Situs of Taxation and Double Taxation Flashcards
Situs of Taxation
depends on the possible protection and benefit that may accrue both to the government and the taxpayer, the residence, or the citizenship of the taxpayer and the source of income
Situs of Taxation
Persons (Subject Matter)
Poll tax may properly be levied upon persons who are inhabitants or residents of the state, whether citizens or not.
Real Property (Subject Matter)
With respect to property taxes, real estate is subject to taxation in the state in which it is location whether the owner is a resident or non-resident and is taxable only there
Tangible personal property (Subject Matter)
the modern rule is that it is taxable in the state where it has actual situs — where it is physically located—although the owner resides in another jurisdiction.
Lex Rei Sitae
“Real property as well as personal property is subject to the law of the country where it is situated”
the law of the situated property
Intangible personal property (Subject Matter)
Intangible personalty such as credits, bills receivables, bank deposits, bonds, promissory notes, mortgage loans, judgements and corporate stocks do not admit of actual location
(Intangible personal property) the situs for purposes of property taxation is at the ______________
domicile of the owner
mobilia sequuntur personam
“movables follow the person”
the situs of personal property is the domicile of the owner
(Intangible personal property) shares of stock in a domestic corporation of a non-resident foreigner are ________________
taxable in the Philippines
Why are shares of stock in a domestic corporation of a non-resident foreigner taxable in the Philippines?
Because the shares receive the protection and benefit of our laws
Income (Subject Matter)
exacted from persons who are residents or citizens in the taxing jurisdiction and even from those who are neither residents nor citizens provided the income is derived from sources within the taxing state
the power to levy an excise tax depends upon ___________________
the place where the business is done, or the occupation is engaged in, or the transaction took place.
excise tax
is a special tax imposed on the manufacture, sale or use of specific goods or services rather than on income or general retail sales.
Gratuitous transfer of property (Subject Matter)
transmission of property from donor to a donee or from a decent to his heir may be subject to taxation in the state where the transferor is (was) a citizen or resident, or where the property is located
Multiplicity of situs
the variance in the concept of “domicile”
relationships that may arise with respect to intangible personal property (debtor, creditor, trustee, etc.)
the use to which the property may have been devoted which may receive the protection of the laws of jurisdiction
Multiplicity of situs
Remedy (to avoid/reduce this)
provide for exemptions or allowance of deduction or tax credit for foreign taxes
enter into treaties with other states
Direct duplication taxation or direct double taxation
taxing twice by the same taxing authority within the same jurisdiction or taxing district or locality for the same purpose, in the same year (or taxing period) some of the property in the territory
Indirect duplicate taxation or indirect double taxation
taxation other than direct duplicate. It extends to all cases in which there is a burden of two or more pecuniary impositions
Constitutionality of double taxation
the general rule
the constitution does not prohibit double taxation; hence it may not be invoked as a defense against the validity of a tax law
Constitutionality of double taxation
doubts as to whether double taxation has been imposed should be resolved in favor of the taxpayer to avoid injustice or unfairness
double taxation while not forbidden is something not favored. it must be avoided and prevented whenever possible