Skeletal Muscle & PNS Pathology Flashcards
Normal Muscle

Beehive is normal
Normal Muscle
Checkerboard is normal
- Grouping is abnormal ⇒ indicates denervation with reinnervation

What are the pathologic reactions of muscle (3)?
- Occurs secondary to increased load due to exercise or pathologic condition
- Destruction of all or part of a myofiber; stimulates infiltration by macrophages
- Satellite cells around degenerated fiber proliferate. Regenerating fiber has bluish color
Describe denervation atrophy (neurogenic atrophy)
- Clusters of fibers (of one type) become smaller and develop angular contours (group atrophy)
Lack of neural input results in:
- Breakdown of myosin and actin
- Resorptionof myofibrils
- Decrease in cell size
- Both type 1 and type 2 fiber clusters are found
Describe reinnervation:
- **Neighboring axons sprout and reinnervate denervated myocytes **
- Fiber assumes fiber type conferred by the neighboring axon
- This causes fiber type grouping
Neurogenic vs. Myopathic
- bimodal size distribution
- angulated fibers
- apparent increase in nuclei (nuclear clumps)
- no necrosis, regeneration, fibrosis, or inflammation
- random size variation
- round fibers
- centralization of nuclei
- necrosis, regeneration, +/-fibrosis, inflammation
List the motor neuron diseases:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Aka Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Motor Neuron Disease
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Definition:
- Pathogenesis:
- Onset:
- Progressive, neurodegenerative d/o
UMN + LMN degeneration;
- normal sensation
- Onset: 50-60y of age (avg)
What are the clinical s/s of ALS?
- Muscle atrophy of affected body part
- Dysphagia, dysarthria
- Affected body part, tongue
- Hyperreflexia
- Positive Babinski
- Spasticity
Pseudobulbar palsy
- Emotional lability
- Executive dysfunction
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Definition:
- Incidence:
- Demographics:
- Etiology:
- Degenerative LMN d/o of childhood>>adulthood
- 2nd most common autosomal recessive disorder
- Panethnic
- Homozygous deletion of exon 7 of SMN1 (survival motor neuron) gene
What are the clincal s/s of SMA?
- Proximal muscle weakness >>> distal
- Dysphagia ⇒ GT
Respiratory weakness ⇒ hypercapnia ⇒ death
- Diaphragm failure
- Intercostal weakness
- Normal intellect
- Areflexic on exam
- Different subtypes—infantile, older infant, childhood, adult onset
Werdnig Hoffmann Disease

- Large groups of rounded atrophic fibers (panfascicular atrophy)
- Sparse scattered markedly hypertrophic fibers
- Differs from typical pattern of neurogenic atrophy seen in adults

List the muscular dystrophies:
X-linked muscular dystrophies
- Duchenne MD (DMD)
- Becker MD (BMD)
Autosomal Muscular dystrophies
- Myotonic MD (DM)
Why is dystrophin important to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophies?
- Mutation in Xp21
- Deletion of ≥1 exons in DMD; duplications; stop codons
- LARGEST gene in humans
- Reason that 1/3rd of cases are new mutations
- Size of dystrophin does NOT matter as much as quantity of dystrophin does
- DMD ⇒ 99% have none/nearly no dystrophin
BMD ⇒ 85% have abnormal dystrophin in reduced quantity
- 15% have normal dystrophin in reduced quantity
What are the clinical s/s of DMD?
- Proximal muscle weakness
- Intact milestones or slightly delayed
- Gower’s maneuver
- Face/Eyes SPARED
- CK ↑↑↑ > 10,000
- Slower movement than peers ⇒ wheelchair bound by 11-12y
- Large calves
- Waddling
- Scapular winging
- Contractures
- Dilated cardiomyopathy
- Intellectual impairment (average IQ 85)
What is the clinical course of BMD?
- Later onset
- Near normal lifespan—mid 60’s
- Still have weakness
Which lane represents DMD?

Lane 4: DuchenneMD: essentially no dystrophin protein present
What is the most common muscular dystrophy in adults?
Myotonic dystrophy (DM)
What is the etiology of DM?
- Autosomal dominant
- DM1 = dystrophia myotonica type 1
CTG repeat expansion in DMPK gene on Ch 19
- Normal 5-37 repeats
- Full mutation is >80 repeats
- Genetic anticipation
What is the major clinical sign in myotonic dystrophy?
Difficulty releasing grip ⇒ myotonia
- Impaired Cl- conduction ⇒ slower repolarization ⇒ impaired relaxation
- Also will see foot drop
What are other clinical s/s of DM?
- Weakness
- Proximal muscles
- Face—hatchet face
- Elongated face ⇒ “myopathic” face
- Temporal wasting
- Endocrine abnormalities
- Testicular atrophy ⇒ balding
- Diabetes (insulin resistance)
- Premature cataracts
- Cardiac arrhythmias—90% of pts
- ↓ Intelligence (higher repeat #)
What are the metabolic myopathies (2)?
Mitochondrial myopathies
- Mutations in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA involved in oxid phosphorylation cause mito myopathies
Glycogen storage diseases
- Hereditary deficiency of enzyme involved in synthesis or degradation of glycogen
What is MELAS and causes it?
- Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, & stroke-like episodes
MtDNA mutation
- Mutation codes for tRNA(Leu)
- Most common mutation m.3243A>G
What are the 3 criteria for MELAS?
Stroke-like episodes < 40y
- Not vascular
- Progressive cognitive impairment ⇒ dementia
- Seizures, stroke-like episodes
- Neurodegenerative component
Lactic acidosis, ragged-red fibers or both
- Myopathy—proximal, eyes