SJT 1 Flashcards
2 hours 20 mins
Just under 2 mins to spend per scenario.
Part 1 - Rating questions
18 scenarios - 114 questions
Spend 35 mins on this section overall
20 seconds per question
Part 2 - MCQs
20 scenarios - 20 questions
Spend 35 mins in total - 2 mins per question
Part 3 - Ranking questions
37 scenarios - 37 questions
Spend 70 mins in total - 2 mins per question
PART 1 questions strategy
The actions provided are not complete - never judge the response as if it is the only action taken
Not useful to compare different responses across questions relating to same scenario
PART 1 questions definitions - appropriateness
VERY APPROPRIATE - this will definitely be HELPFUL in the situation and should be done. It effectively addresses a key issue. **It may not address each/every issue
SOMEWHAT APPROPRIATE - this is FINE to do, but not the optimal solution.
SOMEWHAT INAPPROPRIATE - you should not do this, but in the event that it did happen it would not have significantly negative consequences.
INAPPROPRIATE - it should definitely not be done and will have detrimental consequences
PART 1 questions definitions - importance
VERY IMPORTANT - this is essential to consider. You MUST take this into account
IMPORTANT - this is not vital but it may make a difference. You SHOULD take this into account
OF MINOR IMPORTANCE - this is only mildly relevant to the decision making process. You COULD take this into account
NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL - this is completely irrelevant. You SHOULD NOT take this into account
PART 1 questions definitions - what to say
VERY APPROPRIATE - saying this will help solve the key issue of the scenario. It is said in a SENSITIVE and HELPFUL manner
SOMEWHAT APPROPRIATE - this is FINE/NEUTRAL to say, not particularly helpful, but will not be the optimal solution. The language may be neutral
SOMEWHAT INAPPROPRIATE - this should NOT be said, but if you do say it it will not have any negative consequences
INAPPROPRIATE - you should DEFINITELY NOT say this. Likely to be false or unhelpful. The language may be offensive or INFLAMMATORY/DETRIMENTAL
PART 2 questions strategy
You need to pick the 3 options which TOGETHER will be the most appropriate actions/most important considerations/most appropriate responses to say
If two are close together, it is unlikely both will be correct
PART 3 questions strategy
Read the scenario and identify key issue
Read all 5 statements - identify what is most appropriate and least appropriate
Rank the remaining 3 statements that are left
When ranking actions do not consider these responses as sequential actions, but rather as INDEPENDENT actions that you are judging in terms of appropriateness
Pay close attention to language used - positive/negative words
Strategies KEY POINTS
- Options which deal with the matter at hand DIRECTLY and as DECISIVELY as possible are most desirable. Responses that suggest speaking directly to the person involved to resolve an issue will rank highly
- Where pt safety becomes a consideration, you must ensure that it is not compromised and that it supersedes other issues. Your duty to protect pts comes first, even at the expense of your working relationship with a colleague.
- You must always aim to deal with the IMMEDIATE ISSUE firsthand. Once immediate issue dealt with, preventative strategies can then be employed.
- For a difficult situ, it is a good idea to ask a senior or an impartial colleague for advice. But do not ‘gossip’ - telling other members of the team, who are not in a position to help you, about an issue is inappropriate.
- Options which are in clear breach of GMC guidance should be ranked below all other options in accordance with the severity of the infringement.
- In general, lower ranking options are to do nothing, ignore the problem, attempt to blame another member of the team, or report the individual concerned directly to their supervisor.