Skafar Flashcards
What are the different parts of the female reproductive tract? what is each of their functions?
- Ovaries: development of gametes and secretion of hormones (estrogen, progesterone, inhibin)
- Oviduct: transport of oocyte to uterus
- Uterus: myometrium and endometrium; provides environment for development of zygote into fetus
- Cervix: strong boundary between uterus and vagina
- Vagina: birth canal
How does oocyte development occur?
Oocyte starts to develop prior to birth, but arrested at the first division of meiosis
- First meiotic division not completed until just prior to ovulation
- Second meiotic division completed after fertilization
How does follicular development in the female reproductive system occur? What are the stages of follicular development during the menstrual cycle?
At birth, a female has 2-4 million of these primordial follicles (simplest type- oocyte with single layer of granulosa cells)
A woman will only ovulate a few hundred of these in her lifetime
Development occurs during the menstrual cycle • Oocyte increases in size • Granulosa cells proliferate • Theca cells appear • Antrum (fluid-filled space) develops
Ovulation: release of oocyte and some of its surrounding granulose cells from the follicle
• Remaining granulosa cells and theca cells then form the corpus luteum, which regresses after 2 weeks if pregnancy does not occur
During menstrual cycle:
All of these processes in all 3 stages depend on LH, FSH, estrogen, androgens (precursors for estrogens) and progesterone
1. Follicular Phase: from primordial follicle to pre-ovulatory stage (14 days)
2. Ovulation: takes less than one day
3. Luteal Phase: corpus luteum functioning (14 days)
What is the function of the different hormones in follicular development?
- FSH: acts on granulosa cells causing them to secrete estradiol (require androgen precursors from theca)
• Combination of FSH and estradiol cause granulosa cells to proliferate
• Increasing the number of cells increases the production of estradiol - LH:
• In the early follicle (before antrum development) only the theca and stroma cells have receptors for LH
-Theca cells supply granulosa cells with androgen precursors for estradiol synthesis under the influence of LH
• In the pre-ovulatory follicle, granulosa cells also have LH receptors
- Development of receptors accompanied by production of progesterone and a decreased amount of aromatase, resulting in a drop in the level of estrogen and a slight increase in progesterone
- The signal for ovulation is an LH surge
- Also requires progesterone receptor and progesterone
- Prostaglandins and plasminogen activator may also play a role
• LH initiates formation of corpus luteum
• LH required for continued steroid production
What are the two types of estrogens?
- Estradiol: can be synthesized from testosterone via the enzyme aromatase
- Circulates at extremely low levels (can vary 20 fold at different points in the menstrual cycle)
- Circulates bound to either albumin or SHBG (very little is in free form) - Estrone
** Estrogens are inactivated in the liver by conjugation with sulfate or glucoronide and then excreted by the kidneys
What hormones are produced by the ovaries? what are their activity level/where are they produced? ?
- Estrogens: from testosterone, circulates bound to albumin of SHBG
- Progesterone: produced mainly by corpus luteum (some from granulosa cells just prior to ovulation); most is bound to CBG in circulation; Progesterone is inactivated in the liver by conversion into pregnanediol, and then excreted by the kidney
- Peptide hormones:
Inhibin (produced by granulosa cells; after ovulation they are produced by the corpus luteum)
What are the different stages involved in the menstrual cycle?
- Menstrual Phase (Day 1-5; also part of Follicular Phase of Ovarian Cycle):
- Uterine endometrium being shed
- Estrogen and progesterone levels are low
- LH and FSH levels are low (but start to increase at start of menses due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone, which decreases negative feedback)
- Several follicles begin to develop in the ovary and secrete estrogen - Proliferative Phase (Follicular Phase of Ovarian Cycle):
Day 6-10:
- Ovarian follicles continue to develop and secrete estrogen (estrogen levels rising)
- Theca cells begin to develop and produce androgens (provide to granulosa cells; estrogen production increases further)
- Progesterone remains low
- LH stays constant
- FSH levels start to decrease
- One follicle is selected to continue development (day 7) and the rest degenerate
- Uterine endometrium proliferates and thickens
Day 11-13:
- Plasma estrogen levels increase and remain elevated; Increasing estrogen levels causes the frequency of GnRH pulses to increase
- LH and FSH levels begin to rise
- Granulosa cells develop receptors to LH (prior to ovulation), and due to LH stimulation, begin to luteinize; Decrease estrogen production, increase progesterone production
- Uterine endometrium continues to proliferate and thicken
Ovulation (Day 14):
- Increased estrogen for at least 36 hours causes positive feedback on gonadotropin secretion and leads to LH surge
- Oocyte finishes its first meiotic division and is ovulated 9-16 hours after the surge
- Secretory Phase (Luteal Phase of Ovarian Cycle):
Day 15-25:
- LH and FSH levels drop rapidly
- Corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen
- Frequency of GnRH pulses decreases
- Endometrium becomes highly vascularized and slightly edematous
- Glands become coiled and secrete a clear fluid
Day 26-28:
- LH and FSH levels continue to decline
- If pregnancy hasn’t occurred, produced of estrogen and progesterone from corpus luteum declines
- Corpus luteum degenerates and estrogen and progesterone levels are very low
- Leads to shedding of uterine endometrium and start of new cycle
What is estrogen/ progesterone’s mode of action?
bind proteins located in cells, which then alter transcription and translation of proteins produced in that cell
What are the concentrations of hormones produced by the ovaries?
- Estradiol:
Low in early follicular phase (50 pg/mL), but affinity for receptor is high (“enveloped” by it)
Pre-ovulatory: 200-250 pg/mL
Luteal phase: 100 pg/mL
- Progesterone:
• Follicular Phase: 0.9 ng/mL
• Mid-Luteal: 18 ng/mL
What are some of the effects of estrogen?
1. Internal Genitalia: • Growth of ovarian follicles • Increased motility of uterine tubes • Increased proliferation of uterine myometrium and endometrium (storage of nutrients as well) • Increased contractility of uterus
- Breasts: increase proliferation of ducts
- Cervix: thinner, more alkaline mucus (fern pattern when dried)
- Vagina: cornified epithelium
- Bone: epiphyseal closure
- Skin: thins sebaceous gland secretions
- CV: lower plasma cholesterol and inhibit atherogenesis
- Fat: distributed to breasts and buttocks
- Psychological: increased libido
- Other:
• Increased angiotensinogen
• Increased TBG
• Salt, water retention
• Increases synthesis of progesterone receptor
**Therefore, vast majority of progesterone effects are in concert with estrogen
What are some of the effects of progesterone?
*in combination with estrogen
1. Internal Genitalia:
• Inhibits myometrium contractility (decrease electrical activity and sensitivity to oxytocin)
• Endometrium more highly vascularized and edematous
• Uterine glands coiled and begin to secrete
• Increases membrane potential
• Increases metabolism of estradiol to less active forms of estrogen
- Breasts: increased growth of lobules and alveoli
- Basal Body Temperature: slight increase
- Cervix: thicker, more cellular mucus (no fern pattern)
- Vagina: thicker mucus, epithelium proliferates
- Respiration: decreases pCO2 (increases respiration)
- Kidney: produce natriuresis (block aldosterone?)
Describe the hormone levels of LH and its regulation during the menstrual cycle
- Low and increase slightly at the beginning of the cycle
- Stay relatively constant until late follicular phase when LH surge occurs
- After LH surge, levels drop rapidly and continue to decrease during luteal phase
Describe the hormone levels of FSH and its regulation during the menstrual cycle
- Low and increase slightly at the beginning of the cycle
- Remain constant until middle of follicular phase, slightly decrease as ovulation approaches
- Small peak coincident with LH surge prior to ovulation
- Levels continue to decrease during luteal phase of cycle
Describe the hormone levels of estrogen and its regulation during the menstrual cycle
- Low at the beginning of the cycle
- Gradually increase in middle of follicular phase
- Rate of increase increases further, and estradiol levels very high for ~2 days (reach a maximum 2 hours before LH surge)
- Levels fall at ovulation
- Second increase during luteal phase (produced by corpus luteum)
- Levels fall as corpus luteum degenerates
Describe the hormone levels of progesterone and its regulation during the menstrual cycle
- Very low in first part of cycle
- Rise as LH increases
- Continue to rise during luteal phase (produced by corpus luteum)
- Levels fall as corpus luteum degenerates
Describe the feedback regulation of LH and FSH secretion
- Negative Feedback:
o Low doses estradiol (decreases GnRH and LH)
o Estrogen + progesterone (decreases GnRH and LH)
o Inhibin (decreases FSH) - Positive Feedback:
o High estrogen for ~36 hours (increases GnRH and LH)
Describe the neural control of hormone secretion in the female reproductive system (what things increase/decrease GnRH pulse frequency
- Increase GnRH Pulse Frequency:
o NE
o Estrogen (every 60 minutes near time of ovulation)
2. Decrease GnRH Pulse Frequency: o Enkephalins and beta-endorphin o Progesterone (therefore, pulses less frequent in luteal phase than in follicular phase)
Describe the differentiation of the Male reproductive system (in utero)
In the absence of signals, development proceeds as female; Up until week 6 of gestation the gonad is indifferent with a cortex and medulla
In the male, the cortex regresses and the medulla expands to form the embryonic testes
**Opposite in the female (cortex expands, medulla regresses)
SRY/TDF: located on the end of the short arm of the Y chromosome
o Gene encodes transcription factor that causes male development
o 44XY acts on bipotential gonad to stimulate SRY production
o SRY stimulates the testes to produce 2 hormones
1. Mullerian Inhibitory Substance (MIS): inhibits female internal genitalia
2. Testosterone: responsible for internal and external male genitalia, as well as the “male brain” (masculinized in the release of GnRH- remains the same everyday)
Testicular Descent:
o Movement of testis to inguinal canal (pulled by gubernaculum), herniation of the abdominal wall, and descent of testes into scrotum
o May or may not occur prior to birth (may have to perform surgery if they do not descend soon after being born)
o Importance of descent:
• Undescended testicles have higher risk for cancer development
• Undescended testicles are at a higher temperature which can lead to infertility
Describe the Jost Experiments
- Male Castrated Early: female duct system (must be something in the testes that causes formation of male duct system and regression of female duct system)
- Female Castrated Early: female duct system
- Male Unilaterally Castrated Early: female duct on castrated side, male duct on side with remaining testis
- Male Castrated Early plus Testosterone: both male and female ducts (therefore, testosterone causes the formation of male ducts but not the regression of female ducts)
- Testosterone Treated Female: both ducts
What organs are involved in sperm transport? what is each of their specific function?
- Epididymis: required for transport and maturation
• Acquire motility
• Become concentrated (important in fertility)
➢ 100 million/mL is the average
➢ 20-50 million/mL results in impaired fertility
➢ <20 million/mL results in infertility - Vas Deferens: sperm transport and storage
- Penis: brings sperm to female reproductive tract
What is the function of the testes?
- Gametogenic: produces sperm
2. Endocrine: synthesizes and secretes hormones for male development
What is the function of the glands in the male reproductive system? (each gland specifically)
OVERALL: Secrete components of semen:
1. Prostate gland: contribute 20% of total volume of semen; Spermine, citric acid, cholesterol, phospholipids, fibrinolysin, fibrinogenase, zinc, acid phosphatase
- Seminal vesicles: contributes 50% of volume of semen; Fructose, phosphorylcholine, ergothioneine, ascorbic acid, flavins, prostaglandins
- Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) Glands
*****Other components not listed above: buffers (phosphate and bicarbonate), hyaluronidase (degradative enzyme)
What is the function of the Sertoli cells? How do they interact with sperm?
Function of Sertoli Cells:
- Regulate sperm development
- Form blood-testes barrier
- Secreted fluid in seminiferous tubules (propels sperm)
- Secrete androgen-binding protein (ABP; keeps androgens in Sertoli cell- needed for gamete production)
- Synthesize and secrete inhibin
- Produce MIS (important in utero, but not clear if it functions at all after birth)
Interaction with Developing Sperm:
Sperm are surrounded by but not enclosed within Sertoli cells; Sertoli cells are connected by tight junctions, which the developing sperm move through and then develop into secondary spermatocytes
Describe the process of spermatogenesis
Spermatogonia (46,2) undergo mitosis → Primary Spermatocyte (46,2) which undergoes first meiotic division with equal division of cytoplasm → Secondary Spermatocyte (23,2) which undergoes the 2nd meiotic division with equal division of cytoplasm → Spermatid (23,1) which finally undergoes differentiation to become a mature spermatozoa (23,1)
Primary spermatocytes stay connected to one another by junctions between spermatocytes until the final stages of differentiation:
Connection of cytoplasm allows for coordination in production
What are the different structural parts of the sperm and what do they contain?
- Head: contains mostly DNA
- Acrosome: contains digestive enzymes, essential for fertility
- Mitochondria: wrapped around flagellum to provide energy for motility
- Tail: propels the sperm
What is the function of Leydig cells?
- **Synthesize and secrete testosterone:
- Produces more than 95% of testosterone in males
Two crucial steps in synthesis:
- Cholesterol converted to pregnenolone
- Cleavage of side chain at C-1
Describe the biosynthesis of testosterone
- Cholesterol → Pregnenolone using side chain cleavage enzyme (mitochondria)
- Pregnenolone → 17α-hydroxypregnenolone using 17α-hydroxylase (SER)
- 17α-hydroxypregnenolone → DHEA → Androstenedione or Androstenediol
- Both can be converted to testosterone
Describe the interaction between Leydig cells and Sertoli cells:
= 2 Cell 2 Gonadotropin Hypothesis:
1. Leydig cell:
Stimulated by LH to increase testosterone production and secretion; Activates PKA pathway that causes synthesis of enzymes involved in testosterone production; Most of the testosterone enters a neighboring Sertoli cell (needed for gamete production); Some enters the blood stream
- Sertoli cell:
Stimulated by FSH to synthesize proteins:
• Inhibin
• ABP (keeps androgens in Sertoli cell- needed for gamete production)
• Aromatase (converse testosterone to estradiol, which is also necessary for male fertility)
What are normal plasma levels and actions of testosterone and DHT?
Plasma Levels of Sex Steroids in Males:
- Testosterone: 525 ng/dL; only 2% is free (bound to SHBG, CBG, and albumin)
- DHT: accounts for ~10% of circulation testosterone (50ng/dL); produced from testosterone by 5α-reductase
Actions of Testosterone and DHT:
- Testosterone = Gonadotropin regulation, spermatogenesis, sexual differentiation (Wolffian stimulation)
- DHT (Dihydrotestosterone: binds androgen receptor more tightly than testosterone (more potent androgen); Sexual differentiation (external virilization), sexual maturation at puberty
what is 5-alpha reductase deficiency? What happens to DHT/Testosterone/other hormone levels?
- Mutations effect either cofactor (NADPH) or substrate (steroid) binding therefore can’t make DHT
Results in ambiguous external genitalia at birth
o Often raised as girls until puberty where gender identity usually changes
- Wolffian development is normal (have epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles)
o Also have a very small prostate (therefore, need DHT to stimulate prostate gland growth)
- Libido intact
o Affected men can have erections; some have even been reported to have fathered children
Hormone levels:
Testosterone: = Normal or elevated levels (increase T/DHT ratio); Normal clearance of testosterone
DHT = Low levels DHT (decreased conversion of T→DHT); Normal clearance of DHT
There is a global deficiency in 5α-Reductase, resulting in decreased cortisol, corticosterone and androstenedione
What is androgens MOA? receptor?
Receptor = Has very high affinity for ligand (do not need a lot to achieve binding)
Has a ligand binding domain at one end and an activation/function domain at the other
Mutations that cause androgen insensitivity syndrome are located in the DNA and hormone binding domains
Mutations that cause prostate cancer have a different pattern of mutation
Androgens bind receptor and act as transcription factors, altering protein synthesis in the cell
(normally NCor repressor is bound to the DNA but when hormone binds receptor, the SRC-1 TF is stimulated, removes the repressor and increases transcription)
What is the effect of androgens in the male?
- External Genitalia:
- Penis increases in length and width
- Scrotum becomes pigmented and rugose - Internal Genitalia:
- Seminal vesicles enlarge, begin to synthesize and secrete fructose
- Prostate and bulbourethral glands enlarge and secrete - Voice: larynx enlarges, vocal cords increase in length and thickness, voice deepens
- Hair Growth:
- Facial and body hair appears
- Scalp hair decreases - Body Changes: increased size of shoulders and muscles
- Anabolic Effects:
- Increased size of kidneys
- Increased protein synthesis and decreased protein breakdown
- Causes fusion of epiphyses (estrogen also required)
- Decrease Na+, K+, water, Ca++, sulfate and phosphate retention - Psychological: hard to assess; increased aggressiveness and libido
What is the function of estrogen in males?
Required for:
- Fertility (resorption of fluid in epididymis)
- Maintenance of bone density
- Fusion of epiphyses
What happens in aromatase deficiency (in men)
(cant make estrogen from testosterone)
- Bone:
- Continued linear growth into adulthood (unfused epiphyses
- Increase bone remodeling and loss of bone mineral density - Energy:
- Overweight with abdominal adiposity
- TAG elevated, low HDL
- Mild hyperphagia
- Reduced physical activity
- Fatty liver
- Insulin resistance
- Impaired fertility - Other:
- Decreased dopaminergic neurons
- Reduced thymus size
- Diminished response to ACh is aortic ring segments (important in maintaining vascular tone)
- Reduced proliferation of VSM cells (more susceptible to apoptosis)
What causes an erection/ejaculation?
- Erection: parasympathetic (ACh, VIP, NO)
= Dilation of arterioles in penis; Compression of veins - Ejaculation:
a). Emission: sympathetic = emission of sperm
b). Spinal reflex causing contraction of bulbocavernosus muscle (ejection)
Is GnRH release pulsatile?
Release of GnRH is pulsatile (prevents down regulation of receptors for LH and FSH)
Therefore, gonadotropin release is also pulsatile (follows GnRH)
Note: although release is pulsatile, it does not change on a day to day basis (unlike in the female)
What happens to the oocyte during ovulation?
Oocyte released with zona pellucid and some granulosa cells and picked up by the fimbriae of the oviduct and takes ~4 days to move through duct
Initial movement through oviduct is rapid (contraction of myoepithelial cells around the duct; sped up by estrogen)
Movement then slows down (now only due to cilia lining the oviduct)
- Oocyte fertile for 6-24 hours, therefore fertilization must take place in the oviduct
Explain what happens during fertilization
- Sperm undergo capacitation in female reproductive tract; which enhances ability to fertilize the oocyte
- Fertilization begins when sperm makes its way through cumulus oophorus using motility and surface hyaluronidase
- Sperm that have entered female reproductive tract deposit themselves at a storage site in the oviduct
- Possible mechanisms of sperm guidance to oocyte: thermotaxis and chemotaxis
• Progesterone released from granulosa cell most likely acts as chemoattractant for sperm, resulting in a change in its swimming direction toward the oocyte - Sperm binds ZP, causing acrosome to release degradative enzymes:
Fusion of sperm and ZP causes an increase in Ca++ inside the sperm, triggering the acrosome reaction
Enzymes dissolve ZP locally and tail action pushes sperm toward oocyte - Microvilli on oocyte surround the sperm head and membranes of oocyte and sperm fuse
- Fusion of plasma membrane of sperm and oocyte causes several changes:
Change in membrane potential (prevent polyspermy)
Increased Ca++ in oocyte causes cortical reaction and release of granules that contain enzymes causing changes in ZP (prevent polyspermy)
Contractile proteins draw sperm inside
Oocyte finished meiotic divisions (also due to increase in Ca++) - Zygote begins to divide
What happens during implantation
When zygote reaches the uterus it has developed into a blastocyst: Trophoblast will form part of the placenta; ICM will form embryo and surrounding membranes
Blastocysts floats in uterus for ~3 days, and must hatch from ZP before it can implant
After hatching, undergoes implantation:
- Apposition: blastocyst lines up next to uterine wall (not touching yet)
- Adhesion: blastocyst sticks to epithelial cell layer; changes in the blastocyst result in formation of syncytiotrophoblast
- Invasion: blastocyst burrows into epithelium (facilitated by invasion of syncytiotrophoblast)
- Only a limited window for implantation
Only 20-25% of fertilizations in humans go on to produce a full term baby
- Once implantation occurs, the syncytiotrophoblast begin secreting hCG: rescues the corpus luteum and keeps progesterone and estrogen levels elevated
What is the function of the placenta?
- Gas exchange
- Nutrient waste exchange
- Protective barrier to cells of maternal immune system
Later in pregnancy, will start to take up IgG in prepapartion for life outside uterus(Fetal and maternal blood are very close but NEVER come into contact (~5 layers of cells between the 2)
- Hormone synthesis and secretion
Describe the decidual layers of the placenta
Decidua is modified stroma that is dependent on progesterone
- Separates maternal and fetal environment
- Produces prostaglandins for partuition
3 Layers Early in Developmet: deciduas basalis, capsularis, and parietalis (the latter 2 fuse as fetus grows larger)
Describe the hormone levels after prenancy (hCG, progesterone, hCS, estrogens)
- hCG:
- Increases rapidly after fertilization
- Reaches a peak at 8-10 weeks and then declines (never goes all the way down to 0) - Progesterone:
- Increases steadily throughout pregnancy until the last few weeks before term where it levels off - hCS (HPL):
- Increases steadily throughout pregnancy and declines after partuition - Estrogens:
- Increase substantially from beginning of pregnancy until term
- Still increasing even as progesterone is leveling off
What is the function of hormones (hCG, progesterone, estrogen, hCS) during pregnancy?
- hCG:
- Made by syncytiotrophoblast
- Rescues corpus luteum and causes it to produce progesterone and estrogen - Progesterone:
- Maintains secretory function of endometrium
- Maintains decidual cells
- Reduces contractility of myometrium
- Promotes development of lobules and alveoli in the breast
- *Progesterone + Estrogen:
- Act to provide feedback inhibition at both the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
- Reduce GnRH, LH, and FSH production through pregnancy (prevent another ovulation)
- Estrogen:
- Maintain uterine endometrium
- Promote ductal proliferation in breasts
- Increase the number of oxytocin receptors and gap junctions (critical for parturition) - hCS:
- Made by syncytiotrophoblasts
- Has both PRL and GH-like activity
- Increases mammary cell proliferation (to produce milk after birth)
- Increases insulin secretion and lipolysis
- *Mother is slightly insulin resistance during pregnancy
- Spares glucose for fetal use
How are estrogen and progesterone produced during pregnancy? other hormones?
At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone produced by corpus luteum that had been rescued by hCG
Later on, fetus and mother work in concert to produce these 2 hormones
1. Progesterone Synthesis:
Mother provides cholesterol, either from diet or synthesized in the liver
Cholesterol broken down into pregnenolone in placenta using the side chain cleavage enzyme
Pregnenolone → Progesterone in the placenta, and is transported back across the placenta to enter the mother’s circulation
- Estrogen Synthesis
(see notes)
Other hormones:
Autocrine and paracrine (local) methods of regulation
1. Cytotrophoblast produces GnRH, which activates sycytiotrophoblast release of hCG
2. hCG maintains elevated progesterone levels
3. GnRH production regulated by activin (activates) and inhibin (inhibits); Also modulated by VIP, insulin, epinephrine and prostaglandins produced by both cytotrophoblast and fetus (not from mother)
What are the different maternal adaptations to pregnancy?
- Placenta: secretion of estrogen, progesterone, hCG, hCS and others
- Anterior Pituitary: increase secretion of PRL and ACTH
- Posterior Pituitary: increase secretion of ADH
- Adrenal Cortex: increase secretion of aldosterone and cortisol
- Parathyroids: increase secretion of PTH
- Kidneys: increase secretion of renin, EPO, 1,25(OH)2-D3; retention of salt and water (vasopressin, ADH, estrogen)
- Breasts: enlarge and develop mature glandular structure (estrogen, progesterone, PRL)
- Blood Volume: increases (EPO increases RBC volume; salt and water retention increases plasma volume); Relative anemia during pregnancy
- Ca++ Balance: positive (increase PTH and vit. D3)
- Body Weight: increases by an average of 12.5kg
- Circulation: CO increases, resistance decreases (vasodilation in uterus, skin, breasts, GI tract and kidneys), mean arterial pressure stays the same; Distribution of CO changes (by the end of term, uterus gets 20% of CO)
- Respiration: hyperventilation (increased progesterone decreases alveolar pCO2; also due to increasing size of uterus)
- Organic Metabolism: metabolic rate increases
- Increased plasma glucose, secretion of insulin, and fatty acid mobilization
- Appetite and thirst: increase
What are some of the factors/changes that occur to allow for partruition?
- Relaxin softens cervix and ligaments
- Progesterone relaxes muscles
- Number of oxytocin and prostaglandin receptors increase in the uterus 100-fold (due to estrogen)
- Number of gap junctions and ion channels increase in myometrium (due to estrogen); Makes it more sensitive to oxytocin; Contributes to strong, well-coordinated contractions
- Increase in the relative estrogen/progesterone ratio towards the end of term (estrogen increases contractility)
What are the hormones that are essential for parturition?
- Oxytocin:
Produced by trophoblasts and deciduas
Stimulates muscle contractions
Stimulates prostaglandin release in deciduas - Prostaglandins:
Stimulates contractions
Produced by amnion, chorion and deciduas
Need a low level of PGs during pregnancy, or else you get pre-term delivery - Surfactant Protein A:
Not a hormone, but a signal from the fetus that the lungs are ready to breath (signal for delivery); Still able to deliver without this signal
**draw the parturition schematic (look up in notes)
What is adrenarche?
Maturation of the adrenals: change in enzyme activity of the adrenals, which causes them to secrete more androgenic precursors (mechanism unknown)
Usually occurs a few years before the onset of puberty
Occurs around age 7 for girls and a bit later for boys
Early adrenarche does not necessarily mean a child will undergo early puberty (adrenarche is independent of the age at which the gonads mature)
What is the role of GnRH in puberty?
Ultimately, puberty is controlled by changes in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to feedback inhibition, so that GnRH secretion starts to increase
GnRH secretion is high at birth, low during childhood, and begins to increase prior to the start of puberty
Increased GnRH leads to increased LH/FSH and therefore increased sex hormone levels
What is the function of gonadotropin during life (progression)
- Childhood: low levels of LH (and GnRH) during both day and night
- Puberty: LH (GnRH) levels start to increase during the night at first, and eventually levels increase during the day until you reach the point where you get LH all the time
- Reproductive Years: elevated levels of LH (GnRH) during day and night
- Menopause: levels go up even higher during day and night due to less estrogen and progesterone to feedback on GnRH secretion
What changes in the negative feedback of estrogen occur as a person ages?
As a person ages, it takes more sex steroids to inhibit GnRH and gonadotropin release
When a child is approaching puberty, this decrease in sensitivity of the hypothalamus to negative feedback increases LH/FSH secretion, increasing sex hormone secretion and causing the onset of puberty
What is the role of kisspeptin?
Kisspeptin = intermediary that allows leptin to play a role in the onset of puberty
-GnRH neurons do not have receptors for leptin, but do have receptors for kisspeptin
Role of kisspeptin discovered when they made knockout mice without kisspeptin (also called metastin, which is a TSG) and these mice did not go through puberty
KISS-1 neurons in both arcuate nucleus and in anteroventral periventricular nucleus
Both sets of neurons stimulate GnRH release when acted upon by leptin (released from white adipose tissue)
Leptin (through kisspeptin) controls the onset of puberty by giving the body information on nutritional status
Leptin is a permissive factor for puberty, not a trigger (that is, if present in appropriate amounts, puberty can proceed when it receives signals to do so)
Girls: need to maintain a certain level of body fat to maintain fertility throughout life
Boys: need sufficient leptin levels to initiate puberty, but not as dependent on leptin throughout the rest of life for fertility
What are the changes in FSH/LH/steroid hormones that occur (from fertilization–>death)
- 2nd Trimester:
• Spike of GnRH in fetus results in LH/FSH production and increase in sex hormone production - After birth:
• LH and FSH levels are initially low
• Spike of GnRH secretion results in LH/FSH production and increase in sex hormone production; Levels of testosterone remain elevated for much longer in baby boys, and this is one of the possible reasons for the faster growth of baby boys in infancy - Childhood:
• Low levels of GnRH results in low levels of FSH/LH and sex hormone - Puberty:
• GnRH negative feedback decreases in sensitivity and levels of LH and FSH begin to increase
• Increase results in increase in sex hormone production
• Both continually increasing throughout puberty; target tissue also increases sensitivity thereby increasing sex hormone production in response to FSH/LH - Adult:
• Levels remain constant in male, fluctuate during cycle in female
• Target tissue sensitivity reaches a maximum (most responsive to LH/FSH) - Senescence/Menopause:
• Levels of sex hormone fall
• Results in increase in GnRH pulses (less negative feedback) and increase in FSH/LH
**SSBG (sex-steroid binding globulin): decreases throughout puberty in both boys and girls, leading to more free sex hormone in the blood stream to carry out its actions
What are the stages of puberty?
- Early (Stage 1-2): LH secretion increases during the night, leading to an increase in testosterone during the night as well
- Midpuberty: larger increases of LH during the night, resulting in larger testosterone production; levels decreased during the day, but do get some irregular bursts of LH
- Late Stages: very large increase of LH and testosterone during the night; increase in LH during the day in regular, pulsatile manner
What are the changes that occur in boys during puberty?
Boys: delayed puberty is when a boy reaches 20 years old without testicular growth
- Height Spurt: reaches maximum at mid-puberty
• Onset: 10.5-16
• Endpoint: 13-17.5 - Penis Growth: one of the later events in puberty
• Onset: 11-14.5
• Endpoint: 13.5-17 - Testes Growth: first sign of puberty in boys (LH/FSH trigger growth of seminiferous tubules)
• Onset: 10-13.5
• Endpoint: 14.5-18 - Development of Pubic Hair:
• Onset: 10-15
• Endpoint: 14-18
What are the changes that occur in girls during puberty?
Girls: delayed puberty is when a girl reaches age 17 without menarche
- Height Spurt: reaches maximum at mid-puberty
• Occurs between the ages of 9.5-14 - Menarche (1st menstrual period): one of the later events in puberty
• Occurs between the ages of 10-16.5
• In the first year after menarche, most of the cycles are anovulatory (change in feedback of estrogen from negative to positive during the menstrual cycle that is necessary to cause LH surge takes longer to develop); Still have a period because endometrium continues to grow and eventually outgrows blood supply and sloughs off - Breast Growth: first sign of puberty in girls (thelarche)
• Onset: 8-13
•Endpoint: 13-14 - Development of Pubic Hair:
• Occurs between ages 8-14
How is a growth spurt related to puberty? what is it caused by?
Involves the interaction of GH, IGF-1 and the sex steroids (estrogens and androgens)
Boys start the growth spurt a little later, which is thought to be one reason (along with increased androgen levels) why they are usually taller than girls (start growing from a higher basal level of GH)
What happens to IGF-1 levels during puberty?
Levels increase during puberty
• For girls, the levels peak at stage 3, and remain constant through stages 4 and 5
• For boys, levels peak at stage 5 (end of puberty)
IGF-1 increase is due to the action of estrogen and androgens
What is the function of estrogens and androgens during puberty?
- Required to stimulate growth: increase the GH response to insulin and arginine, increase plasma IGF-1
- Required to terminate growth: androgens help close epiphyses in males, estrogen required for epiphyseal closure in both males and females
What happens to Growth hormone during aging?
Basal level of GH not affected by aging, however:
Decreased response to GHRH stimulation with age (less GH released)
Decreased response to arginine infusion with age (less GH released)
Increasing age results in smaller pulses of GH secretion throughout the day and less of an increase in GH secretion during slow wave sleep
What happens to glucose tolerance during aging?
Removal of blood glucose decreases with aging
Decreased glucose tolerance probably due to reduction of muscle mass and increase in fat tissue that commonly occurs with age
Glucose tolerance tests of older individuals show increased glucose levels with increased insulin secretion
Insulin levels do not appear to decline during aging
What happens to TSH and thyroid hormones during aging?
- TSH:
Basal levels of TSH not really affected by aging (might be slightly lower), however Decreased response to TRH stimulation with age (less TSH release)
**Decreased release of TSH at night with age - Thyroid Hormones:
- T4 levels remain the same
- T3 levels decline with age; rT3 levels increase with age
What happens to calcium concentration during aging? PTH?
Ca++ levels decrease with age (especially in women after menopause)
**Serum PTH increases with age in both men and women
What happens to aldosterone during aging?
Basal levels stay the same, however: Decreased response to low Na+ with age (less aldosterone release)
What happens to ANP levels during aging?
ANP levels increase with age in response to saline infusion
What happens to melatonin/sleep wake cycles during aging?
Melatonin decreases with age (may contribute reduced sleep quality in older individuals)
Older people have less slow wave sleep and irregular REM sleep, leading to disrupted sleep
Many possible reasons for this disruption (hormonal and lifestyle related)
• Elderly tend to spend less time outside, which can cause their circadian rhythm to be affected (less exposure to light/dark cycles)
How is prolactin affected by aging?
The following are Decreased with age:
Basal PRL levels
Nocturnal increase of PRL
PRL release in response to dopamine blockage
PRL release in response to TRH (decrease is small)
The following are not affected by age:
PRL release in response to arginine infusion
How is cortisol affect by aging?
not affected
How are GnRH and gonadotrpin levels affected by aging?
- GnRH release in response to stimuli (ie. NMDA and AMPA) is reduced in older women
- FSH and LH increase with age (men and women)
How are the sex steroid affected by aging?
Men: testosterone decrease, estradiol increase; May be due to increased fat, which contains aromatase enzyme to convert T→E2
Women: decreased estradiol and progesterone
When does perimenopause occur? what are some sigs/symptoms of it?
occurs 4-10 years before menopause during which signs of approaching menopause occur
-Disruption of hormone secretion
- FSH levels increase (less granulosa cells causing reduction in secretion of inhibin; can occur with normal menstrual cycles)
** FSH increase occurs before the increase in LH
- Menstrual cycles change length (become more irregular and variable) and many are anovulatory
Anovulatory cycles and decrease in progesterone responsible for reduced fertility as women age
Signs of Perimenopause:
- vasomotor instability (hot flashes) **Coincide with bursts of LH, but these are not the cause (appears to be another unknown event that stimulates both LH bursts and hot flashes)
- Night sweats
- Sleep disruption
- Vaginal dryness
- Changes in mood
When does menopause occur? what are some of the physiological consequences of it?
A woman is said to have undergone menopause when she has not had menses for 1 year
Age is variable (average is 52 years and is increasing)
Loss of ovarian follicles is the definitive event (results from extremely low estrogen and progesterone synthesis)
After menopause, estrogen levels are very low (only real source because fat tissue through use of the aromatase enzyme)
As a result, LH/FSH levels increase
Major estrogen during menopause is estrone, which is converted from DHEA (adrenals) via aromatase; People with less body fat have more severe menopause symptoms (lack of aromatase enzyme)
Physiological Consequences of Menopause:
Loss of bone mass (high change of osteoporosis)
Increase risk of CV disease
Increased abdominal fat
Atrophy of vaginal and bladder epithelium–Vaginal dryness, Increase risk of vaginal and urinary tract infections
Possible increased risk of Alzheimer’s and cataracts
**Although men do not undergo a defined menopause, they too have declines in hormone levels with age and can also develop osteoporosis (but start with increased bone density, so it generally takes them 10 years longer to develop)