simile Flashcards
What is a simile?
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.
What is a caesura?
a pause near the middle of a line.
What is a enjambment?
Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break.
What is a tone and tonal shift?
The mood determines if it is a comedy, tragedy, romance or drama. Within a story there are shifts in the tone as the story progresses. These tone shifts are what makes the story exciting, taking the reader through a wide range of emotions.
What is a iambic pentameter?
What Does Iambic Pentameter Sound Like? The simplest example of iambic verse is a human heartbeat, which is a small beat followed by a larger beat: da-DUM. Iambic pentameter, then, sounds something like this: “da DUM, da DUM, da DUM, da DUM, da DUM.”
What is a personification?
the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
What is alliteration?
the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
What is rhyme scheme?
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a poem or song.
What is rhythm?
a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.
What is repetition?
Repetition is when a single word or phrase is used multiple times in short succession for effect. It can help emphasise a point.
What is onomatopoeia?
the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named
What is slang?
a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.
What is colloquial language?
Colloquial language and expressions could be things like informal words, phrases, and slang words. They used by writers to create a sense of community and society.
What is nonsensical language?
speech that is (or appears to be) nonsense. It may include speech sounds that are not actual words, pseudowords, or language games and specialized jargon that seems nonsensical to outsiders.
What is hyperbole?
statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.