Sketchy Micro Flashcards
negative-sense virus, RNA (orange) with helical capsid, enveloped, Ebola, Marburg, fever, petechial rash, hemorrhagic fever, end-organ failure within days, hemorrhagic (hypovolemic) shock, possibly transmitted via primates, bats may be the viral reservoir, transmitted to healthcare workers through exposure to bodily fluids
Orange glow = RNA, negative-sense RNA, robe = enveloped, gold = specifically from Golgi body, 3 circular segments, reservoir: deer mouse, transmitted via rodent urine/feces, haunted = hantavirus, pulmonary capillary leak, pre-renal azotemia, hemorrhagic fever, arboviruses (California encephalitis and Rift Valley Fever), shaking = seizures, encephalitis, transmitted by the Aedes mosquito
Negative-sense RNA, enveloped, ambisense = can encode its RNA both positively and negatively, helical capsid, 2 segments, grainy appearance on electron microscopy, rodent transmission, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCV), meningoencephalitis, fever, inactivated by heat, inactivated by irradiation
RNA virus, double-stranded RNA virus, naked virus, 11 segments, Rotavirus, watery diarrhea, NSP4 toxin - secretory diarrhea, NSP4 increases chloride permeability, more common in the wintertime, children are at risk for Rotavirus infections, #1 cause of severe diarrhea in young children, treatment: oral rehydration, live attenuated oral vaccine, vaccine side effect: intussusception = telescoping of the bowel, Colorado Tick virus, causes myalgia, fever, and vomiting
HSV 1 and 2
DNA virus, enveloped, double-stranded and linear, intranuclear inclusion bodies (Cowdry bodies), vertical transmission (TORCH), gingivostomatitis is first sign of HSV-1, herpes labialis (cold sores), keratoconjunctivitis, serpiginous corneal ulcers on fluorescein slit lamp exam, HSV-1 causes temporal lobe encephalitis, #1 cause of sporadic encephalitis in the US, HSV-1 latent in trigeminal ganglia, herpes rash has “dew drops on rose petal” appearance, herpetic whitlow (more common in dentists), erythema multiform may appear 1-2 weeks after infection, painful inguinal lymphadenopathy associated with HSV-2, HSV-2 lies dormant in the sacral ganglia, HSV-2 may cause aseptic meningitis in adolescents and adults, Tzank smear showing multinucleated giant cells characteristic of herpes, acyclovir or valcyclovir to prevent breakouts
Epstein-Barr virus
Double-stranded DNA, primarily transmitted through saliva, fever, tender posterior lymphadenopathy (can be generalized), reactive cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (Downey, or atypical cells) seen on blood smear, splenomegaly due to T-cell proliferation, EBV remains latent in B cells, EBV envelope glycoprotein binds CD21 to infect B cells, pharyngitis and tonsillar exudates, if mistakenly given amoxicillin or ampicillin, can develop maculopapular rash, Hodgkin’s lymphoma - Reed Sternberg cells that look like “owl’s eyes”, endemic or African Burkitt lymphoma - large jaw lesion and swelling, nasopharyngeal carcinoma associated with Asian EBV patients, oral hairy leukoplakia in HIV patients (non-cancerous lesion), Monospot test for rapid diagnosis, avoid contact sports due to risk of splenic rupture
DNA virus, herpes virus family, remains latent in B cells, T cells, and macrophages, reactivation by immunosuppression, TORCHES infection, blueberry muffin rash, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly, sensorineural deafness, ventriculomegaly, periventricular calcifications, seizures, 80-90% of those with congenital CMV infection are asymptomatic, hydrops fetalis, #1 cause of sensorineural hearing loss in children, #1 cause of congenital viral infection, organ transplant patients, CMV pneumonia, AIDS patients, CD4 count
Varicella zoster virus
Herpes virus family, enveloped, chicken pox, fever, headache, respiratory droplet transmission, vesicular “dew drops on a rose” rash, lesions in different stages of healing, Tzank smear shows multinucleated giant cells, adult presentation, pneumonia, encephalitis (especially in immunocompromised), live attenuated vaccine for children, acyclovir treatment for children ages 12+, adults, and immunocompromised, remains latent in dorsal root ganglia, reactivation occurs with stress, aging in or immunocompromised state, herpes zoster (or shingles) is reactivated form, herpes zoster has “dew drop on a rose” appearance with dermatomal distribution (if rash crosses midline = disseminated VZV in immunocompromised patients), extremely painful rash, postherpetic neuralgia (pain after rash subsides), Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus -vision loss possible if V1 affected, live attenuated zoster vaccine recommended for adults over 60, HIV patients with CD4 count >200 may be given zoster vaccine, famciclovir treatment for shingles, valacyclovir also treatment for shingles, vertical transmission (TORCH), congenital varicella syndrome, limb hypoplasia, cutaneous dermatomal scarring, blindness,
DNA virus, HHV-6 infects CD4+ cells, Herpes virus family, roseola (exanthema subitem) is characterized by a fever generally lasting 4 days, children with roseola can develop febrile seizures, after fever a diffuse lacy body rash occurs that spares the face, affects children ages 6 months to 2 years, self-limiting
HHV8 causes Kaposi sarcoma, DNA virus, AIDS and immunosuppressed associated with Kaposi sarcoma, causes violacious lesions on nose, extremities, and mucous membranes, causes proliferation of vasculature, causes dysregulation of VEGF, lesions can be found within the GI tract, Kaposi’s lesions most commonly occur on the hard palate, infection of B cells can cause primary effusion lymphoma (B-cell lymphoma), higher incidence in Russian men and African populations, differentiate from bacillary angiomatosis caused by bartonella
DNA virus, circular double-stranded DNA, naked, JC (John Cunningham) virus causes progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), HIV patients with CD4+
DNA virus, naked virus, HPV 1-4: verruca vulgaris = cutaneous common wart; HPV 6, 11: laryngeal papillomatosis = recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, condyloma acuminata = anogenital warts; HPV 16, 18, 31, 33: anogenital cancers; Guardasil: HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 inactivated subunit vaccine; E6 protein, p53 is targeted by E6, p53 = cell cycle checkpoint at G1S phase and stops transition from G1S phase, E7, RB is targeted by E7, retinoblastoma protein = tumor suppressor, post-coital bleeding (bleeding after sex), Papsmear = screening for cervical cancer, koilocytes, AIDS-defining illnesses: invasive cervical/anal/penile cancers, immunosuppression increases risk of HPV-related cancers
Parvovirus B19, naked virus, parovirus is the smallest DNA virus, single-stranded DNA virus, respiratory droplet transmission, vertical transmission (TORCH), slapped cheek fever, 5th disease, lacy rash starts on face and moves downward, joint pain, arthritis, and edema in adults, aplastic anemia in sickle cell patients, hydrops fetalis in utero
Most common cause of infection in the adenoids and tonsils, naked virus, respiratory droplets are one mode of transmission, another route of transmission is fecal-oral, children commonly affected, outbreaks can occur in military barracks, swimmers at public pools often affected, adenovirus causes hemorrhagic cystitis, adenovirus is a common cause of viral conjunctivitis, military recruits may be administered a live vaccine for adenovirus
DNA virus, poxviruses make their own envelopes, pox has a special DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Guarnieri bodies (inclusion bodies) are sites of viral replication in the cytoplasm, dumbbell shaped core, largest known DNA virus; Smallpox: smallpox virus lesions are all the same age; Cowpox = contact with infected cow udders; Molluscum contagiosum - flesh-colored, dome-shaped, umbilicated skin lesions, umbilicated lesions on trunk in children, diffuse molluscum contagiosum infection in adults suggests an HIV infection