SITR + AJD Flashcards
Singin in the rain development of technology
Mics not used correctly -comedy Sound out of sync -high status expected of lina+don Musical idea -shocking as never done before -contrast with bad movie at start + good movie at end
All I do is dream of you physical setting
Crowded party
-represents richness of people + status
All I do is dream of you aural setting
- Starts loud, upbeat, short melody as Kathy jumps out of cake drawing attention to her
- Pause then melody repeated + dancers run in
- Instrumental section at moderate speed during speech
- Increase in temp + energy + repeating drum beat
- Vocals
Make em laugh movement
- Cosmo + dummy behind sofa + appear to be wrestling aggressively then dummy is throw in the air
- Sudden direction/ pattern changes as he avoids props before crashing into them
Make em laugh physical setting
Dummy -used as real person Film studio - props -enhances comedy Involved with extras -dance works with realistic set design(busy)
Make em laugh aural setting
- Starts piano interlude as Cosmo plays out of key notes
- Fast paced and upbeat
- moments of slight pause for crashes + bangs (found sounds)
- Fast intense drum beats
You were meant for me physical setting
Pink + purple back drop -compliments ballet Moonlight from spotlight -romantic effect Close up camera -intimacy Ladder -class separation
You were meant for me aural setting
Don singing to Kathy -romantic serenade Orchestra Instrumental middle section - dance section
You were meant for me movement
- Join hands + face each other
- glide around each other and the ladder
- Kathy stands at top of ladder giving idea of R+J balcony scene
Moses supposes physical setting
Chairs/ classroom - levels -anywhere can be turned into performance - seem less transition to dance Curtain as prop
Moses supposes aural setting
Vocal lesson as part of song Repetitive music -links with tap Cartoon like music -comedy -Cosmo + dons child like friendship
Good morning dancers
Good morning physical setting
Dance travels around house -on tables and sofas -levels Raincoats + hats -comedic effects
Good morning aural setting
Vocals -songs telling story (musical) Instrumental -fits with tap -up beat
Singin in the rain dancers
Don interacts with pedestrians
Starts with Kathy and don under shelter
Singin in the rain physical setting
In the street Camera follows don Heavy raining -playful -doesn’t ruin happiness Lamppost -dances around it -child like -care free -leans on it represents leaving on Kathy
Singin the rain aural setting
Dons vocals Violin opening Music almost mimics rain sound Light heated music -strong beats to match movement Tap contributes to music
Singin in the rain movement
- Pedestrian movement (skips, jumps intricate footwork) in different pathways, on and off path, through lampposts + other people WHY?
- Suddenly reaches for lamppost + gracefully swings around it with other arm extended, movement is light and sustained as if time as stopped WHY?
- Returns back to side walk skipping
Gotta dance dancers
Don main dancer -yellow waistcoat + stripy green shirt Big ensemble bright costumes -extravagant performance Men in stripy suits
Gotta dance physical setting
Cartoon like background
-matches costume
Moving floor section
-illusion of walking through the streets
-links to singin in the rain
1 women in green dress with cigarette
-gives mysterious ness of women + contrast with ensemble sect toon
Gotta dance aural setting
Vocals by don -up beat Instrumental -tap section -happy -musical theatre Music slows as women + 3 men introduced -contrast between start -sexualised -link to Bob fosse
Gotta dance movement
- Ensemble in close proximity (kicks + jazz hands)
- strong, theatrical, extravagant
- Ensemble mimics dons movement
- Slow sexual section contrasts
Broadway melody ballet dancers
Ensemble section goes to don + Kathy wearing white flowing dress
Broadway melody ballet physical setting
Purple backdown
Men in tuxedos
Posh/ high maintenance setting
Broadway melody ballet aural setting
Faster at start -contrast duet section Slower during duo Orchestral music -more intense + more contact
Broadway melody ballet movement
Don dances with lots of women at start -main focus on hun Don dances within dress -connection between man and women -increasing romantic connection Ballet -contrast to up beat tap scenes
Two ladies AJD
- Cabaret in berlin
- Shift in arts showing working classes + social dance = big aspect
- Lyrics enhance narrative + movement is evolved from music
- Lyrics ‘two for one’ shocking subject matter of women being associated with sex
- blurred boundaries between social + theatrical dance
- High energy + temp = comedic + audience enjoyment
- AJD pre-WW2 contrast with post-WW2
Mein Herr AJD
- Fosse performed in night clubs = influenced by sexually free club atmosphere/ burlesque/ vaudeville dark humour
- women = provocative (frowned upon in 30’s)
- Exaggerated lunges + pulsing over chair in suggestive manner
- allowed AJD/women to be provocative
Dance at the gym AJD
- neoclassical (transition from ballet to modern AJD) rather than social dance
- Professional dance style = contribute to gang warfare narrative
- Partner work using flamboyant + complex movement representing the idea of competition
- one of first to use AJD for narrative
Anchors aweigh AJD
- influenced by bill ‘bojangles’ Robinson (tap dancer who performed with limited upper body movement)
- Kelly incorporated tap changing from full foot to ball of foot
- camera to manipulate audience focus
- technical footwork demonstrated through jerry the mouse animation
- influenced Robbins technology use in AJD