Skills USA Flashcards
Many officers are there and what are they?
7 officers
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasure
- Historian
- Reporter
- Parliamentarian
What is the job of the president?
Preside over meetings
Is the job of the vice president?
Takes over in absence of president, responsible for the year end report
What is the job of the secretary?
Takes minutes/ correspondence/ roll call
What is the job of the treasurer?
Maintains financial records/ collects dues
What is the job of the historian?
What is the job of the reporter?
Reports activities
What is the job of the parliamentarian?
Keeps order/ advises President on parliamentarian procedure from Roberts rules of order, newly revised
What are the three sections of the SkillsUSA Framework?
Personal skills
Workplace skills
Technical skills grounded in academics
State the pledge
State the pledge
Name the components of the Skills USA Program of Work.
Professional development Community service Employment Ways and means Skills USA champions Public relations Social activities
What is the name of the national Skills USA executive director?
Tim Lawrence
Give the current Skills USA team and explain what it means to you
SkillsUSA: Champions at Work - Preparing America’s Skilled Workforce
Skills Usa mission is to empower it’s members to…..
Become wold-class workers and responsible American citizens
How many state senators does Montana have?