Simulated Board Examination Flashcards
The common name for Enterobius vermicularis:
Schuffner’s dots are found in the infected erythrocytes of:
Plasmodium vivax
A tapeworm with a spoin shaoe scolex is:
Diphyllobothrium latum
The usual habitat of adult Trichinella spiralis is:
Tania saginata gravid proglottids can be differentiated from Taenia solium by the:
Larger number of uterine branches
Which of the followinf vectors and parasite are correctly matched?
✅ Phlebotomus spp. - Leishmania spp.
✅ Glossina spo. - Trypanosoma gambiense
Which of the following would be compatible for Malarial parasite survival?
❎ Duffy null phenotype
❎ Hgb SS
❎ G6PD deficiency
The following can be demonstrated by Sinc sulfate concentration technique:
✅ D. latum
✅ S. japonicum
❎ A. lumbricoides
❎ T. solium
Cochin China diarrhea is caused by:
Strongyloides stercoralis
Longstanding infection with Clonorchis sinensis is linked to what malignancy?
In what form or stage of Schistosome penetrates the human skin?
Zinc sulfate concentration technique:
Specific gravity of 1.18
D. latum / Broad fish tapeworm:
Only OPERCULATED tapeworm
*Schistosomes: only NON-operculated trematode
Sausage shaped chromatoidal bars
Seen in Entamoeba histolytica CYST