Single Line Working (SLW) Flashcards
Who will appoint a pilot for SLE
Network Rail Production Manager
What’s the maximum number of Pilot appointed to a section of SLW
How would you identify a pilot
Wearing a red armband with “pilot” written in white on his upper left arm
On un-worked points what will be positioned adjacent to these to indicate it’s safe to pass during darkness
Green light
On un-worked points what will be positioned adjacent to these to indicate it’s safe to pass during daylight
Green flag
What’s the max speed you can pass over unworked or mechanically operated points in the wrong direction
15 mph
How far does the detonator have to be from either side of the obstruction line
What will the Pilot hand you once he has given you all relevant instructions
SLW Ticket (RT3193)
How many types of SLW tickets are there
2 (right direction & wrong direction)
Which SLW ticket contains the most information
Wrong direction
What instructions will you always recieve in Right and Wrong direction SLW
The line over which SLW applies
Which crossovers are being used at each end of SLW
To pass over any AHBC level crossing under local control
What the max speed in wrong directional SLW
50 mph
Will there always be a hand signaller appointed at the end of SLW
If there’s no hand signaller at the end of SLW what must happen
The Pilot must travel with you
Hand signaller can only give you a ……. Hand signal to proceed
What could you see at a location of unworked points to indicate they have been secured for movements during darkness
Green light
Who needs to be properly identified before a driver enters SLW
Who’s personal authority do you need to enter the SL
Who is the only person to withdraw SLW
What must happen to the SLW ticket when traveling with the pilot
Write cancelled on it and hand back your the pilot
In poor visibility, who would be appointed at the end of the SLW to control wrong directional movements back to the proper line
Hand Signaller
What colour hand signal would you see from a crossing attendant at a level crossing
Does a pilot need permission from the signaller to authorise you to pass a signal at danger
When will single line working be introduced
When 1 line of a double line is blocked by engineering work or obstruction
Do single line working rules apply on a bi directional line
What form will be issued by the pilot
If you are the first driver over the SLW line you must stop if instructed to….
Let the pilot
Tell anyone working on or near the line that SLW has been introduced
Inform any crossing keepers of SLW
Check any points have been locked
If travelling in the right direction over SLW what is your speed limit
Line speed
When do you not need a ticket to enter a SLW section.
Assist a failed train
Evacuate passengers from a failed train
Remove a portion of a train
Remove a train that has proceeded without authority