Situation in Germany 1815 Flashcards
Situation in 1815
23 million divided between 314 states
Under rule of Holy Roman Empire (Emperor of Austria)
Empire collapsed after Prussia was defeated by Napoleon, 1805-6
Napoleon Impact on Germany
France annexed Rhine
States reduced to 39
17 states formed confederation of Rhine under French rule
Feudal restrictions - landowning class limit freedom of workers
Prussia 1806-13 determined to become leading German state
Army reorganised
Government overhauled, more efficient central authority
New System of education
The war of liberation
Frederick William 111 made alliance with Russia against France, where French armies were driven back
Austria declared war on France, and at Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon was defeated
Allied armies invaded France, Napoleon abdicated
Seen as ‘first collective action of German unity’, but is known as a myth
Unacceptable behaviour of French troops fuelled nationalism
The Vienna settlement
1814-5 - Austria and Prussian rivalry prevented unity
Metternich described as peaceful ‘dualism’
Austria gained territory in Italy
Habsburg rulers in central Italian duchies
Prussia gained Saxony, Rhineland, Westphalia, Pomerania
Rhineland Catholic, supported French, Prussian Protestant
The German Confederation
Metternich’s aim was to keep traditional authority over Germany
Status quo - maintenance of states in times of danger e.g. rebellion, no rulers wanted independence limited by central German government
The Diet
Confederation that had power or authority in government to carry out laws
No parliament conference, representatives not elected
Representatives more concerned over their state then confederation
The Weakness of German Confederation
Prevented from making foreign alliances, threatening confederation
Each state had own army, independent ruler, government
Diet organised a federal army, and develop commercial and economic co-operation, but was not successful due to rivalry, jealousy and guarded independence
Dominated by Austria (wanting traditional authority of Germany)