single pass receptors Flashcards
What type of ligand do all single pass receptors respond to?
peptide ligands
What is the 2nd messenger to guanylate cyclase receptors?
What is an example of a membrane bound guanylate cyclase receptor?
Atrial Naturetic Receptor
What are the effects of ANP (Atrial Naturetic Peptide) binding to ANR (Atrial Naturetic Receptor)?
Activated receptor dimerises and has GCase activity.
Causes vascular smooth muscle to relax.
Kidneys secrete more water and sodium
Decreased venous return to the heart
What other signalling pathway does ANP signalling have the same downstream affects of?
Nitric Oxide signalling
Why is transforming growth factor beta normally released?
to inhibit cell proliferation
What type of receptor is the TGFbeta receptor?
Type II/Type 1 homodimer
Receptor has intracellular kinase activity
What is the second messenger of TGFbeta singaling?
SMAD transcription factors
What does phosphorylation of a SMAD cause to happen?
Unmasks the NLS