Simple Instruments Flashcards
Smoking is prohibited in/within what distance from the a/c?
50 feet
For Rotary wing IFR flight planning a fuel reserve of how long is required?
30 minutes
Are you allowed to fly into known or forecast moderate icing conditions?
Are you allowed to intentionally fly into known severe turbulence?
What is helicopter SVFR?
1/2 mile vis
Clear of clouds
To file IFR, what weather must meet published wx minimums through 1 hour + ETA?
How long does the weather forecast last before being void?
1 hour 30 minutes
What are the 4 times you may not reduce visibility mins by 50%?
Flying faster than 90kts (Cat A)
Copter Approaches
Approach plates states “Visibility reduction by helicopters NA”
No reduction less than 1/4 mile vis
An alternate airfield is required when filming IFR if: (3)
Weather - predominant wx through ETA + 1 hour is less than (wx plan mins + 400/1)
Radar - Radar is required for the approach
Navaids - Navigational aids are unmonitored
Is an alternate required if radar is required for the approach but descent from en routes minimum altitude for IFR ops can be made in VFR?
An alternate airfield can be used when filling IFR if: (WRNGAS)
Weather - worst wx through ETA+1 hour is better than wx plan mins + 400/1
Radar - is not req for approach
Navaids - monitored
GPS - no req for approach
ANA - not in FLIP
Surface Area Airspace (if class B,C,D,E SFC exists
What are the take-off weather minimums for a pilot without 50 hours Wx time as PC?
100 - 1/4
When does an Army aviator no longer have take-off mins?
at or greater than 50 hours Wx time as PC
What is the minimum WX req to initiate an approach?
When can an aircraft be flown below published MDA or DHA?
Rwy, Appch lights, or landing area in sight & Safe position to land
How long can elapse before a pilot must be given a PFE for currency?
60 days in similar A/C
What clothing and equipment must be worn by crew members when performing crew duties?
leather boots
flight: helmet, suit gloves
cotton/wool/nomex underwear
ID tags
How often must your flight helmet be inspected?
120 days
When is it acceptable to not file IFR?
VFR training Time limit VFR mission Excessive IFR delay Hazardous Weather conditions IFR Single Pilot
If I am 60 NM from a VOR, how wide is the radial?
1 mile
What does the L stand for in L class VOR?
Low altitude (AIM)
What does the H stand for in H class VOR?
High altitude (AIM)
How many degrees off course are you when you have full scale deflection on a VOR approach?
at least 10 degrees
How many degrees off course are you when you have full scale deflection on an ILS approach?
at least 2 and 1/2 degrees
What are the classes of NDBs and what distances are associated with them?
L=15nm MH=25nm H=50nm HH=75nm (AIM)
What does Category A,B,C, etc. mean on an approach?
Its determined by the aircraft speed and usually changes the weather minimums (FAR)
What are the speeds associated with the Category’s?
A: 1-90kts B: 91-120kts C: 121-140kts D: 141-165kts E: 166kts+ (FAR)
Are category speeds determined by Airspeed or Groundspeed?
Airspeed (GP and FAR)
If circling to land using Cat A approach minimums how large is the obstacle clearance area?
1.3nm (AIM)
When do you start a turn on a departure procedure?
400 feet above departure end of the runway (AIM)
What is EFAS - Enroute Flight Advisory Service?
Who - Flight Watch What- In-flight assistance When- 0600 to 2200 Where - 5000' How - 122.0mhz (back of airport facility directory, AIM)
What are the Marker Beacon indications?
OM - blue (Dash, dash, dash, dash)
MM - Amber (dash, dot, dash, dot)
IM - White (dot, dot, dot, dot)
What is PMSV?
Pilot to Metro Service - a direct pilot to WX briefer service. It is used to update Wx or give PIREP.
What is a Precision Approach?
A standard instrument approach procedure that has a glide slope/glidepath
What is an example of a Precision approach?
What is the difference between ILS and a PAR?
On an ILS, the instruments provide the pilot with the election and azimuth information, where on a PAR the Final Controller (ATC) provides the information to the pilot.
What is a Non-precision approach?
A standard instrument approach procedure in which no electronic glide slope is provided.
What is an example of a non-precision approach?
What is a Final Approach Fix (FAF)?
The fix from which the final approach (IFR) to an airport is executed. (the start of the approach)
What is the final approach fix for an ILS/PAR approach?
Glideslope/path intercept
How do you know when you are at the FAF on a PAR?
ATC will announce, “On glide path, begin descent”
What is the FAF for a non-precision approach?
Maltese Cross (x) symbol on government charts
What is a Final Approach Point? (FAP)
The point (on a non-precision app) where the procedure turn is complete and the descent may start.
What is a Missed Approach Point (MAP)?
A point prescribed in each inst. app. procedure (IAP) at which a missed approach procedure shall be executed if the req visual reference does not exist. (end of the approach)
What is the missed approach point for an ILS/PAR app?
On glide path at decision height.
How do you know that you are at the missed approach point on a PAR?
ATC will announce, “At decision height”
What is the missed app point for a non-precision app?
As published on each IAP. (Usually NAVAID station passage or an elapsed time)
On a precision app what is the lowest altitude allowed called?
Decision Height (DH)
On a non-precision app what is the lowest altitude allowed called?
Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA)
How would you depart an airport that does not have a Departure Procedure published?
As directed by the Alternate Takeoff Minimums or if none are published, climb to 400’ HAA before turning.
What is the difference between ADF and NDB?
ADF is in the Aircraft (receiver) and the NDB is on the ground (transmitter)
At a pilot control lighting airport, how do you get Medium intensity lighting?
5 clicks within 5 seconds
How long will the lights stay on after a pilot uses pilot controlled lighting?
15 minutes
What is an ILS critical area?
An area (designated by taxiway markings) that surface vehicles or aircraft operating on the ground, could cause disturbances to the ILS localizer and glide slope courses.
When is this ILS critical area active?
Control tower active and 800’ ceiling, 2 miles visibility
VFR heli ops @ airports
Hover taxi - slow forward movement less than 25’AGL
Air taxi - preferred method (ground ops and conditions permitting), less than 100’AGL
What are the basic ground components of an ILS?
Localizer (LOC)
Glideslope course
Two VHF marker beacons (OM/MM)
Approach lights
What are the main differences between a contact approach and a visual approach?
Contact approach - at pilots request w/in 1 mile vis and clear of clouds
Visual approach - pilot must have airport or proceeding aircraft in sight and proceed VMC
What three things are required to initiate an approach? (COW)
Cleared for the approach
On course
Within the remain within distance
How does an area forecast difference from a terminal forecast?
Area WX is reported in MSL and Terminal WX is reported in AGL.
How often is VFR Sectional updated?
180 days
What do the square ‘ticks’ indicate on airports (VFR sections)
Services available
What does a magenta haze around an airport mean?
What does magenta dotted line around airport mean?
surface based class E airspace (instrument approach and ex reporting)
What does dotted blue line around airport mean?
Class D airspace
What is the difference between Surface E and Class D airspace?
Surface E has wx reporting only,
Class D has both wx reporting and a control tower
What does solid magenta line around airport mean?
Class C
What does slide blue line around airport mean?
Class B
What does the star mean above the airpoirt symbol?
Rotating beacon from sunset to sunrise
What is the difference between Blue and magenta airports?
Blue airport have a control tower
Magenta airports do not
What does a white dot between runways mean if depicted on airport (VFR sectional)
Location of the VOR, VOR-DME, to TACAN
To fly over Class D airspace, what altitude do you have to be at?
above 2,500’ MSL
What is a TAC?
Terminal Area Chart (blown up section of VFR sectional for busy airports)
Where can you find which airports have a TAC available?
Front cover of the VFR Sectional
What does a flag in the airport mean?
It is a VFR check point
What does a purple fan mean?