Skill aquisition Flashcards
Gross skills
Large muscle movement using large muscle groups
Shot put
Fine skills
Intricate movements using small muscle groups
Snooker shot
Open skills
Skills affected by the environment
A tackle in football
Closed skills
Skills not affected by the environment
Free throw in basketball
Discrete skills
brief, well define actions with a clear beginning and end
a penalty in football
Serial skills
a group of discrete skills strung together
triple jump
Continuous skills
skills with no obvious beginning or end
Externally paced skills
the environment controls the rate of performing a skill
tackle in football
Internally paced skills
the performer controls the rate of performing a skill
javelin throw
Simple skills
straightforward with few judgements and decision
Swimming, running
Complex skills
involve many judgements and decisions
tennis serve
Low organisation skills
easy and uncomplicated, sub-routines are easy to separate and practice
swimming strokes
High organisation skills
many sub-routines are closely linked together, they cannot be broken down and practised easily
Golf swing
Part practice
Working on an isolated sub-routine with the aim of perfecting it, low organisation-complex, allows performer to make sense of the skill, i.e just the back swing in tennis
Whole practice
skills being taught without breaking parts down, high organisation skills that can’t be broken down, gives performer a kinaesthetic feel for the skill, golf swing
Whole-part-whole practice
Practising the whole skill, then practising a subroutine in isolation, then the whole skill again, serial skills or low organisation, to recognise and correct weaknesses, tennis serve being broke down
Progressive-part practice
skills are broken down into sub-routines, then progressively taught adding parts each time, complex skills, low organisation skills and serial skills, triple jump
Massed practice
Sessions involving very short or no rest intervals, good for discrete skills of short duration, needs motivated learner, simulates elements of fatigue
Distributed practice
Sessions which involve rest intervals, continuous skills, low levels of fitness or motivation, allows performer to receive feedback
Fixed practice
A specific movement is practised repeatedly in a stable environment, closed skills, allows skills to become autonomous, good for conditions which never change