Simulated Board Examination Flashcards
Disease that has a high neutrophil alkaline phosphatase score is:
Polycythemia vera
Factors that are removed by absorbing plasma with barium sulfate or aluminum hydroxide:
✅ Factor II
✅ Factor VII
✅ Factor IX
✅ Factor X
Special Hematology test that does NOT require a defibrinated specimen
Sugar water test
The granules and cytoplasm of basophils contain abundant deposits of glycogen. Glycogen stains positively with:
The prothrombin tome indicates defects in the following factors:
✅ Factor I ✅ Factor II ✅ Factor V ✅ Factor VII ✅ Factor X
Specimen required for an autohemolysis test:
Defibrinated blood
When they are visible on Wrights-Geisma stained smears they are called Pappenheimer bodies. What special stain will demonstrate these RBC inclusions?
Perls’ Prussian blue
The red blood cells that are characteristic of iron deficiency anemia: (IDA)
The most characteristic change in polymorphonuclear cell in vitamin B12 deficiency is:
The appearance of red blood cells in the peripheral smear if you have the following indices:
MCV = 110fL
MCH = 30 pg
MCHC = 33 g/dL
Macrocytic, normochronic
(MCV = 80 - 100 fL MCH = 26 - 32 pg MCHC = 27 -34 g/dL)
What cells constitute the second largest population of blood leukocytes and are concerned with the immune defense system?
The immediate precursor of the reticulocyte is:
Orthochromatic normoblast
Calcium is sometimes denoted as ______ although not a coagulation factor.
Factor IV
Reagents that are used for prothrombin time test
Tissue thromboplastin & Iodized calcium
The instrument for coagulation that uses the principle of electromechanical detection in clot formation is:
Anticoagulant that will cause a diffuse blue coloration of the background on blood films stained with a Romanowsky stain:
Erythrocyte metabolic pathway that provides the majority of the energy needed by the RBCs:
Coagulation factor that stabilizes the fibrin clot:
Factor XIII
Which of the following is NOT a Romanowsky-type stain:
⏺ Brilliant cresyl blue
⏺ Giemsa
⏺ Wright
⏺ May-Gunwald
❌ Brilliant cresyl blue
✅ Giemsa
✅ Wright
✅ May-Gunwald
What evacuated tube is needed to collect blood for vitamin B12 determination?
Red top
Acts by forming a complex plasma antithrombin III aand inhibits thrombin and other stages of clotting factor activation
Variation in shape of erythrocyte is called
Rees-Ecker method is used for the following counts:
What test will determine factor VII deficiency?
Prothrombin time
Proteolytic enzyme that acts directly on fibrinogen to form fibrin:
The prothrombin groups are all dependent in:
Vitamin K
Increase in blood platelets:
Cells that are NOT normally seen in peripheral blood smear:
The leukocyte alkaline phosphatase stain is helpful in distinguishing:
Leukemoid reaction from chronic myelogenous leukemia
The LE cell consist of:
Phagocyte and engulfed homogenous basophilic nuclear body
What abnormal red cell shape results from premature release of red blood cells, usually in periods of erythropoietic stress and in circumstances in which accelerated hemoglobin synthesis occurs?
What is the procedure useful in screening large numbers of people for the presence of Hb S? Positive reaction in this procedure is opacity in the solution.
Dithionite solubility test
Hemoglobin D:
121st amino acid of beta chain; glutamine is replaced by glycine
Dilution of anticoagulant in a blue top tube:
For patients under infusion therapy, IV line should be stopped for at least _____ before drawing blood.
2 minutes
Dark staining iron containing granules seen in RBCs of a Wright stained smear is known as:
Pappenheimer bodies
Which of the following is true regarding DIC?
⏺ D-simer test is positive 4 hours after the onset
⏺ Fibrinogen decreases 4 to 24 hours after onset
⏺ It is highly associated with acute Promyelocytic luekemia
⏺ Platelets decrease up to 48 hors after the onset
✅ D-simer test is positive 4 hours after the onset
✅ Fibrinogen decreases 4 to 24 hours after onset
✅ It is highly associated with acute Promyelocytic luekemia
✅ Platelets decrease up to 48 hors after the onset
Cytogenetic abnormality that is associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
t (15;17)
Naegeli leukemia is also known as:
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia
One transferrin is capable of carrying ______ of iron in _____ state.
2 atoms, ferric
In hemolytic anemia, reticulocyte count is usually:
The most common type of myelogenous leukemia is:
Hairy cell leukemia:
B cell chronic leukemia
Formation of this cell results from high cellular sodium and low potassium content: