SJT Main Question types Flashcards
What are the main principles in a prescribing error related question?
- Contact the person who wanted the prescription - may know reasons why its okay / they need to know why it cant be done
- Ask for senior advice - not as important as telling person involved
- Ward pharmacists still important to ask original person as they may have specific reasons / need to know why you’ve not done what they requested
- Usually avoid changing dose w/out doing before step BUT don’t do nothing / prescribe possibly unsafe medications (eg double dose)
What are the main principles in a discharging patients related question?
- Try to understand patient’s POV - may be reason that could be fixed(Try to assist their discharge, better to ask bed manager before looking for reasons)
- FY1s should never discharge w/out senior supervision
- Avoid encouraging self-discharge
- Generally don’t keep pts in hosp longer than needed (asking bed managers > looking for excuses in notes) BUT don’t say you need the bed (may stop them from telling you valid reasons they can’t go home)
What are the main principles in a work-life balance related question?
- Patient safety is always the priority
- Own well-being comes next
- Right to finish work on time also important
- Consultant’s refrences less important
- Social life least important
Which types of tasks are more important when prioritising tasks?
Clinical > Operational (examining pts > paperwork)
What to do if you can’t update pts in a question?
Standard practice for nurses to update relatives in SJT land
What to do if you have too much work and can’t complete it in a shift?
- Finish most important tasks and handover uncompleted urgent tasks to night team (standard practice)
- Can ask FY1 colleague to help ONLY if they are finished with their own tasks
What are the main principles in a working under pressure/ prioritising jobs question?
- Patient safety is no. 1 priority !!
- If you are busy with a pt and asked to review another - can ask for obvs whilst finishing current urgent job
- Do not reassure nurses ab patients they are worried about that you havent reviewed personally
- Always work within remits of your training
- If you’re on break and called to med emergency - Attend the emergency!
- Generally do not get senior input until you have done initial assessment - eg if nurse is worried, go see pt then tell your senior
What are the main principles in a teamwork / communication question? (too much work and collaegue has not much on surgical job on regular basis)
- Speak to colleagues directly
- Inform senior that you are busy and may need some help - also important they are aware of workload so they dont add anymore
- LONG TERM SOLUTION - talk to consultant about uneven workloads (not reporting collaegue)
Better to raise to consultant before departmental meeting
Principles of teamwork and communication qs?
- If feeling bullied or undermined do not delay addressing issue
- If there is an issue between nurse and patient inform senior nurse
- If there is an issue between you and a nurse, inform you consultant
- If a colleague has left for a learning opportunity and you aren’t coping with the workload ask them to return
- Reporting colleagues is last resport
What to do in handing over jobs question when someone refuses due to workload?
- Explain that it is their job and remind them if they do it
- Find another colleague to handover however it is not their responsibility
- Leaving instruction in pt notes may mean it isnt done
- Don’t hand the job to nurses as it is not their job
- Do not stay on for an extra 4 hours as it can impact pt safety w/ tiredness (maybe w/in 30 mins is acceptable)
Key principles of handing over jobs?
Handover to equivalent raks (eg F1s (or higher))
Do not handover to nurses - have their own jobs
Avoid handing over to a doctor not responsible for those patients
Do not stay late at work to carry out routine jobs
What to remember in appropriate actions qs?
All the actions are in conjunction with each other - a sequence of events
What to remember in appropriate actions qs?
All the actions are in conjunction with each other - a sequence of events
Pt complains that nurse isnt giving her usual medication, what to do?
- Review notes to see if there is a reason it is being witheld - most likely a doctor’s problem not nurses
- Acknowledge their concern and say you will look into why it happened
- If there are no issues prescribe the appropriate meds
General principles of handling complaints?
Do not blame other colleagues
Can apologise w/out taking blame (cant apologise for colleagues)
Do not feel bullied by pt relatives who are lawyers - treat every pt equally w respect
Do not lie to pt / relatives / anyone
Good to have chaperone when dealing w upset pt / relatives
Do not make confrontational / inflammatory comments
Pt confidentiality - relative who is your friend asks ab results what to do?
- Say you cant say due to pt confidentiality
- Advise to wait til meeting where a senior doc can explain better
- Explore their anxiety ab results (may put you in a sit where you may give away info by accident)
- Ask if they have permission from the pt to get results - doesnt really matter cause you need expressed consent from pt themselves
- Telling them the results - obvs a breach of confidentiality
Principles of confidentiality?
Do not share info beyond necessary medical team w/out expressed concern
Do not take home any pt confidential info
Remove and destroy any pt confidential sensitive info in inappropriate places eg stuck to computer screen
Inform pt of any confidentiality breaches that concern them
Working within your competencies - asked to do a procedure you dont know
- Probity - explain to person asking you that you don’t feel confident (if possible away from pt)
- Ask the person asking you to provide instruction / supervise you is next (unless core competency eg ABG, bloods etc - ask to supervise)
- Ask to observe
- Ask another F1 to do - not their job + losing out on your own learnign
- Do it the best you can - pt safety at risk
What to do helping struggling colleague?
Talk to her about her distress - therapeutic
Suggest they talk w/ senior / educational supervisor
Offer to go w/ them to talk to consultant
What not to do helping struggling colleague?
Suggest taking annual leave for ill health
Offer to help w workload - prolongs issue
Do not speak to THEIR educational supervisor (speak to ur own or tell them to)
Dont tell another F1 what to do only their seniors can do this
What to do w/ advising a colleague when youre not involved?
- Suggest col 1 talks to col 2
- Suggest col 1 to talk to senior ab concerns
- Ask col 1 if any evidence of pt safety being compromised
Requesting urgent imaging but dont know why so cant do it?
- Speak directly to person requesting asap
- Ask the radiologist to contact the person requesting
- Wait until afternoon when you will see that person - delays urgent
- Explain its urgent and yo cant explain why
- ask any doctor about why it might be needed - not specifc to situ
Handling colleagues bad behaviours?
- Probity - advise them to tell the truth
- Dont get involved in their lies
- explain to colleague why its wrong - less useful when they know why
- seek advice from seniors - less useful when you know what they will say
- dont lie to the police
Handling colleagues bad behaviour qs?
- Not your place as F1 to investigate or help w financial concerns or tell consultant their behaviour was inappropriate or organise cover for others
For drunk colleagues - deal w immediate pt safety –> prioritise speaking w consultant
For v tired / drunk colleagues - EXPLAIN your concerns V suggest someone else do it - pt safety issue = be direct
You can apologise on behalf of organisation for uneccesary distress but not for colleague without discussion
Avoid anything that perpetuates a colleagues bad behaviour eg offering to routinely catch them up when they are repeatedly late for work
What to do when managing your own clinical mistakes?
(Correct mistakes that risk pt safety 1st)
- Inform patients of the issue 1st!
- Inform your seniors / consultant - they are in charge of the patient
- Ask for advice - ideally from seniors but peer otherwise also useful
- Don’t try to cover up the mistake
- Dont do nothing
Teamworking principles - f1 being mean to other colleagues - what are the main things?
- F1 should not talk to other members of staff like this
- F1 should be held accountable
- HCA should tell senior about what happened
- HCA not taking feedback isnt the issue
- It is yours and everyones responsibility to stop bullying
Main considerations in teamworking qs?
Don’t snitch on colleagues - if they havent done something they’re meant to eg bloods - do it yourself before telling senior
Don’t move teams due to issues - will make the issue stay for the next person
If a colleague hasnt done a job and you can do it - if theres no CIs do it
It is unethical to take credit for someone else’s work eg audit
What to do in translation questions in SJT land?
- Find a doctor who speaks the language
- NHS telephone translator - as this can take time
- Ask a senior what to do?
- Ask pt’s NOK for hx
- Continuing to try to communicate on your own
Social media and professional boundaries qs - main principles?
Decline SM friend / follow requests from pt - send a message to explain why its inappropriate so it doesnt happen again
When communicating in public - maintain confidentiality
Do not go to pt parties - explain why its inappropriate v decline on its own
Do not buy presents
GMC says dont ask or accept gifts from pts etc that can affect how you treat pts (Max £50 gift for organisation v individual)
Don’t pressure pts to donate to charities
Decline requests to treat families and colleagues
Questions relating to hospital prescribing protocols
1st advice from senior on your team - know the pt and familiar w protocol
If abx - ask on-call microbio however not good in non-emergent cases and wont know pt
Next best = BNF (non specific to local)
Dont trust nurse as not their job to prescribe however in SJT nurse > national guidance as not related to local guidelines or give doses
DO NOT ask for advice from off duty seniors
DO NOT wait until pre surgery / too late
DO NOT cancel surgeries - F1s shouldnt do this