situation ethics Flashcards
What is situation ethics?
A relativist theory, in which one accompanies a reasonable and justifiable decision depending on the situation that they are in.
What type of argument is this theory?
A teleological argument.
Who developed this theory?
Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991)
Who did Fletcher deeply study?
William Temple (1881-1944)
What approach was Temples ethics?
It was personalised and love-centred: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
What does Fletcher reject and believe?
He rejects the legalism and antinomianism ethics. He believes that we need to find a balance between the legalism and antinomianism. The middle way.
Definition of legalism:
Fixed moral rules that are universal and absolute.
Definition of antinomianism:
The view that the rules and principles should be rejected.
What is Fletchers theory based on?
Agape love (unconditional Christian love. Love your strangers). Meaning that no action is wrong or right, it is situational. Reason why theory is a relativist theory.
What is agape love based on?
- Love that is unconditional.
- Based on a platonic love.
- Can be from one stranger to another.
What are the three ethical positions?
Legalistic: -absolute -no exceptions -Devine command theory Situational: -Love is the only absolute -Relativist -Consequentialism Antinomianism: -Total autonomy -No rules -No absolutes.
What are the four working principles?
1- Pragmatism= Must be practical.
2-Relativism= No fixed rules. Only love is absolute.
3-Positivism= Must put faith before reasoning.
4-Personalism= People should be the centre of the theory.
What are the six propositions?
-1-“Only one ‘thing’ is intrinsically good; namely love: nothing else at all”
+Love is the only absolute.
-2-“The ruling norm of Christian decision is love: nothing else”
+Christian decision making is based on love.
-3-“Love and justice are the same,for justice is love distributed nothing else”
+Justice is love distributed.
-4-“Love wills the neighbour’s good whether we like him or not”
+Love wants the good for anyone whoever they are.
-5-“Only the end justifies the means; nothing else”
+Only the end justifies the means.
-6-“Love’s decisions are made situationally, not prescriptively”
+Love is acted out situationally not prescriptively.
Faith and situation ethics:
-Fletcher doesn’t make it clear that situation ethics requires a Christian belief.
[in bible, Jesus makes love central]
[Gospel of John emphasises the theme of love].
-Fletcher gave up his Christian belief but not his situation ethics.
Fletcher on conscience:
- Believes our conscience is not something that is a voice from within.
- Understands the term conscience as a verb. Describes it as a performing an act in a particular way.
- Fletcher believes that our conscience is not reliable.
Aquinas’s view on conscience:
- Aquinas, following Aristotle, treated our conscience as the practical reason.
- Allows us to work out what we ought to do.
- Allows us to reflect back on what our actions.
- Allows us to examine our actions, the good or bad.
- Aquinas treats our conscience as our factuality of the mind, covering different aspects of thoughts.
- Aquinas believes that our conscience is a gift from God.
Example of love over law:
-Jesus prevented a woman being stoned, even though the law allowed her to be.
+Evidence of personalism.
Catholic church response to situation ethics:
-A critique.
- Pope banned situation ethics to being discussed.
- It was wrong to break Gods law.
- Situation ethics is subjective; because decision are made from in the situation as it is perceived to be.
What are the strengths?
- Allows one to make a sensible and reasonable decision that they know will not suit them.
- Allows every situation to be individualised.
- Main principle of theory is agape love.
- Encourages good behaviour
- Allows one to break certain for the greater good.
what are the weaknesses?
- It is human nature to love family over stranger.
- Agape love is too much to aspire to and may be polluted by a selfish human tendency.
- Fletcher seems equally too vague in defining what the good for people actually is.