Situs and Position Flashcards
Atrial situs refers to the
location /position of the atria in relation to nearby anatomy
“Atrial situs solitus” the arrangement is
Normal atrial arrangement
“Atrial situs inverses” the arrangement is
Atria are transposed
“Situs ambiguus” describes
everything in-between
How are the left and right atria best distinguished apart from one another?
by their appendage.
-Right atria appendage is broad base triangle shape
-left atria appendage is narrow and finger like
Left atria with left isomerism
Bilateral left sidedness
bilateral left atrial appendages
-Absent Sinus node
-ipsilateral pulmonary veins
-interruption of the IVC with azygos continuation
-atrioventricular septal defect
-pulmonary outflow obstruction
-bilateral bi lobed lungs
-congenital complete heart block
Azygos Vein
present during interrupted IVC.
-runs parallel to the AO
-takes flow back to the SVC
Right atria with right isomerism
Bilateral right sidedness
-bilateral RA appendage
-bilateral SVC (LSVC> LA)
-bilateral IVC (hepatic veins drain into LA )
-Absent (unroofed) coronary sinus
-Bilateral trilobed lungs
-usually absent spleen
-Unbalanced AVSD- right dominate (think DORV)
-pulmonary outflow obstruction/ atresia
-ventricle - arterial connection abnormalities (DTGA)
Vertical Vein
connection between pulmonary veins to the innominate vein to SVC