Simple Quantum Algorithms Flashcards
Define parallel computation.
The circuit computes all f(x) at once, though measurement only reveals one. To get more information out, interference is needed.
Describe Deutsch’s algorithm.
How does Deutsch’s algorithm extend to the Deutsch-Joza algorithm?
If f(x) = constant, the measurement produces |0>^n 100% of the time. If f(x) is balanced, measuring the query register will give at least one quibit.
Explain Grover’s search algorithm
How can Grover’s search algorithm be treated as a rotation?
What would Grover’s search algorithm look like for n=2 and M=1. Include the upper bound on the number of itterations.
What would Grover’s search algorithm look like for n=2 and M=1. Include the upper bound on the number of itterations.
How does the quantum Fourier transform act on a state?
How would you verify the circuit diagram show is the Fourier transform circuit?