Simulated Board Examination Flashcards
The T4 cells are:
T helpers-inducers
The VDRL antigen consist of:
✅ 0.03% cardiolipin
✅ 0.90% cholesterol
✅ 0.21% lecitin
Hydroxythyl starch (HES) is used in:
In an emergency transfusion where typing and crossmatching cannot be even dine, it is most safe to give:
“O” red cells
Failure to wash RBCs adequately would cause:
False (-) in DAT
Individuals who do not have the Rho(D) factor are classified as:
Rh (-)
Donath-Landsteiner Ab:
Anti-P (cold reactive IgG autoab; PCH)
Stack of coins appearance of red cells:
Rouleaux formation
High titer of anti-smooth muscle antibody (ASMA) is strongly suggestive of:
Chronic Active Hepatitia (CAH)
CEA is correlated with:
Colon cancer
Anti-P us significant in transfusion because:
It has a wide thermal range of reactivity (Ab binds to RBCs in cold and via C’ activation, the coated RBCs lyse as they are warmed to 37’C.
The different classes of the Igs are referred as:
Isotypes (vary depends in constant HC region)
The treponemal Ag used in specific treponemal Ab test is derived from:
Nichols treponeme strain
Slides: Nichols straun of T. pallidum
Sorbent: Extract of nonpathogenuc treponemes (Reiter stain)
A unit of WB produces an increase in Hct in an adult recipient of:
3% Hct (3 to 5%) or 1 to 1.5 g/dL Hgb
Commonly used polyspecific antiglobulin reagent contains:
Anti-IgG, anti-C3d
Acute and convalescent serum samples must show at least how many times increase in Ab titer to be considered significant for a disease:
4x fold increase
DAT detects coating if RBCs by:
IgG or C3d (in vivo
Plasma exchange is efficient and acceptable in the tx if the following diseases:
Myasthenia gravis and Goodpasture syndrome (removal of autoantibodies in plasma);
Waldenstrom’s syndrome (increased plasma globulins)
Schick’s test is used to determine presence of immunity to:
Dick’s test (Scarlet fever)
T-cells refer to:
Thymus-derived cells (t-cells are lymphocytes that matured in the thymus)
Adrenocortical antibodies
Addison’s disease
Antibody to RBCs
Antibody to platelets
Autoimmune Thrombocytopenic purpura
Antibody to Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Crohn’s disease
Antibody to parietal cells / intrinsic factor
Pernicious anemia
Anti-centromere Abs
Anti-salivary duct / lacrimal gland antibodies
Sjögren’s syndrome
Anti-TSH receptor antibodies
Graves disease
Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-microsomal) / thyroglobulin antibodies
Hashimoto’s thyroiditia
Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (antibodies to beta-islet cells of pancreas) / insulin antibodies
Type I DM
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA)
Chronic active hepatitis (CAH)
Peri-nuclear-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Anti-Ach receptors
Myasthenia gravis
Anti-myelin sheath antibodies
Multiple sclerosis
Antibodies to the Fc portion of IgG
Rheumatoid arthritis
Anti-phospholipid / dsDNA antibodies // anti-Sm / DNP
Cartwright Ags are associated with:
Ags enhance by enzyme treatment:
ABO Rh Ii P Lewis Kidd
Pretransfusion samples must be stored at _______ for at least _______ after testing is complete
Stored at 1 to 6’C for at least 7 days after
NBT dye test result that corresponds to a px with CGD:
<50% of the PMNs have blue precipitate
Test for leukocyte movement
Boyden-Chamber assay
Microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum (MHA-To) test uses which of the following reagent Ag:
Tanned formalin sheep RBCs coated with treponemal Ag
AH59 assay is a test for overall deficiencies of the alternative pathway. Reagent RBCs used in this assay is derived from:
Deficiency of which of the following complement components can lead to immune complex disorders such ad LE-like syndromes:
C2 and C4
In gel tube technology, formation of compact agglutination at the top and bottom portion of the gel is graded as:
Mixed field
Inadequate washing in enzyme immunoassays
False (+) results
Fluorescence is the property of some compounds to absorb light of one wavelength and emit light of:
Longer wavelength
Activated B-cells markers:
IgM, IgD on the surface membrane
Blood group that facilitates Helicobacter pylori attachment to gastric mucosa:
Leukocye Common Ag (LCA):
Common ALL Ag (CALLA):
An untransfused patient has an unexpected alloantibody. This type of antibody is most likely:
Naturally occurring Abs
Father: heterozygous type B
Mother: homozygous type A
Possibility of child being type O:
Mose common Rh phenotype among the blacks:
Immunogenicity if Rh Ag:
D > c > E > C > e
Reinactivation of serum:
56’C for 10 minutes
Hemolysis is observed on all of the tubes of a heterophile Ab titer test. This indicates
That the serum was not inactivated
In the Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation, MBP-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) is equivalent to which of the following components of the classical pathway?
MASP-1 is similar to C1r
At alkaline pH, electrophoretic force causes proteins move towards the _______;
Endo-osmotic force causes the proteins to move towards the _______.
Anode; cathode
Proteins (negatively charged) migrate towards the positive electrode — anode
Endo-osmotic force, a force that causes gamma globulins to migrate to cathode.
Differential absorption test for IM, Abs absorbed by guinea pig kidney cells are:
Forsmann Abs
Serum sickness Abs
Rantz and Randall’s macrotechnique for ASO titer determination is based on:
Neutralization reaction
A household bleach solution, prepared upon mixture of 20 mL of Sodium hypochlorite to 2000 mL of water. Final dilution:
Dilution = sample volume / total volume
Non penetrating cryoprotectice agent:
Hydroxy ethyl starch (HES)
Rh phenotype “f” is equivalent to:
Frequency of Kell phenotype:
(K-k+) > (K+k+) > (K+k-)
IgM Abs react best at which temperature:
71.6’F / 22’C
‘C = (‘F - 32) / 1.8
RPR: increase in temperature of the room or environment
False (+)
A type III hypersensitivity reaction that results from a build up of Abs to the animal serum used in some passive immunization:
Serum sickness
During the process of deglycerolization, saline washed RBCs are suspended in a final solution of:
0.9% NaCl + 0.2% dextrose
- 12% NaCl
- 1.6% NaCl
- 0.9% NaCl + 0.2% dextrose
Minimum number of WBC count in a leukopoor platelet preparation:
<8.3 x 10^5
Pooled platelets: 5.0 x 10^6
In ABO grouping, the concentration of RBCs used in forward grouping should be approximately:
2 to 5%
Anti-A: 3+
Anti-B: 0
A1 cells: 1+
B cells: 4+
Subgroup of A with Anti-A1
Consequence of infusing D (+) RBCs into an Rh (-) male recipient with a negative alloantibody screen:
None, the patient will produce anti-D
Donor’s RBCs failed to react with anti-D typing serum;
IAT was done
Anti-D: agglutination
Rh control: no agglutination
The donor is weak D (+); the unit should be labeled Rh (+)
Percentage of Rh (-) children would expect from an R1R1 mother and an R1r father:
Anti-D: (+) Anti-C: (+) Anti-c: (+) Anti-e: (+) Anti-E: (-)
Ab an R1R1 individual make if exposed to an R2R2 blood:
A patient with anti-e should be transfused with:
Paternity testing:
Mother: MM
Child: MN
Alleged father: MM
The alleged father is excluded since he does not have the N gene