Single vs double Flashcards
‘family name
last name
‘family ‘name
family reputation
‘paper bag
a bag for newspapers
‘paper ‘bag
a bag made of paper
‘black bird
a mirlo
‘black ‘bird
any bird that is black
‘common room
college staff room
‘common ‘room
a room used jointly
the country
‘green ‘land
any land which is green
a boxer
‘heavy ‘weight
a weight which is heavy
‘english teacher
a teacher of english
‘english ‘teacher
a teacher from england
‘special school
a school for disabled children
‘special ‘school
a school that is out of the common eg: high school musical
US president’s residence
‘white ‘house
a house that is white
‘dark room
a room for proccesing photographs
‘dark ‘room
a room that is dark
a heated building in which plants grow
‘hot ‘house
a house on fire
‘light house
a tower built on the coast or an island with a flashlight
‘light ‘house
house that has lights
‘short list
list of suitable people for smth
‘short ‘list
a list that is short
‘paper boy
boy that delivers papers
‘paper ‘boy
a boy made of paper
‘tight rope
rope for acrobats to perform on
‘tight ‘rope
a rope that is tight