skin disorders Flashcards
medication: corticosteroids, antihistamines
nursing care: avoid hot showers, put oils in water, apply lubricant to skin, give medication as ordered.
pruritus (itching)
three stages acute, subacute, and chronic
meds: topical corticosteroids and lotions
nursing care: avoid itching, keep skin moisturized, give meds as ordered
atopic dermatitis (eczema)
caused by touching something that gives you an allergic reaction
nursing care: hand washing
contact dermatitis
affects the scalp causing dandruff
meds: medicated shampoos
nursing care: go with the Tx plan
seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff)
has no cure and is life long; thick scales and red lesions
meds: corticosteroids, vitamin D, topical medication
nursing care: hand washing
two skin surfaces touching causing inflammation ex under skin of the breasts, and obese patients folds and can lead to open skin
causes moisture and that leads to itching
meds: wash with water BID
nursing care: keep skin dry and clean
are a transmittable disease that causes blisters or cold sores usually through oral contact effected areas can be mouth, genitals, and lips
meds: antiviral drugs (don’t let infection spread further)
nursing care: pain management, manage stress, fever, and fatigue as this can re-trigger the virus
herpes simplex virus
common areas affected are half of face or half of back; is transmittable
meds: antiviral to stop the spread
nursing care/ prevention: vaccination
herpes zoster (shingles)
open wounds get so infected healthy tissue dies
Tx: topical antibiotics, intensive debridement (removing dead skin), skin grafting
nursing care: skin care, and social, emotional, and spiritual care (imagine having this disorder and how it would effect you/ make you insecure)
necrotizing fasciitis (fa-shee-eye-tuhs) flesh eating disease
pediculus humanus
means lice
easily ruptured blisters that have a foul-smell
Tx: corticosteroids, topical antibiotics
by looking at a word how can you tell its related to cancer?
-oma (means cancer)