Sitting Asanas2 Flashcards
Sitting Asanas
Ushtrasana: Camel Pose
Chakras: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) , Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) , Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) , Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) , Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) Doshas: Vata , Pitta Mahabhutas: Ether , Air , Fire Complementary: Shashankasana
Ushtrasana: BENEFITS
Works like magic on the entire spine, giving it the tightness required through the stretch.
Stretches the shoulders and gives them shape and makes them strong.
Opens the chest and tones the muscles around it thus improving the respiration.
Strengthens the thighs and the knees.
Improves flexibility around the spine and hips.
Opens up the hips, thus making them strong to give support to the spine.
Tones abdominal muscles and reduces fat on thighs, arms, and hips.
Generally a weak back or an injured back may not give you the support to go into the pose.
A neck injur , or someone with spondylitis should surely avoid this.
Someone suffering from Migraine, they will find it difficult to balance the neck down and may not enjoy this pose as the pressure will increase and cause more pain.
Anyone who has high or low blood pressure should perform this yoga pose under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher or yoga therapist.
Shashankasana: Hare pose
Chakras: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) , Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) , Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) , Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) , Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) Doshas: Vata , Pitta Mahabhutas: Ether , Air , Fire Complementary:
Shashankasana: BENEFITS
Flexes the spine.
Increases body awareness with breathing.
As Rabbit Pose is a forward bend pose, it calms the mind and relieves tensions around the neck.
Activates the thyroid glands, keeping the hormones in control.
Relieves the stress bringing fresh blood supply to the crown of the head.
Activates the digestive system. Yoga Sequence for Digestion
Keeps the face muscles young and fresh, reducing stretches.
Stretches the arms and the shoulders, giving strength.
Reduces lower back stiffness. Yoga Sequence for Back Pain
Sasangasana is a great posture to practice by the end of the day to induce good sleep.
People suffering from following should not do Shashankasan Neck, shoulder, arms, back injury Spondylitis and Vertigo Hypertension Pregnancy Depression
Uttana Mandukasana: Upright frog Pose
Chakras: Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra) , Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) Doshas: Pitta , Kapha Mahabhutas: Water , Earth Complementary:
Uttana Mandukasana: BENEFITS
The reverse arch results in strengthening of the entire spine – the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions.
This asana also strengthens the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
This asana is effective is helping resolve menstruation problems
Spinal cord problems may prevent people from performing this asana.
Hip issues too, can be a hindrance
Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend
Chakras: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) , Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) , Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra) , Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)
Doshas: Vata , Pitta , Kapha
Mahabhutas: Ether , Fire , Water , Earth
Paschimottanasana: BENEFITS
This yoga pose stretches the muscles around the spine and lower back thus improving blood circulation.
As the body moves forward the calf muscles are stretched thus toning them and shaping the legs.
The neck and shoulders are also put to work thus building strength around them.
The hamstrings are stretched too (to ensure maximum stretch the back of the knees should touch the floor as per your comfort).
As the body moves forward, pressure is put on the digestive organs and pelvic organs thus healing them from within and toning them. The digestion improves and much blocked gas gets released in and around the lower abdomen.
Works on improving the respiration as the body puts pressure on the thorax and abdomen.
Paschimottanasana: CONTRAINDICATIONS
Slipped Disc: Students suffering from slipped disc should avoid this yoga pose because Paschimottanasana puts a lot of pressure on the lower back when the body is bent forward.
Hernia: Someone who is suffering from hernia should avoid this pose. The internal organs are pressed as the body moves forward thus putting pressure and may cause further injury to the abdominal wall or intestine.
Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should avoid this pose as there would be pressure on the pelvic area and the uterus may not be able to withstand the pressure.
Spondylitis: Someone suffering from spondylitis should avoid Paschimottanasana as the forward bend can bring pressure to the neck and shoulders
Vakrasana: Simple Spinal Twist
Chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) , Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra) , Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) Doshas: Pitta , Kapha Mahabhutas: Fire , Water , Earth Complementary:
Vakrasana: BENEFITS
Tones the internal organs like the digestive system, intestines, uterus and kidney. As the body twists, some pressure is felt at the lower part of the abdomen, thus internally working on the organs. The pressure on the abdominal muscles assists in faster toning and tightening of the muscles.
Works on inner muscles of the eyes because of the movement of the gaze of the eyes during the twist.
Activates thyroid glands as neck muscles are put to work. This improves the functioning of the thyroid glands and ensures a balanced hormone level in the body.
Sore back due to an injury: it may not be a good idea to practice this yoga pose if there is a back injury.
Sciatica: pressure on sciatic nerves can cause more injury with this yoga pose as the pressure is on the nerves while the body is twisted.
Pregnancy: pregnant women should avoid this yoga pose as it will bring discomfort to the abdomen and hence this pose is not good for the uterus.
Menstruation: not to be practiced by women during menstruation. During this time the uterus is weak and active and hence any pressure can cause discomfort.
Spondylitis: turning of the entire neck may make the muscles around the neck sore for someone suffering from weak neck muscles or upper spine.