Simple Models Of Matter Flashcards
What is absoloute zero?
- Lowest possible temp as all patricle have the minimu possible kinetic energy
- -273 degree celcius
What causes a change in temp?
A net transfer of thermal energy
When two blocks are the same temp theyre in
Thermal equillibrium
Specific heat capactiy definition…
Energy needed to raise the temp of 1kg of substance by 1k
Method to find soecific heat capacity?
- equipment: electric heater,thermometer,, with either solid or liquid surrounded by insulating material
- heat so substance increases 10k
- attach ammeter and voltemeter to calculate work done (assuming all is transfereed into thermal energy
What is boyles law?
At constant temp pressure and volume are inversely proportional
How to test boyles law?
1.use a pump, pressure gauge,tube with scale in mm with some oil in
2.The oil traps a pocket of air eith fixed dimentions
3. Tyre pump used to increase pressure and recorded by pressure gauge
4.Record volume at every pressire increase
5.multiply should always give ocnstant in ideal gas
What is charles law?
At constant pressure volume is directly proportional to temperature
How to test charles law?
- Set up capillary tube w a drop of H2SO4 halfway so theres an air collum at bottom of tube.
- Stand in near boiling water and measure length of air collum
- As water cools regularly record length of air collum with temperatures
- Repeat for average
- plot length against temp or volume against temp (volume proportional to length) to get straight line through thr origin
What is the pressure law?
At constant volume pressure of a gas is directly proportional to temperature
Test for pressure law?
- Immeres flask of air in water and connect to gauge using a tube of negligible volume
2.Heat the water and stir for uniform temp and allow time to heet air to same temp as water
3.record temp and pressure from gauge asit cools at regular intervals
5plot pressure against temp - Can extrapolate to find absoloute zero (temp when pressure is zero)
How to find absoloute zero experimentally?
Extropolate pressure against temp graph to find temp when pressure is zero
When does the ideal gas equation work well for real gases?
Low pressures ans high temos
What are the assumptions made for an ideal gas?
- Particles occupy a ngligible volume compared w volume of the container
- collisions are always perfectically elastic
- negligible forces between particles (except in collidions)
- large no of particles that move rapidly and randomly
Explain how to model motion in a gas?
- model by a random walk that assume Each particle starts in one place and moves N steps in random directions to end up spmewhere else
- particles changes direction everytime it collided with another particle
- average distance moved in those steps is modelled by =rootN x length lf one step
What is diffusion?
Net movemtn of particles from a high to a low concentration
Do ideal gases obey newtons 2nd law?
Yes as the collisions are assumed elastic so momentum is conserved
There fore we can use F=mv/t
What does the area under a force time graph show?
Change in momentum/ impulse
What is the root mean square speed and why do we use it?
- Particle are travelling in different directions so average v would be zero
- instead we average squared velocities to give mean square soeed and root this number
Explain why particle velocity is proportional to pressure in an ideal gas?
- faster particle have greater momentum and therefore greater impules in collisions
- this meams greater forces exerted in collisions Fx change in t=change in p
- and less time between collisions as moving faster
- therefore greater pressure as pressure=force/area
Explain why Number of particles is proportional to pressure in an ideal gas?
- More particles means more collisions and every collision excerts a force
- So number of particle proportional to total force and
- Force=pressure/area so greater force grater pressure
Explain why the volume of a container is inversely proportional to pressure?
-if volume of comtainer is smaller
Particles collide more often with container and each other as less distance between them so greater change in momentum per secon whuch increases force F=mv/t
-volume smaller so area smaller
-pressure =force/area therfore greater pressure
What can u estimate about the dimensions particles are travelling in?
Estimate a third are travelling in one direction at one time
Equation to find mean square soeed of particle? What are units?
P in Pa,V in m^3,N is no of particles,m is kg,c is m^2s^-2
What is internal energy?
Sum of kinetic and potential energy of the particles within a system
In an ideal gas what can be said about its internal energy
All kinetic-no potential
What is internal energy proportional to?
As Average energy per particle=kt
What equations do you derive E=kT from?
PV=NKT and PV=1/3Nmc^2