Signs & Symptoms of Hematologic/Oncologic Disease Flashcards
Is Venipuncture a Clean or Sterile procedure?
Is a Blood Culture a Clean or Sterile procedure?
Blood cultures look for infection in the blood (bacteria or fungi).
In venipuncture, where would you obtain blood from an adult? A child?
Adult - Cubital fossa
Child - Heel, or Scalp
When would you obtain an Arterial Sample?
When you need fresh blood - for coma & critically ill patients.
Determines gas exchange levels in the blood in relation to respiratory, metabolic, and renal function.
What symptom(s) is/are shared among anemias?
Fatigue & Pallor.
- Pallor on conjunctiva, nails, and lips.
- Oxygen is not getting to body tissues.
What is the minimal laboratory work-up you need to determine anemia?
CBC w/ diff Peripheral Blood Smear (usually)
Where is Multiple Myeloma located?
In the bones, specifically plasma cells
What is in a CBC w/ Differential?
- Hemoglobin (Hgb) - oxygen carrying protein in RBCs
- Hematocrit (Hct) - % of RBCs in blood
- Red blood cell count
- White blood cell count
- Platelet count
- Reticulocyte count - Bone Marrow function assessment
- MCV - measures RBC volume
- MCHC - measures Hgb concentration
- Neutrophils; Neutrophils, Absolute
- Lymphocytes; Lymphocytes Absolute
- Monocytes; Monocytes Absolute
- Eosinophils; Eosinophils Absolute
- Basophils; Basophils Absolute
Normal Peripheral Blood Smear
“A normal peripheral blood smear indicates the appropriate appearance of red blood cells, with a zone of central pallor (of the RBC) occupying about 1/3 of the size of the RBC.” - Utah School of Medicine (see image below)
Iron Deficiency Anemia - CBC example
- Decreased MCV
- Decreased Hgb
- Decreased Hct
Anemic - Hemoglobin Level
- Hgb >13.5g/dL
- (or) Hct <41%
- Hgb <12.0g/dL
- Hct <36%
Falsely Anemic, or normal “H+H” levels in:
- Acute Active Bleeding
- H+H levels may appear normal, but…
- ~36-48 hours after blood loss, you will see the levels decrease due to compensattion
- H+H levels may appear normal, but…
- Pregnancy
- “physiologic” or dilutional anemia
- Volume depletion
- (hemo-concentrated)
Microcytic RBC
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Iron deficiency
- Talassemia
- Lead poisoning
Mean corpuscular volume = avg. volume of RBCs
Macrocytic RBCs
- MCV >100
- Larger RBCs
- Vit. B12 deficiency
- Folate deficiency
Just like this image for reference sake…
Normocytic RBC
- MCV btwn 80-100
- Anemia of chronic disease
Anemia - Low RBC Count
- Fatigue
- Pallor
- Exertional dyspena (compensatory)
- Dyspnea at rest
- Palpitations
- Roaring pulse heard in ears
- Rare: Lethary, confusion, CHF, angina, arrhythmia, AMI
Anemia - Low RBC Count
Other signs of anemia
- Bounding pulses (3+)
- Lymphadenopathy
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Bone tenderness, esp over the Sternum
- Lots of blood cells made in sternum
Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Most common medical disorder WORLDWIDE
- Children = poor diet
- Adults = blood loss (Melena, Menses)
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Signs & Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Cheilitis & glossitis
- Pica & pagophagia
- Koilonychia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Serum Ferritin <15mcg/L
- Increased Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
- Elevated b/c transferritin not binding to iron
Vitamin B12 & Folate Deficiency
- Megoblastic anemias
- High risk for Development:
- Older Adults
- Alcoholics
- Pure Vegans
- Malnourished
- Pts. w/ gastric bypass & GI Diseases
How long does it take Vit. B12 deficiency to develop? Folate?
- Vit B12: Takes years to develop
- Folate: 4-5 months
Work-up for Vit. B12 & Folate Deficiency
- Check Vit. B12 & Folate levels
- If low B12 - not good b/c neurologic issues
- Check Methylmalonate (MMA) & Total Homocysteine levels
- If Vit. B12 Deficiency: Both are elevated
- If Folate Deficiency: Only Total Homocysteine is elevated
Vit. B12 Deficiency
- Decreased proprioception/postion & vibratory sense
- Gait disturbance
- Glossitis
- Anorexia/Diarrhea
- Late Finding: Alerted Mental Status
**Irreversible Neurological Damage can occur if not diagnosed correctly!!
Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- Parenteral B12
Pernicious Anemia
- B12 Deficiency caused by lack of Intrinsic Factors
- Associated with other autoimmune d/o (thyroid & T1DM)
Pernicious Anemia
Signs and Symptoms
- Skin tingling/burning
- Glossitis
- Fatigue, dyspnea
- Leg weakness or spasms
- Imbalance while standing (especially at night)
- Dementia
Pernicious Anemia
Lab Finding
- Antibodies to Intrinsic Factor (IF)
Pernicious Anemia
B12 (intramuscular; shots or pills)
- Genetic Defect
- Impaired production of globin chains
- Beta and Alpha Minor are Asymptomatic
- Beta Major - not good…
- Alpha Major - Incompatible with extra-uterine life
Beta Major
- Profound hypochromic, microcytic anemia w/ bizzare RBC Morphology
- Target Cells
- Heterozygotes - Much more mild symptoms
- Homozygotes - More severe; life-long transfusions