining to the skin
An abnormal sac containing gas, fluid, or a semi-solid material with a membranous lining
Any inflammation of the skin
A superficial inflammation primarily of the epidermis, characterized in the early stages by redness, itching, minute papules and vesicles, weeping, oozing and crusting; later by scaling, lichenification, and pigmentation
Redness of the skin produced by congestion and dilation of surface capillaries; resulting from a variety of causes
Abnormal redness of the skin usually widespread over the body this may be a phase of exfoliative dermatitis
A skin condition evolving from any of several proceedings skin disorders such as cirrhosis or drug reaction and characterized by erythemaCovering virtually the entire body with subsequent shedding of the damage skin
Exfoliative dermatitis
A cracker split in the superficial tissue
To produce fungus like growths, to grow rapidly as does a fungus
The disease of the apocrine sweat glands located in the axilla and perineum marked by chronic draining and sinus tract formation and the deeper layers of cutaneous tissue
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Any skin disease characterized by fishlike or plate like scales
Any injury, damage, or abnormal change to tissue or organ this is the general nonspecific term
Any disease caused by a fungus
Mycotic infection
Term for a group of skin diseases characterized by successive crops of bullae, the specific type indicated by a modifying term
Abnormally heightened reactivity to sunlight or ultraviolet light
The chronic, hereditary, recurrent skin disorder, the distinctive lesions of which are vivid red macules, papules, or Placke’s covered by a silvery skills; usually involving the scalp and the extensor surfaces of the limbs, especially of the elbows, knees, and other pressure points, but which may involve any skin area
Purpleish or brownish red skin discoloration caused by hemorrhage into the tissue
Consisting of or containing puss
An abnormal channel or track permitting the escape of pus
Under the skin
Sweat glands
Sudoriferous glands
Sudoriferous glands
Sweat glands
To result in a loss of surface layers of the skin, leaving a denuded area
A small, less than 1 cm, blister; a small elevation of the skin containing fluid