Sikhism Flashcards
Spiritual leaders
One God, name for God, King of Kings, Master, great one
Golden Temple
Pure gold, pilgrim, every Sikh’s dream
Equality in Sikhism
Everyone is equal in the eyes of god, all sit on the floor
Service in Sikhism
Sharing food, volunteering, cooking, selfless (Sena)
The Guru Granth Sanib
Holy scriptures, human teacher, contains wisdom of teachings of all 10 gurus.
Teachings of the guru, verses
Akhand Path
Readings for important ceremonies
Key Beliefs about God
Always listening
One god
All religions worship the same god but call them different names
Everyone is equal
Home of the Guru
Where Sikh’s worhsip
Most of the live in and how many
20 million live on northwestern India in the Punjab region
How popular is Sikhism?
6th Most Popular Religion
Sikh translation
Disciple or student
How old is Sikhism?
500 years old