Singing and acting in performance Flashcards
Lesson 1 introduction flash cards
Briefly describe what this book is about
> This book is about singing and acting at the same time
> the playing of games and exercises which break down and reveal the world of singing and acting in performance
> games that unlock your individual potential as a performer while exploring some of those programmatic questions common to all performers in sung theatre
State the three most common pragmatic questions common to all performers ?
> how do I maintain the quality of acting while singing and the quality of singing while acting ?
> how can I practice the integration of one with the other ?
> what specific performance disciplines can I isolate and strengthen to achieve this integration ?
State six more specific questions ?
> how can I use the written text and score to create a coherent musical and dramatic interpretation ?
> how can I find dramatic freedom within the formalised structure of music
> how do the demands of the music affect my movement in a space ?
> how do I incorporate the music into my construction of a character ?
> how can I explore rhythm and sound to create the inner life of my character ?
> how do I cope with the anomalies of the genre that separate it from spoken theatre and the concert platform ?
State four more specific questions ?
> reacting spontaneously with other performers whilst remaining receptive to the energy of the conductor and orchestra ?
> sustaining a physical and emotional impulse when time seems to accelerate decelerate and even stop ?
> maintaining dramatic spontaneity when the text and music repeat over a period of time ?
> maintaining focus and intensity during fixed silences ( musical lengths ) or varying lengths or instrumental sections where there is no singing ?