sim 1 Flashcards
den ganzen Tag (lang)
all day (long)
Plse, correct this:
you are agree with me
you agree with me
Plse, correct this:
I got new furnitures.
Plse, correct this:
I didn’t had drawing classes at that time
didn’t have
Think of one sentence each for the following words:
actual - current - present
This is not correct. Our actual figures are much higher.
Please, give my the current figures, not the ones from last year.
The present situation in their team is somewhat unpleasnt.
Plse, correct this:
It is the same like last year
same as
Ich habe vor 20 Jahren begonnen auf diesem Gebiet zu arbeiten.
I started working in this area/field twenty years ago.
plse fill in the missing word(s):
our ……… usually deliver excellent work.
They don’t produce these pens; they are just …………
Sie ist gestorben.
She (died) - passed away.
where will you find:
an isle
an island
in an airplane, grocery store
you shouldn’t stand in the isle while people are still boarding
in the middle of an ocean
The island of Mauritius.
Plse, correct this:
it happens a very strong selection.
There is a very strict selection
plse translate:
die meisten
most (of them)
[pAssion] [imAgine] [ItAlian] [Average] [sAd] [rAt]
breiter Umlaut [ä] - wie schweizerdeutsch “Rägeschirm”
Think of a sentence for each of these words:
revise - review - correct
We have revised his speech seven times. I hope it’s ok now.
We have reviewed the documents thoroughly. It is perfect.
We have corrected all the mistakes we could find.
Das ist nicht unbedingt gut
That is not necessarily good.
Plse, correct this:
We have an even lower budget this year, what means that we have to save.
which means
Plse, correct this:
We say our clients that they can expext good work.
we say to our clients / we tell our clients
think of a sentence for each word:
overwhelm - overcome
Sometimes she overwhelms me with her enthusiasm.
In this job he must learn to overcome her shyness.
Plse, correct this:
on the one side we know that, on the other, we ……
on the one hand
Plse, correct this:
I was used to translate without computer.
to translating
Plse, correct this:
we have to do this five or six times the year.
five or six times a year
plse correct:
with the time I learnt how it works
as time passed / as time went by / over time
Plse correct:
I got a couple of information.
…. some information
NEVER: informations
Plse translate
Wir haben lange drüber diskutiert.
We discussed this for a long time.