Skill types Flashcards
Dribbling coaching points
When dribbling to goal you want to drive the ball with pace keeping the ball close to your feet using only small taps using all parts of the foot but mainly the laces and inside of the foot, with their knees slightly bent, which lowers their centre of mass slightly allowing them to keep stable and adapt to the change of direction due to the change of environment. You also want to keep your head up which allows for you to map out the best direction to dribble.
Overall effect on performance dribbling
This was a strength for this performer. This had an overall effect on performance as the performer took the right amount of touches when dribbling keeping the ball under control as every time they took a touch it was small taps which made it more difficult for the defenders to steal the ball from them. Most of the time they would also drive into the attacking third at pace which again made it hard for the defenders to defend against due to the performer keeping their head and chest up which allowed for them to find the best path to dribble and not run into dangerous areas. This was seen frequently throughout the clip.
Dribbling theory
When dribbling with the ball the performer realise on bilateral transfer of skills, which is the transfer of skills learnt on one limb transferred to the other. This was clear as in the clip the performer relied on the transfer of skills such as the the use of all parts of their foot which they used frequently when dribbling to be transferred from their dominant foot to their non dominant foot.
Shooting coaching points
In the preparation phase you want to frame the goal with the hips and shoulders, striking the ball with the toes pointed down ,plantarflexion of the ankle keeping the ankle locked, looking up to selecting the best area to shoot, before looking back down. Then during the execution phase, you want to extend the knee, aiming to strike the ball using the laces to help drive through the ball making the most power.
Overall effect on performance shooting.
A well hit shot travels usually to one of the four corners depending on the goal keepers positioning, can usually be hit at pace quite low making the keeper have to react and dive to the ball. The faster and lower the ball the harder it is for the keeper to save it. Shooting was a skill weakness for this performer as early on in the clip they had a prime opportunity to shoot at goal but because they didnt frame the goal correctly with their hips and shoulders it made them uncentred when shooting. They
Heading coaching points
Bend knees to maintain balance and stability allowing force and power to be generated driving through the ground keeping eye contact with the ball. For an attacking header you want to aim to hit the ball with the anterior cranial, driving the ball down. For a defensive header you want to aim to hit the ball on top of the head, heading the ball up and backwards.
Overall effect on performance heading
A well hit attacking header is usually hit downwards making the ball low, driving the head behind the ball allowing pace to be put behind it making it more difficult for the keeper to reach it. The player I watched didn’t do this. This had an overall effect on performance as when their player was putting a cross from a corner in the performer I observed jumped up for an attacking header but didn’t have correct knee placement and also hit the ball on the head slightly higher than they shoudlv’e which meant that the ball didnt get as low and test the keeper, which made them easily save it. Also due to the incorrect knee placement when landing back from the header they wasnt as stable as they couldve been as this caused incorrect feet placement, so they couldnt react as fast after landing
Theory for heading
Heading the ball making contact with the centre of mass of the ball on the anterior cranial they apply newtons 3rd law which is
Long range passing with non dominant foot coaching points
Lock ankle with toes pointing down in plantaflexion, with non shooting foot planted at the side of the ball looking up before extension of the knee and hip to check where to pass. During the execution extend the leg driving through the ball with the laces, to get height on the ball you want to lean a little bit back slightly allowing to get loft and height on the ball.
overall effect on performance long range passing nondominant foot
A well hit long range pass is usually hit with the toes pointing down which allows for the performer to follow through with their laces creating the right amount of power behind the ball, leaning back slightly when following through as well as looing where to pass before executing the skill, allowing them to get the right amount of power and height on the ball, therefore accurate and more likely to reach their teamates feet, making it harder for the opposition to intercept. This was a weakness for this performer as on numerous occasions they didnt lean back enough when they was following through, this had an overall effect on performance as it meant that the performer didnt get enough height on the ball so the opposition managed to intercept and stopped he counterattack on various ocassions, which prevented the performers team from being able to attack the goal, meaning they wasnt in control of the game.
theory for long range passing with the nondominant foot
When passing the ball has a non-parabolic flight path as air resistance is the dominant force and weight is small so the flight path is non-symmetrical. Factors affecting flight paths is the greater the speed and height of release the further the projectile will travel, passing at the optimum angle of 45degrees can also increase the flight path, however, this value varies depending on the height of release.
Volleying shot coaching points
Player watches the ball adapting and moving the body depending on the positioning of the ball. Performer wants to lean their body back slightly and to the side lifting their dominant foot up, holding the arms out for balance, flexing the knee and hip, then during execution you want to extend to knee and hip making a well timed contact with the ball, aiming to strike the ball with the laces, following through to generate power.
Overall effect on performance volleying shot
This was a strength for this performer, as they had the correct body positioning when they shot. They had good flexion and extension of the knee and hip, this had an overall effect on performance as it allowed them to generate lots of power when they shot following through the ball, although it wasnt successful it did test the keeper as they did have to stretch for it.
volleying theory
Volleying is a gross skill as it uses large muscle groups such as the rectus femoris and bicep femoris aswell as the gastrocnemius, soleus and tibialis anterior
Ball control coaching points
During the preparation phase you want to keep the eyes locked on the ball to judge the movement of the ball ,adjusting the body, selecting the most relevant body part to use to control the ball with, Then during execution phase, you want to lean the chest back slightly creating a flat surface to control the ball on which will slow down the pace of the ball. You also want to keep the feet locked and knees slightly bent which will lower their centre of mass allowing them to remain stable, aswell as keeping their arms out which again will increase stability and balance.
overall effect on performance, ball control
this was a strength for this performer as when they was receiving the ball from a throw in they always chose the most suitable part of the body to control the ball with, this had an overall effect on performance as when they chested the ball down they, had the correct body positioning which meant that the ball did not rebound too far in front of them after they controlled it, which meant that it was difficult for the opposition to intercept as they also kept their arms out which prevented the opposition from getting past and meeting the ball, allowing their team to stay in possession and control of the game.
ball control theory
Ball control can be learnt through watching role models at global sporting events, which can improve participation in local sport. However, global sporting events can cause issues such as debt in host country as well as disruption to locals
block tackling coaching points
Knees bent slightly, with a side on body position on their toes to be ready to adapt to the movement of the opposition. The upper body needs to lean slightly over the non-tackling foot. Then during the execution phase the player lunges to the ball moving their body, rotating their ankle to the side fixating it, making a well timed contact.
overall effect on performance block tackling
this was a strength for the performer as the adopted a good side on body position, this had an overalll effect on performance as it allowed the performer to be able to lung towards the ball which they made numerous well timed successful tackles, allowing for them to gain possession and make set plays.
block tackling theory
this player demonstrated good signs of athleticism when block tackling, this is playing fair, being honourable, truthful and showing good sportsmanship. This was invented by Thomas Arnold who invented the idea of being a honourable christian gentleman with his involvment in public schools.