Sitting Flashcards
Wide base, legs are bent
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Periodic use of “high guard” position
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Head bobs in sitting
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Able to play with toys in sitting position
5 - 10 months (sits alone)
Able to rotate upper body while lower body remains stationary
7 - 8 months
Equilibrium reactions are present
7 - 8 months
Protective extension backwards, first with bent elbows then straight elbows
10 - 12 months
Trunk control and equilibrium responses are fully developed in sitting position
11 - 12 months
Sits well without support
8 - 10 months
Hips are bent and shoulders are in front of hips
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Sits alone steadily, initially with wide base of support
5 - 10 months (sits alone)
Difficult fine motor tasks may prompt return to wide base of support
8 - 10 months
Sits alone momentarily
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Head is steady
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Back is rounded
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Hips are apart, turned out and bent
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Rises from supine by first rolling to side then pushing up into sitting position
11 - 24 months +
Rises from supine position by first rolling over to stomach then pushing up into four-point position
9 - 18 months
Protective responses are present when falling to the side
7 - 8 months
Increased variety of sitting positions, including “w” sit and side sit
8 - 10 months
Protective responses present when falling to the front
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Gets to sitting position from prone position
6 - 11 months
Sits by propping forward on arms
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Increased extension in back
5 - 6 months (supports self in sitting)
Legs are closer; full upright position, knees straight
8 - 10 months
Sits with less support
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)
Able to move in and out of sitting position into other positions
10 - 12 months
Further increase in variety of positions possible
11 - 12 months
Chin tucks; able to gaze at floor
0 - 3 months (held in sitting)