Size and Surface Area 3A Flashcards
Why do cells need exchange surfaces
Cells need to take in oxygen and nutrients
Need to excrete waste products like carbon dioxide and urea
Heat needs to be exchanged so that organisms are able to stay at roughly the same temperature
How to calculate volume
Measure each side of the object or cube and times them by each other
How to calculate surface area
Find the area of each face and add them together
Larger the organism
smaller the surface area to volume ratio
Define Size
Rate of heat loss depending on surface area smaller animals need a relatively high metabolic rate in order to generate enough energy to stay warm
Define shape
Compact shape - small surface area relative to volume reducing heat loss
Less compact increases heat loss
Arctic Fox Adaptations
Body temp 37 degrees Celsius
Average outside temp 0 degrees Celsius
Small ears and a round head to reduce SA:V ratio and reduce heat loss
African bat-eared fox Adaptations
Body temp 37 degrees Celsius
Average outside temp 25 degrees Celsius
Large ears and more pointed nose to increase SA:V ratio and heat loss
European Fox
Body temp 37 degrees Celsius
Average outside temp 12 degrees Celsius
Intermediate between two other foxes matching the temperature of its environment
Why do multicellular organisms need transport systems
Diffusion across outer membrane too slow big distance between cells and environment
low SA: Vol ratio - difficult to exchange enough substances to supply a large volume of animal through a relatively small outer surface
Behavioural and physical adaptations to aid exchange
Some animals which lose a lot of water due to high SA: Vol ratio have kidney structural adaptations so they produce less urine to compensate
Small animals living in cold regions need a large amount of high energy foods to maintain their high metabolic rates
Smaller mammals tend to hibernate or have thick fur when the weather turns cold
Elephants have developed large flat ears to increase their SA allowing them to lose more heat.
Hippos spend much of the day in water - behavioural adaptation to help them lose heat