SIS Flashcards
What is an experimental research design
an experimental research design is when the experimenter can manipulate an independent variable and observe changes in the dependent variable to test a cause and effect relationship.
What are the advantages of an experimental research design
it demonstrates a cause of relationship, It can be replicated/repeated to see if the same findings emerge. It maximises control over relevant variable - therefore minimises the effect of extraneous variables
What are the disadvantages of an experimental research design
Generalizability outside the laboratory, some complex phenomena cannot be readily tested using pure experimental methods, ethical issues present challenges when testing some naturally occurring phenomena
What is an observational research design
Uses pre-existing samples of data to test a correlation between two variables when it is unethical to deliberately expose a group of people to a particular variable.
What are the advantages of an observational research design
Can explore topics which are too unethical, costly, impractical or impossible to experiment
What are the disadvantages of an observational research design
there is a lack of control in planning that leads to an inability to create constant variables. There is limited ability to explore causation and confidently conclude that a change in the IV caused a change in DV. There is a lack of reliability due to extraneous variables as the environment observed cannot be replicated.
What is a qualitative research design
is when research comes from language (words/sentences) that is unlikely have correlations with quantitative data. common qualitative research designs are focus groups and the Delphi technique
what are the advantages of a focus group qualitative research design
increases the richness of the qualitative data that can be generated as people are unhibited and are not limited by a yes/no response. It is easy to organise and inexpesive to conduct. Useful for collecting information from individuals who have difficulty writing or reading. It can encourage participation of those who may normally be anxious/uncomfortable about sharing information. Participants can bounce ideas off each other and be inspired, hob their memory when one person talks.
what are the disadvantages of a focus group qualitative research design
Dominate participants not allowing others to talk. some may not feel comfortable expressing a particular response in from of others. Does not enable confidentiality.
how to apply communication and collaboration SHE key concept
people working together
how to apply development and application SHE key concept
changed or improved overtime
how it is being integrated/applied
how to apply influence and impact SHE key concept
ways they use others research
outcomes - what is going to happen as a result of this
What is validity
Is concerned with the extent to which something measures what it sets out to measure.
What is reliability
Is the measure of consistency – if the measurement is repeated and the same result is obtained then it is described as being reliable.
What is subjective data
data that is collected or obtained via personal observations