“Prior to the 1960s it was assumed…that the offender was either a…
man or boy”
Feminist criminologists have argued that… “‘malestream’ criminology was problematic because it did not render visible the….
extent to which offending behaviour is gendered”
“Sentencing outcomes are gendered too, with men being much more likely to be given a custodial sentence for committing an…
indictable offence” (Ashworth 2003)
Connell does take on board feminism but doesn’t accept certain early radical accounts where it is suggested that male dominance and patriarchal structures are…
monolithic and absolute
For Connell, ‘gender relations’ are relational, occurring as a result of social interaction between men and women, rather than from the static categories of
men and women
Connell’s macro level analysis: although there are changeable structural hierarchies and multiple masculinities, men are in a dominant position overall because of…
hegemonic masculinity
Hegemonic masculinity is the notion that a certain form of masculinity is valued more highly than others are at a particular place and time, which in turn legitimates the social domination of…
Hegemonic masculinity is a socially dominant ideal of…
HM encourages men to see the dominant ideal of masculinity as something towards which they..
Messerschmidt (1993) is concerned with recognising a diversity of masculinities, such as youth crime and its interconnection with wider…
structural inequalities
Messerschmidt (1993) shows how masculinities are related to…
power and the division of labour in the context of class and race relations
Messerschmidt (1993) focuses on groups marginalised and excluded from labour markets, but rather than arguing that these push men into crime, he describes how men who cannot access economic and material resources commit crime as a method of…
‘doing masculinity’ and the assertion of manliness
Messerschmidt has looked at particular acts of aggression and related them to
hegemonic masculinity
Byrne and Trew 2005 - researched offender perceptions about their own behaviour and orientation towards crime, they found that a positive orientation towards crime (greater willingness to offend) was more prevalent amongst…
their male than female respondents
Strength of Messerschmidt’s work - he draws attention to different offences and how different men in different classes and ethnic groups define their experiences of crime differently. E.g. white working class masculinities will be different to black masculinities because of their particular experiences of…
labour markets
other localised, content specific socio-economic and political conditions