Skeletal Muscle Flashcards
Naming of muscles: Named by orientation of muscle fibers in muscle
a. rectus femoris
b. transverse abdominis
c. superior oblique
Naming of muscles: Named by location in body
a. tibialis anterior
b. temporalis
c. epicranius (frontalis and occipitalis)
Naming of muscles: Named by relationship to other similar muscles
- Size
i. Gluteus maximus
ii. Gluteus minimus - Relative location
i. medial rectus
ii. lateral rectus
Naming of muscles: Named by number of origins
a. Triceps brachii
b. Biceps femoris
Naming of muscles: Named by shape of muscle
a. Rhomboidius major
b. Deltoid
Naming of muscles: Named by origin and insertion
a. Sternocleidomastoid
b. Pubococcygeus
Naming of muscles: Named by action of the muscle
a. Supinator
b. Adductor magnus
Muscles of Facial Expression: Epicranius (occipitofrontalis) *3 details
- divided into 2 parts - overlies top of skull
1. Frontalis - over forehead - consists of 2 bellies - draws scalp forward - wrinkles forehead - raises eyebrows
insertion: superficial fascia of eyebrow
origin: Galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
2. Occipitalis - over occipital bone - draws scalp backward (wiggles your ears)
insertion: Galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
origin: Occipital bone
Muscles of Facial Expression: Orbicubris oris *3 details
- sphincter muscle surrounding mouth opening
- closes and compresses lips, protrudes lips, shapes for speech
origin and insertion - muscles arranged in circular pattern with variety of origins and insertions.
Muscles of Facial Expression: Zygomaticus major
- runs obliquely across the front of the face from upper corner of mouth
- draws the angle of mouth upward and outward - assists in parting lips
- origin: zygomatic bone
- insertion: fascia around mouth’s angle (lateral corner)
Muscles of Facial Expression: Levator labii superioris
- runs superior to lip, parallel to nose
- assists in raising and parting lips
- origin: near orbit, on maxillae
- insertion: fascia around upper lip
Muscles of Facial Expression: Depressor labii inferioris
- depresses lower lip
- origin: mandible
- insertion: skin of lower lip
- lateral to mentalis
Muscles of Facial Expression: Mentalis
(mentum=chin) - protrudes lower lip - elevates skin over chin - pouting muscle
- origin: mandible near lower lip
- insertion: fascia of chin
- medial to Depressor labii inferioris
Muscles of Facial Expression: Buccinator
- (buce=cheek) - makes up most of mass of cheek
- compresses cheeks (blowing and sucking)
- origin: alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible and from pterygomandibular ligament (raphe)
- insertion: fascia of lower lateral face
Muscles of Facial Expression: Platysma
- (platy=flat, broad) - very superficial muscle covering lower face and neck
- draws skin around mouth laterally and inferiorly
- origin: fascia over deltoid and pectoralis muscles
- insertion: fascia of lower lateral face
Muscles of Facial Expression: Risorius
- (risor=laughter) - runs laterally from corners of mouth
- origin: fascia over parotid gland
- insertion: fascia at corners of mouth
Muscles of Facial Expression: Orbicularis Oculi
- circular muscle around orbit
- origin and insertion: circular locations around orbit (many)
- functions sphincter like to close the eye
Muscles of Facial Expression: Levator palpebrae superioris
- functions to elevate upper eyelid.
- actually a muscle of the orbit - courses over eyeball to eyelid
- origin: lesser wing of sphenoid (orbital root)
- insertion: superior tarsal plate of upper lid.
Muscles of Facial Expression: Corrugator Supercilii
- small muscle deep to orbicular is oculi
- responsible for angry look
- origin: medial part of superciliary arch
- insertion: fascia and skin of eyebrow
Muscles of Mastication: Masseter
- elevates the mandible - most powerful
- origin: zygomatic arch
- insertion: angle and ramus of mandible
Muscles of Mastication: Temporalis
- elevates and retracts mandible
- origin: fan shaped over the temporal bone
- insertion: coronoid process and anterior border of ramus of mandible
Muscles of Mastication: Medial pterygoid
- elevates and protrudes mandible - also functions in moving the mandible from side to side in chewing.
- origin: medial side of lateral pterygoid plate and from maxilla
- insertion: medial surface of angle of mandible
Muscles of Mastication: Lateral pterygoid
- pulls mandible forward to open mouth and also assists in side to side movement.
- origin: greater wing of sphenoid and lateral side of later pterygoid plate
- insertion: condyle of mandible and articular disk of T.M.J.
Muscles of Mastication: Mylohyoid
- flat muscle making up lower floor of mandible - elevates floor of mouth
- origin: inferior portion of mandible
- insertion: a midline raphe and the hyoid bone