Skeletal System Flashcards
Parts of the skeletal system
• bones
• joints
• cartilages
• ligaments
2 subdivision of the skeleton
- Axial skeleton
- Appendicular skeleton
• Support the body
• protects soft organs
• attached skeletal muscles allow movement
• store minerals and fats
• blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)
Skeletal system (functions of the bones)
Protect brain and spinal cord
Skull and vertebrae
Protects thoracic cavity organs
Rib cage
Store minerals and fats
• Calcium And phosphorus
• fat in the internal marrow cavity
The adult skeleton has
206 bones
Two basic types of osseous (bone) tissue
- Compact bone
- Spongy bone
Dense, smooth, and homogeneous
Compact bone
• small needle like pieces of bone
• many open spaces
Spongy bone
Bones are classified on the basis of shape into 4 groups
• long
• flat
• short
• irregular
• shaft enlarged ends
• contains mostly compact bone; spongy bone st ends
• all of the bones of the limbs (except wrist, ankle, and knee cap bones) are:
Long bones
Examples of long bones:
Femur and humerus
• thin, flattened and usually curves
• two thin layers of compact bone sandwich a layer of spongy bone between them
Flat bones
Examples of flat bones:
Most bones the skull, ribs, sternum
• generally cube-shaped
• contains mostly spongy bone with an outer layer of compact bone
• seasmoids bones are a type of bone that form within tendons (patella)
Short bones
Examples of short bones:
Carpals (wrist bones)
Tarsals (ankle bones)
• Do not fit other bones classification categories
Irregular bones
Examples of irregular bones:
Vertebrae and hip bones
• Diaphysis (shaft) and periosteum
Long bones anatomy
•Makes up most of bones length
• composed of compact bone
Diaphysis (shaft)