Skin and Systemic Disease Flashcards
What skin conditions are indicative of GI haemorrhage?
Hereditary haemorrhage telangiectasia (small dilated blood vessels near surface of skin. Usually on mouth and tongue.)
Blue Rubber Bleb Naevus (blue marks on the skin due to abnormal venous vessels)
What skin conditions are indicative of Inflammatory Bowel disease?
Erythema nodosum (red tender nodules on shins due to inflamed fat cells).
Pyoderma gangrenosum (deep ulcers that usually present on legs).
What skin conditions are indicative of Vitamin deficiency?
Beriberi and Scurvy - gum disease, red swollen gums with appendages. Yellow crusty lips and teeth.
What are some skin conditions that are indicative of Diabetes?
Acanthosis nigricans (dry dark patches of skin in neck, armpits or groin)
Diabetic bullae
Diabetic dermopathy (pigmented patches on the shins).
Eruptive Xanthomas (eruption of yellow cholesterol rich material from vesicles).
Necrobiosis lipoidica (granulomatous skin disorder, patches develop on shins)
What is a sign of hyperthyroid disease?
Thyroid acropachy (soft tissue swelling of hands and clubbing of fingers).
What is a sign of Hypothyroid disease?
Pre-tibial myxoedema (red patches on skin due to accumulation of carbohydrates in skin layers)
What are some signs of cutaneous lupus?
Butterfly rash on face.
Plaques with clear margins.
Negative Antibodies.
What are some signs of Alopecia areata?
Circular patches of hair loss on scalp.
Loss of hair across whole head or loss of all hair on body.
What are some signs of carcinoid syndrome?
Episodic flushing with no sweating.
Facial telangiectasia.
What are some signs of Bazex syndrome?
Symmetrical hyperkeratosis of extremities. Indicates Basal cell carcinomas.
What are some signs of GI adenocarcinomas?
Eruptive seborrhoeic keratosis.
Acanthosis nigricans.
What are some signs associated with Ovarian, breast and lung cancer?
Periorbital heliotrope rash
Red maculo-papular lesions over boot prominences.
Shawl sign.
What are some dermatological conditions that may be associated with malignancy?
Bullous pemphigoid
Sweet’s syndrome
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Acquired ichthyosis (fish scale skin).
Which genetic syndrome is indicative of Colon cancer?
Melanosis, colon hamartomas.
Which genetic syndrome is indicative of GI, breast and genitourinary cancers?
Muir-torre -
sebaceous tumours, keratoacanthomas.