Situation Ethics Flashcards
Give a quote from Fletcher on legalism.
“Any web thus woven sooner or later chokes its weavers.”
Give a quote from Mark 2:27 in support of situation ethics.
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”
Give a quote from Luke 10 in support of situation ethics.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart… and love your neighbour as yourself… do this and you will live.”
Give a quote from Corinthians 13 in support of situation ethics.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Give a quotation from Fletcher on the boss principle.
“What a difference it makes when love, understood agapeically, is boss. When love is the only norm. How free and therefore responsible we are!”
Give a quote from Fletcher on relativism.
“It relativises the absolute, it does not absolutise the relative.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on personalism.
“The legalist is a what asker (what does the law say?); the situationalist is a who asker (who is to be helped?)”
Give a quote from Fletcher on pragmatism.
“To be correct or a right thing- a thought or action- must work.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on positivism.
“Christian ethics ‘posits’ faith in God and reasons out what obedience to his commandment to love requires in any situation.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on love as the only good.
“Only one ‘thing’ is intrinsically good; namely, love: nothing else at all”
Give a quote from Fletcher on love as the ruling norm.
“The ruling norm of Christian decision making is love, nothing else.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on justice.
“Love and justice are the same, for justice is love distributed, nothing else.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on love for all.
“Love wills the neighbour’s good whether we like him or not.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on teleology.
“Only the end justifies the means, nothing else”
Give a quote from Fletcher on relativism
“Love’s decisions are made situationally, not prescriptively.”
Give a quote from Leviticus 18:22 on homosexuality
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, as that is detestable.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on homosexuality and Christian sex relations.
“The triple terrors of infection, conception, and detection which once scared people into ‘Christian’ sex relations have become obselete through medicine and urbanism.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on homosexuality and evil traits
“The most evil traits are not those of the sexual appetite… but the irrational emotional passions such as hate, fear, greed…”
Give a quote from Fletcher on polyamory and the sanctity of marriage.
“Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.”
Give a quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the sanctity of marriage.
“The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage. Outside of marriage it is always a grave sin and excludes one from the sacramental communion.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on monogamy.
“Monogamy may be an ideal, but it is not a idol.”
Give a quote from Fletcher on laws against homosexuality/ polyamory.
“It is doubtful that love’s cause is helped by any of the sex laws.”